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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大全 > 实验室设备 > 实验室耗〖材 > 生化仪器专用配件及消耗品

                KAPA 高保真↓热启动酶 KAPAHiFi? HotStart

                KAPA 高保真○热启动酶  KAPAHiFi? HotStart
                • KAPA 高保真热启动∞酶  KAPAHiFi? HotStart
                产品报价: 面议

                产品编号 产品名称 产品描述 产品规格 KK2101 HiFi High fidelity 100 units,200reactions KK2102 HiFi High fidelity 250 units,500reactions KK2501 HiFi Hot Start High fidelity 100 units,200reactions KK2502 HiFi Hot Start High fidelity 250 units,500reactions KK2601 HiFi Hot Start Readymix (100 x 25 ul rxn) 100 r

                 KAPA高保真热启▆动酶(KAPAHiFi™ HotStart)是二代基因工程酶,保真性强,活力超高。基因工程改造后的KAPA高保真ω 热启动酶,可以提高扩增产物的产量、酶的灵敏度、扩增速度、目标片段长度,扩增复杂模板〓的能力。




                KAPA 高保真热启动酶  KAPAHiFi? HotStart

                图1.KAPA高保真酶扩增的出错率是野生型Taq酶的1/30,是Taq blends的1/10,是野生型Pfu的1/3。

                KAPA 高保真热启动酶  KAPAHiFi? HotStart

                     Figure 2. Amplification of hgDNA targets up to 11 kb. Each target was amplified from a descending range of template hgDNA concentrations (50 ng to 0.5 ng per reaction). Reactions (25 μl each) were performed using standard 3-step cycling profiles (35 cycles): 20 sec denaturation, 15 sec annealing, and 30 sec/kb extension time. Total reaction time for the 11 kb amplicon was 3h 50mins. 12.5 μl of each reaction was loaded on the gel.

                KAPA 高保真热启动酶  KAPAHiFi? HotStart

                     Figure3.  2 kb lambda phage target amplified from a 10 fold dilution series starting from 10 ng down to 10 fg using KAPAHiFi™ HotStart DNA Polymerase with Fidelity Buffer, fusion technology polymerase, and polymerase blend systems. All reactions (25 μl each) were performed using manufacturers’ protocols and buffers, with standard 3-step cycling profiles (35 cycles). 12.5 μl of each reaction was loaded on the gel.




                     Figure 4. Amplification of AT- and GC-rich, single-copy human genomic targets. Seven single-copy gene fragments representing a range of GC content were used to compare the robustness of KAPAHiFi™ HotStart DNA Polymerase against a panel of competitor high fidelity DNA polymerases and polymerase blends. Amplicons range between 0.5 kb and 0.7 kb in length and ranged from 47% to 84% GC content. All reactions (25 μl each) contained 50 ng human genomic DNA as template and were performed using manufacturers’ protocols and buffers, with standard 3-step cycling profiles (35 cycles). 12.5 μl of each reaction was loaded on the gel.


