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                教育装备采↓购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大全 > 仪器仪表 > 专用仪器设备 > 航空航天航海仪器


                • STIM210多轴MEMS陀螺
                产品报价: 28000
                高教 职教
                北京 西城区

                STIM210是一款小巧、价格适中、在恶劣环境下仍能可靠工作的高性能硅基MEMS陀螺模组,最多可容纳∮3轴。它不受国际武器贸易协定(ITAR)约束,非常适用于工业、航天及国防领域的平台稳定系统、导航与控制等应用。它重量轻(52g)、启动时间短、全温范围零偏低等优异性能为MEMS陀螺模组树立了行业标杆。模组出厂前经过校准并在全工作温度范围内进行温度补偿它的零偏不稳定性为0.5°/h,ARW小于0.15°/√h,支持外触发输入、数据时间戳和高达 2kHz的采样率。全工作温度范围内的零偏稳定性为10°/h。系统设计者︻会毫不犹豫地选择STIM210来替代大∑且昂贵、脆弱且易磨损的现用光Ψ纤陀螺仪(FOG)、石英或其它▲机械陀螺传感器。

                10°/h bias error over temperature gradients (ΔT≤1°C/min)

                0.5°/h bias instability (Root Allan Variance)

                0.10°/√h ARW (Root Allan Variance)

                52g module weight

                ±400°/s input range

                2000 samples per second

                1500g shock capability


                STIM210 is a multi-axis gyro module with up to 3 axes of highly accurate MEMS
                gyros. Each axis is factory calibrated for bias and sensitivity, and
                compensated for temperature effects. This new design of the STIM200-series
                allows for an improved bias error over temperature gradients (10°/h) and an
                improved non-linearity (nom. 50ppm BSL over FS).

                STIM210 industrialization is realized by combining the
                well proven Sensor ButterflyGyroTM technology with a full digital operation.

                Input range, orthogonality and output formats The STIM210
                full-scale angular rate input range is 400°/s.

                3-axis modules feature electronic axis alignment, further
                improving orthogonality between axis (down to 1mrad).

                Selectable output formats are angular rate, increment
                angle, average angular rate and integrated angle, at sampling rates up to 2000
                samples per second.

                Reliability and robustness STIM210 modules have MTBF >
                120k hours per axis (according to MIL-HDBK 217), outperforming current FOG

                Perfect tuning of excitation and detection frequencies,
                as well as perfectly balanced vibrational masses, result in very low vibration
                and shock sensitivity in any direction.

                Power and Interface The unit is powered by a single +5V
                supply and communicates via a Plug-and-Play high-level RS422 interface at a bit rate of up to 1.84Mbits/s.

                Device configurations and self diagnostics The use of a
                32-bit RISC ARM microcontroller provides flexibility in configuration. Choices
                for output unit, sampling frequency, LP filter cut-off frequency, RS422
                transmission bit rate, line termination ON/OFF, etc. can be done in the Service
                Mode. The Service Mode also provides the ability to perform single measurements
                on demand and access detailed diagnostics information.

                Evaluation kits and kit add-on STIM210 evaluation kits
                for PCI and USB are available. The PCI solution is recommended for thorough
                characterization and device configuration, supporting all RS422 transmission
                bit rates (374400, 460800, 921600 and bits/s).

                The USB solution is recommended for easy evaluation and
                device configuration, supporting default RS422 transmission bit rate (460800

                Application areas STIM210 applications are typically
                found within Industrial, Aerospace and Defence markets, for platform
                stabilizations (for antennas, cameras and various gimbals), attitude heading
                reference systems (AHRSs), inertial navigation systems (INSs for UAVs, AUVs,
                AGVs, UGVs and ROVs), smart munitions, missiles, 3D mapping systems, range finders, trains, robotics, and more.

                For many applications STIM210 can directly replace FOGs
                and improves system solutions with respect to robustness, reliability, size,
                weight, power and cost. STIM210 can also open new markets, where previously it would not have been possible to realize adequate solutions.
