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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类∴大全 > 实验室设备 > 实验仪器及卐装置 > 其它实验仪器及装置 > 其他实验仪器及装置

                Milli-Q Academic超纯■水系统〖

                Milli-Q Academic超纯水系统
                • Milli-Q Academic超纯水系统
                产品报价: 面议

                Milli-Q Academic超纯水系统

                The Milli-Q Academic water purification system utilizes the standard three-steps purification process - pretreatment, application specific polishing and final filtration - to produce Type 1, reagent-grade water suitable for all general laboratory applications.

                The successful production of high-purity water depends on the careful integration of system design, purification processes, and periodic maintenance for control of water quality parameters. Milli-Q systems include a high-precision resistivity meter to measure trace ionic contaminants.

                A three-step purification process and periodic recirculation of water ensure delivery of high-purity water immediately upon demand. Millipore systems also include a backlit, integrated display that allows for water quality monitoring and tracking of system maintenance requirements. Components of Milli-Q systems are constructed of clean, high-purity materials to minimize extractable contaminants.

                Q-Gard1 is recommended for water pre-treated by Elix, RiOs systems or distillation. It contains high quality Jetpore mixed-bed ion-exchange resin and Organex.

                Q-Gard 2 is recommended for deionized water. It contains a microfilter for particulate removal, activated carbon for organics adsorption and mixed-bed ion-exchange resin for ion removal.

                Q-Gard 3 is recommended for deionized water with a high fouling index, i.e. with a high concentration of colloids (such as colloidal silica), articulates and organics. It contains macroporous ion-exchange resin that has less sensitivity to fouling but also lower ion-exchange binding kinetics and capacity.

                Quantum application specific cartridges remove ionic and organic contaminants down to trace levels: select the Quantum IX cartridge to achieve trace levels of ionic contaminants; the Quantum EX cartridge for trace levels of ionic and organic contaminants; or the Quantum VX, if the application requires ultra-low levels of volatile organic contaminants.

                Final purification of ultrapure water is carried out at the point-of-use by a pharmaceutical-grade, absolute 0.22 μm Millipak membrane filter that is recommended for most analytical applications.

                Milli-Q Academic is available as a stand alone system, but can also be connected t to a remote point of water delivery with water recirculation to the delivery point and a built-in water quality indicator.

                Product Water Quality
                Parameter Value
                Resistivity 18.2 MΩ.cm @ 25 °C
                TOC < 10 ppb
                Microorganisms < 0.1 cfu/ml after Millipak or BioPak
                Flow rate 1.5 L/min

                Product Dimensions
                Parameter Value
                Height, cm (in.) 44.5 (17.52)
                Width, cm (in.) 29 (11.41)
                Depth,cm (in.) 33.6 ( 13.23)
                Operating weight, kg (lb.) 16 (35.27)

                Feed water Specifications
                Parameter Value
                Feed Water type Pure water produced by reverse osmosis (RiOs), EDI (Elix), Distillation or deionization(DI)
                Feed Water Conductivity < 100 μS/cm @ 25 °C
                Feed Water TOC < 50 ppb
                Feed Water pressure From 0 to 0.3 bar
                Feed Water temperature 5 to 35° C.