                产品详情请登录网站:www.kapabiosystems.com 或者联系我司客服:
                KAPA Biosystems是美国著名的生物技术公司,通过直接分子进化平台研制打造出的第二代高性能Taq酶。KAPA第二代Taq酶有▲以下优点:(1)对Taq酶抑制剂不敏感,可用于非常规PCR扩增;(2)扩增速度、灵敏性、高保真性均由于市面上其他的同类产品,且非常好的适用于高通量快速PCR;(3)扩增速度最快可达到 1sec/kb,与其他野生型或热启动Taq酶相比,可以节省20-70%的反⊙应时间;(4)与市面上々所有的PCR仪兼容。
                产品代码 产品 应用 规格 价格
                KK2101 高保真酶 Low error PCR 100 units,200reactions 电询
                KK2102 高保真酶 Low error PCR 250 units,500reactions 电询
                KK2501 热启动高保真酶 Low error PCR 100 units,200reactions 电询
                KK2502 热启动高保真酶 Low error PCR 250 units,500reactions 电询
                KK2601 热启动高保真酶Ready Mix Low error PCR 100 rxn 电询
                KK2602 热启动高保真酶Ready Mix Low error PCR 500 rxn 电询
                KK4600 通用型SYBR快速定量 qPCR 1 ml,100reactions 电询
                KK4601 通用型SYBR快速定量 qPCR 5 ml,500reactions 电询
                KK4602 通用型SYBR快速定量 qPCR 10 ml,1000reactions 电询
                KK4603 ABI Prism SYBR快速定量 qPCR 1 ml,100reactions 电询
                KK4604 ABI Prism SYBR快速定量 qPCR 5 ml,500reactions 电询
                KK4605 ABI Prism SYBR快速定量 qPCR 10 ml,1000reactions 电询
                KK4606 Bio-Rad SYBR快速定量 qPCR 1 ml,100reactions 电询
                KK4607 Bio-Rad SYBR快速定量 qPCR 5 ml,500reactions 电询
                KK4608 Bio-Rad SYBR快速定量 qPCR 10 ml,1000reactions 电询
                KK4609 Roche 480 SYBR快速定量 qPCR 1 ml,100reactions 电询
                KK4610 Roche 480 SYBR快速定量 qPCR 5 ml,500reactions 电询
                KK4611 Roche 480 SYBR快速定量 qPCR 10 ml,1000reactions 电询
                KK4650 通用型☉一步法SYBR Fast qRT-PCR 1ml(100x20µL Reactions) 电询
                KK4651 通用型一步】法SYBR Fast qRT-PCR 5ml (500x20µL Reactions) 电询
                KK4652 通用型一步法SYBR Fast qRT-PCR 10ml (1000x20µL Reactions) 电询
                KK4660 ABI Prism一步法SYBR快速定量 qRT-PCR 1ml(100x20µL Reactions) 电询
                KK4661 ABI Prism一步法SYBR快速定量 qRT-PCR 5ml (500x20µL Reactions) 电询
                KK4662 ABI Prism一步法SYBR快速定量 qRT-PCR 10ml (1000x20µL Reactions) 电询
                KK4670 Bio-Rad 一步法SYBR快速定量 qRT-PCR 1ml(100x20µL Reactions) 电询
                KK4671 Bio-Rad 一步法SYBR快速定量 qRT-PCR 5ml (500x20µL Reactions) 电询
                KK4672 Bio-Rad一步法SYBR快速定量 qRT-PCR 10ml (1000x20µL Reactions) 电询
                KK4680 Roche 480一步法SYBR快速定量 qRT-PCR 1ml(100x20µL Reactions) 电询
                KK4681 Roche 480一步法SYBR快速定量 qRT-PCR 5ml (500x20µL Reactions) 电询
                KK4682 Roche 480一步法SYBR快速定量 qRT-PCR 10ml (1000x20µL Reactions) 电询
                KK4701 通用型PROBE快速定量 qPCR 1 ml,100reactions 电询
                KK4702 通用型PROBE快速定量 qPCR 5 ml,500reactions 电询
                KK4703 通用型PROBE快速定量 qPCR 10 ml,1000reactions 电询
                KK4705 ABI PrismTMPROBE快速定量 qPCR 1 ml,100reactions 电询
                KK4706 ABI PrismTMPROBE快速定量 qPCR 5 ml,500reactions 电询
                KK4707 ABI PrismTMPROBE快速定量 qPCR 10 ml,1000reactions 电询
                KK4709 Bio-Rad PROBE快速定量 qPCR 1 ml,100reactions 电询
                KK4710 Bio-Rad PROBE快速定量 qPCR 5 ml,500reactions 电询
                KK4711 Bio-Rad PROBE快速定量 qPCR 10 ml,1000reactions 电询
                KK5023 第二◥代超强DNA聚合酶 Difficult templates   High GC 100 units 电询
                KK5024 第二代超强DNA聚合酶 Difficult templates   High GC 250 units 电询
                KK5004 第二代超强DNA聚合酶 Universal enzyme 100 units 电询
                KK5005 第二代超强DNA聚合酶 Universal enzyme 250 units 电询
