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                【政府采购〒艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——李伍久⌒精品手绘

                教育装备采购网 2022-05-05 10:10 围观0次

                【政府采购艺术♀家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——李伍久精品手绘▓


                  Li Wujiu, Bai nationality, born in 1938, is from Meiyuan, Jianchuan, Yunnan. Member of the Communist Party of China, senior middle school teacher. He has been engaged in education, teaching and research work in the Nujiang River all his life, and has successively won the honorary titles of "Advanced Educator" and "Advanced Teaching Research Worker" in Yunnan Province. Amateur loves literature and music, there are new poems, prose, songs, songs and dances, fairy tales, novels, poems, calligraphy and painting, family education literary theories, teaching and research papers, poetry and writing papers and other works have come out, and many awards and publications. He is a member of Yunnan Writers Association and Calligraphy Association, and an artist certified by the Ministry of Culture in ISC2000. He has successively won the "Famous Poetry Master", "National First-Class Artist", "National Gift Special Artist", "Republic Outstanding Artist", "Chinese National Soul Art Master", "Republic of China" "People's Artist", "Chinese National Ritual Calligraphy Master", "China's Dean of Artists", "National Treasures of Artists", "World Chinese Model", "Top Ten Most Influential Artists in the World", "UNESCO Art Advisor", "World Artists" "Top Ten Hall-level Artists" and other honorary titles, and ranks among the world's hall-level art masters. His calligraphy works were invited to be compiled into the "Times Model Art Museum", and he was invited twice to accompany Chairman Xi's important pictures and texts into the "Character of the Times" desk calendar supervised by the State Administration of Compilation and Translation in 2020 and the 2022 State Administration of Radio, Film and Television. The "People's Daily Official Lunar New Year Desk Calendar" is a great honor!

                【政府采购→艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——李伍久精品手绘

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                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——李伍久精品手绘

                雄狮 · 巨龙138x68cm 1998年

                来源:大众文化网 责任编辑:王道 我要投稿



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