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                HER2 / ErbB2 Phospho (pY877) Antibody

                HER2 / ErbB2 Phospho (pY877) Antibody
                • HER2 / ErbB2 Phospho (pY877) Antibody
                产品报价: 面议

                HER2 / ErbB2 Phospho (pY877) Antibody Rabbit Monoclonal Antibody Cat.# 2265-1 Clone ID: EPR2324YSwiss Prot: P04626 Mol Weight: 180 kDaSize: 100ul


                HER2 / ErbB2 is one of the four members of the ErbB receptor family of transmembrane receptor-like tyrosine kinases (1). The kinase activity of ErbB2 can be activated without ligand if it is overexpressed, and by association with other ErbB proteins (2). Overexpression of ErbB2 is detected in almost 40% of human breast cancers (3). ErbB2 is one of the major targets for the treatment of breast cancer and other carcinomas. Autophosphorylation did not modulate receptor turnover. A Tyr----Phe substitution of ErbB-2 Tyr-877 homologous to pp60c-src Tyr-416 did not alter ErbB-2 biological and biochemical properties, thus excluding the possibility that phosphorylation of this residue, located in the kinase domain, modulates ErbB-2 gp185 catalytic function (4).

                Recommended Applications

                WB, ICC

                Applications and Recommended Dilution Factors
                WB IHC ICC FC IP

                1:500 - 1000   1:50 -100    

                Species Reactivity*
                Human Mouse Rat

                Positive Negative Negative *Cross reactivity determined by western blot only.
                Product Data
                HER2 / ErbB2 Phospho (pY877) Antibody HER2 / ErbB2 Phospho (pY877) Antibody
                A. Western blot analysis on (A,B) HeLa cell lysates or (C,D) SKBR-3 using anti-Phospho-HER2 (pY877) RabMAb (cat. #2265-1), 1:1000 dilution. Cells were either (A,C) untreated (B,D) treated with EGF B. Immunofluorescent staining of SKBR3 cells using anti-Phospho-HER2 Phospho (pY877) RabMAb (cat. # 2265-1).


                A phospho - specific peptide corresponding to residues surrounding tyrosine 877 of human HER2 was used as an immungen. This antibody detects HER2 phosphorylated at tyrosine 877.

                Storage Buffer & Conditions

                50 mM Tris-Glycine (pH 7.4), 0.15 M NaCl, 40% Glycerol, 0.01% sodium azide and 0.05% BSA.

                Alternative Names

                ERBB2, HER2, NEU, NGL, Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2, p185erbB2;C-erbB-2;NEU proto-oncogene;Tyrosine kinase-type cell surface receptor HER2;MLN 19

                Description References

                1. Muthuswamy, S. K., et al. Mol. Cell. Biol. 19: 6845-6857 (1999).
                2. Qian, X., et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91: 1500
                3. Dittadi, R, et al. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 92: 1443-1444 (2000).
                4. Klapper, L. N., et al. Cancer Res. 60: 3384-3388 (2000).
                5. Segatto O, et al. New Biol 2(2):187-95, 1990