                KK5522 第二代热◢启动超强DNA聚合酶 Difficult templates    High GC 100 units 电询
                KK5515 第二代热启动超强DNA聚合酶 Difficult templates    High GC 250 units 电询
                KK5517 第二代热启动超强DNA聚合酶 Universal enzyme 500 units 电询
                KK5525 第二代热启动超强DNA聚合酶 Universal enzyme 2500 units 电询
                KK5532 第二代热启动超强DNA聚合酶 Universal enzyme 100 units 电询
                KK5516 第二代热启动超强DNA聚合酶 Universal enzyme 250 units 电询
                KK5518 第二代热启动超强DNA聚合酶 Universal enzyme 500 units 电询
                KK5701 第二代热启动超强DNA聚合酶ReadyMix   100reactions 电询
                KK5702 第二代热启动超强DNA聚合酶ReadyMix   500reactions 电询
                KK5020 第二代快速DNA聚合酶 Universal enzyme 100 units 电询
                KK5021 第二代快速DNA聚合酶 Universal enzyme 250 units 电询
                KK5008 第二代快速DNA聚合酶 Fast and Robust 100 units 电询
                KK5009 第二代快速DNA聚合酶 Fast and Robust 250 units 电询
                KK5523 第→二代热启动快速DNA聚合酶 Fast and Robust 100 units 电询
                KK5503 第二代热启动◥快速DNA聚合酶 Fast and Robust 250 units 电询
                KK5501 第二代热启动≡快速DNA聚合酶 Fast and Robust 500 units 电询
                KK5519 第二代热启动快速DNA聚合酶 Fast and Robust 2500 units 电询
                KK5530 第二代热启动快速DNA聚合酶 Fast and Robust 100 units 电询
                KK5502 第二代热启动快速DNA聚合酶 Fast and Robust 250 units 电询
                KK5500 第二代热启动快速DNA聚合酶 Fast and Robust 500 units 电询
                KK5513 第二代热启动快速DNA聚合酶(Buffer无Mg) Fast and Robust 250 units 电询
                KK5511 第二代热启动快速DNA聚合酶(Buffer无Mg) Fast and Robust 500 units 电询
                KK5512 第二代热启动快速DNA聚合酶(Buffer无Mg) Fast and Robust 250 units 电询
                KK5510 第二代热启动快速DNA聚合酶(Buffer无Mg) Fast and Robust 500 units 电询
                KK5603 第二代热启动快速DNA聚合酶ReadyMix Fast and Robust 100 rxn 电询
                KK5601 第二代热启动快速DNA聚合酶ReadyMix Fast and Robust 500 rxn 电询
                kk5801 第二代热启动快速DNA聚合酶多重扩增试剂盒 Fast and Robust 100 rxn 电询
                kk5802 第二代热启动快速DNA聚合酶多重扩增试剂盒 Fast and Robust 500 rxn 电询
                KK7002 血液直接扩增试剂盒A Whole Blood PCR 500 rxn 电询
                KK7003 血液直接扩增试剂盒B Whole Blood PCR 500 rxn 电询
                KK7004 血液直接扩增试剂盒A Whole Blood PCR 1000 rxn 电询
                KK7005 血液直接扩增试剂盒B Whole Blood PCR 1000 rxn 电询
                KK7100 DNA快速提取试剂盒   50 rxn 电询
                KK7101 DNA快速提取试剂盒   100 rxn 电询
                KK7102 DNA快速提取试剂盒   250 rxn 电询
                KK7103 DNA快速提取试剂盒   500 rxn 电询
                KK7151 DNA快速提取试剂盒+2G Robust ReadyMix   100 rxn combo 电询
                KK7152 DNA快速提取试剂盒+2G Robust ReadyMix   500 rxn combo 电询
                KK7302 DNA Extraction Kit + Readymix with dye Genotyping 500 rxn 电询
                KK7352 DNA Extraction Kit + Readymix with dye Genotyping 500 rxn 电询
                KK1014 KAPA Taq酶 Standard PCR 250 units 电询
                KK1015 KAPA Taq酶   500 units 电询
                BK1000 KAPA Taq酶   2500 units 电询
                BK1002 KAPA Taq酶   5000 units 电询
                KK1008 KAPA Taq酶   250 units 电询
                KK1016 KAPA Taq酶   500 units 电询
                BK1001 KAPA Taq酶   2500 units 电询
                BK1003 KAPA Taq酶   5000 units 电询
                KK1006 KAPA Taq酶ReadyMix   250 rxn 电询
                KK1020 KAPA Taq酶(Buffer w/ loading dye)   250 units 电询
                KK1022 KAPA Taq酶(Buffer w/ loading dye)   500 units 电询
                BK1004 KAPA Taq酶(Buffer w/ loading dye)   2500 units 电询
