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                教育装备采购▂网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大全 > 仪器仪表 > 电子通信测量仪器及虚拟仪器 > GPS卫星导航

                LEA-6T -0-000 GPS高精度授时模块

                LEA-6T -0-000 GPS高精度授时模块
                • LEA-6T -0-000 GPS高精度授时模块
                产品报价: 面议
                LEA-6T 2011年全新模块

                50通道的u - blox公司6接收机

                GPS C / A码
                GALILEO L1 open service (with upgrade)

                SBAS: WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS, GAGAN

                Acquisition1 LEA-6H/6S的LEA - 6A
                冷启动:28第32 s
                暖启动:28第32 s
                Sensitivity3 LEA-6H/6S的LEA - 6A条
                跟踪:高达-160 dBm高达-160 dBm
                重新获得:高达-160 dBm高达-160 dBm
                冷启动:-147 dBm的-146 dBm的
                30 ns的定时精度均方根
                A - GPS的支持和网上的AssistNow
                的AssistNow Offline,
                支持OMA SUPL标准
                工作温度。-40 ° C至85℃
                贮藏温度。-40 ° C至85℃

                ? Precision Timing:
                - 2 timepulse outputs (up to 10 MHz)
                - Output timepulse with at least one satellite in view
                - Stationary mode for GPS timing operation
                - Time mark of external event inputs
                ? Raw data
                ? Onboard non-volatile memory for configuration storage
                ? UART, USB and DDC (I2C compliant) interfaces
                ? Onboard RTC Crystal for faster warm and hot starts
                ? u-blox 6 position engine:
                - Navigate down to -160 dBm and -147 dBm coldstart
                - Configurable power management
                - Hybrid GPS/SBAS engine (WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS, GAGAN)
                - Up to 5 Hz navigation rate
                - Anti-jamming technology
                ? A-GPS: AssistNow Online and AssistNow Offline services,
                OMA SUPL compliant
                ? Backward compatible (hardware and firmware); easy
                migration from LEA-5T or LEA-4T
                ? Based on AEC-Q100 qualified GPS chips
                ? Manufactured in ISO/TS 16949 certified sites
                ? LCC package for reliable and cost effective manufacturing
                ? Operating temperature range: -40 to 85°C
                The LEA-6T provides precision GPS timing for demanding
                positioning applications such as femto cells and WiMAX basestations.
                This module features user configurable frequency
                output and timepulse. An accuracy of up to 15 ns is achievable
                by using the quantization error information to compensate the
                granularity of the time pulse. The LEA-6T features a time mode
                function whereby the GPS receiver assumes a stationary 3D
                position, whether programmed manually or determined by an
                initial self-survey.
                During stationary operation GPS timing is possible with only
                one visible satellite. This means that time can be output even
                under adverse signal conditions or in environments with poor
                sky visibility. A built-in time mark and counter unit provide
                precise time measurement of external event inputs. T-RAIM
                (Timing Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring) is available
                to detect faulty GPS measurements. Raw data is also provided.
                LEA-6T modules are based on AEC-Q100 qualified GPS chips
                and are manufactured in ISO/TS 16949 certified sites. Qualification
                tests on LEA-6T modules are performed as stipulated in
                the ISO16750 standard: “Road vehicles – Environmental conditions
                and testing for electrical and electronic equipment”.
                ? Microsoft? certified USB driver
                Receiver type 50-channel u-blox 6 engine
                GPS L1 C/A code
                SBAS: WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS, GAGAN
                Navigation update rate up to 5 Hz
                Accuracy1 Position 2.5 m CEP
                SBAS 2.0 m CEP
                Acquisition1 Cold starts: 29 s
                Aided starts2: < 1 s
                Hot starts: < 1 s
                Sensitivity3 Tracking: –160 dBm
                Reacquisition: –160 dBm
                Cold starts: –147 dBm
                Hot starts: –156 dBm
                1 All SV @ –130 dBm
                2 Dependent on aiding data connection speed and latency
                3 Demonstrated with a good active antenna
                Electrical data
                Timing accuracy RMS 30 ns
                99% < 60 ns
                Granularity 21 ns
                Compensated 15 ns4
                4 Quantization error information can be used to compensate the granularity
                Power supply 2.7-3.6 V
                Power consumption 119 mW @ 3.0 V (Max. Performance)
                115 mW @ 3.0 V (Eco mode)
                Backup power 1.4-3.6 V, 25 μA
                Supported Antennas Active and passive
                Antenna power External or internal VCC_RF
                Antenna supervision Integrated short-circuit detection and
                antenna shutdown, open circuit detection
                with minimal external circuitry
                Serial interfaces 1 UART
                1 USB V2.0 full speed 12 Mbit/s
                1 DDC (I2C compliant)
                Digital I/O 2 configurable timepulse
                1 EXTINT input
                1 reset
                Serial and I/O voltages 2.7-3.6 V
                Timepulse Configurable 1/60 Hz to 10 MHz
                Time mark / Counter 1 Input
                Protocols NMEA, UBX binary
                Operating temp. –40° C to 85° C
                Storage temp. –40° C to 85° C
                Humidity JEDEC MSL 4
                RoHS compliant (lead-free)