                BK1006 KAPA Taq酶(Buffer w/ loading dye)   5000 units 电询
                KK1021 KAPA Taq酶(Buffer w/ loading dye)   250 units 电询
                KK1023 KAPA Taq酶(Buffer w/ loading dye)   500 units 电询
                BK1005 KAPA Taq酶(Buffer w/ loading dye)   2500 units 电询
                BK1007 KAPA Taq酶(Buffer w/ loading dye)   5000 units 电询
                KK1024 KAPA Taq酶ReadyMix,(Buffer w/ loading dye)   250 rxn 电询
                KK1508 热启动Taq酶   250 units 电询
                KK1510 热启动Taq酶   500 units 电询
                KK1513 热启动Taq酶   2500 units 电询
                KK1509 热启动Taq酶   250 units 电询
                KK1511 热启动Taq酶   500 units 电询
                KK1512 热启动Taq酶without buffers   2500 units 电询
                KK1007 dNTPs Kit (indv. components)   4 x 100mM 电询
                KK1017 dNTPs 10 mM Mix   500 ul 电询
                KK6003 400,000 U/ml concentration Cloning 50 rxn 电询
                KK6004 400,000 U/ml concentration   250 rxn 电询
                KK6005 2,000,000 U/ml concentration   10 rxn 电询
                KK6006 2,000,000 U/ml concentration   50 rxn 电询
                KK6101 Rapid Ligation Kit   50 rxn 电询
                KK6102 Rapid Ligation Kit   150 rxn 电询
                KK6302 KAPA Universal DNA Ladder 1ml   200 lanes 电询
                KK6303 KAPA Universal DNA Ladder 5ml   1000 lanes 电询
                KK6304 KAPA Express DNA Ladder 1ml   200 lanes 电询
                KK6305 KAPA Express DNA Ladder 5ml   1000 lanes 电询
                KK2611 高保真二代测序文库扩增   50rxn 电询
                KK2612 高保真二代测序文库扩增   250rxn 电询
                KK2701 高保真∮二代测序文库实时定量扩增   50rxn 电询
                KK2702 高保真二代测序文库实时定量扩增   250rxn 电询
                KK8200 Illumina二代▃测序平台文库准备   10个文库 电询
                KK8201 Illumina二代测序平台文库准备   50个文库 电询
                KK8220 Illumina二代测序平台文库准备(实时定量扩增)   10个文库 电询
                KK8221 Illumina二代测序平台文库准备(实时定量扩增)   50个文库 电询
                KK4820 Roche 454 FLX-SYBR Fast Universal   Each 电询
                KK4821 Roche 454 Titanium-SYBR Fast Universal   Each 电询
                KK4823 ABI SOLiD-SYBR Fast Universal   Each 电询
                KK4824 Illumina GA with revised primers-SYBR Fast Universal   Each 电询
                KK4830 Roche 454 FLX-SYBR Fast ABI Prism   Each 电询
                KK4831 Roche 454 Titanium-SYBR Fast ABI Prism   Each 电询
                KK4833 ABI SOLiD-SYBR Fast ABI Prism   Each 电询
                KK4835 Illumina GA with revised primers-SYBR Fast ABI Prism   Each 电询
                KK4840 Roche 454 FLX-SYBR Fast Bio-Rad iCycler   Each 电询
                KK4841 Roche 454 Titanium-SYBR Fast Bio-Rad iCycler   Each 电询
                KK4843 ABI SOLiD-SYBR Fast Bio-Rad iCycler   Each 电询
                KK4844 Illumina GA with revised primers - SYBR Fast Bio-Rad I Cycler   Each 电询
                KK4850 Roche 454 FLX-SYBR Fast Roche Light Cycler480   Each 电询
                KK4851 Roche 454 Titanium-SYBR Fast Roche Light Cycler 480   Each 电询
                KK4853 ABI SOLiD-SYBR Fast Roche Light Cycler480   Each 电询
                KK4854 Illumina GA with revised primers-SYBR Roche Light Cycler   Each 电询
                KK4201 qPCR HRM Kits High Resolution Melt 1ml 电询
                KK4202 qPCR HRM Kits High Resolution Melt 5ml 电询
                KK4203 qPCR HRM Kits High Resolution Melt 10ml 电询


                KAPA 高保真热启动酶  KAPAHiFi? HotStart
