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                【政府》采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——王良虎精品手绘

                教育装备采购网 2022-04-20 15:07 围观1次

                  纵观古今,“大师”所出,千百年难遇,若出,必是承载历史重任的传奇人物。先不论其他,单说中国传统书画界,上溯晋唐,下传明清, 攻书画者甚多,能称大师者寥寥,而近现代,更是所出无几。虽沉寂多时,然天公却未负“不拘一格降人才”之重任,为当代中国书画界降下一位当之无愧的大师级艺术家——王良虎。


                【政府采购艺≡术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——王良虎精品手绘

                  王良虎,男,字添翼,号凯风,祖籍安徽安庆。当代著名书法家◣,高级书法师,书法大师王学仲教授关门弟子,中央美术学院书法系客座教授,全国书画艺术委员会副主席,中国书法家协会会员,联合国亚洲文化艺术家联合会常务理事,上海市书法家协会第六届主席团成员、草书专委会副主任,上海榜书研究院名誉院长,俄罗斯彼得大帝科学与艺术研究院院士,苏富比国际艺术研究院终身研究员,一带一路国际论坛组委会顾问,2021年以《中国梦》霸屏□ 高铁站,恭喜全国人民新春吉祥。值此建党百年之际,被授予“50年党龄艺术楷模”荣誉称号。



                  Wang Lianghu, male, styled Tianyi, alias Kaifeng, ancestral home in Anqing, Anhui province. Famous contemporary calligrapher, senior calligraphy, calligraphy master professor Wang Xuezhong close disciple, a visiting professor at the department of central academy of fine arts calligraphy, vice chairman of the national painting and calligraphy art committee, member of Chinese calligrapher's association, the United Nations Asian culture artists association, standing director of Shanghai calligrapher association, deputy director of the sixth session of members of the presidium, cursive branch, Honorary president of Shanghai Baotushu Research Institute, academician of Peter the Great Institute of Science and Art in Russia, lifelong researcher of Sotheby's International Art Institute, consultant of the Organizing Committee of the Belt and Road International Forum. In 2021, the Chinese Dream will screen the high-speed railway station, congratulating the Chinese people on the auspicious Chinese New Year. On the occasion of the centenary of the founding of the Party, he was awarded the honorary title of "Art model of 50 years of party life".

                  He has been to more than a dozen countries to hold personal calligraphy exhibitions and art exchanges. He has won the "First Calligraphy Prize of The French World Art Exhibition", the "Contribution to the International Culture of Peace" award of the New York Association of UNESCO, the Us-China International Chamber of Commerce, the "Artist of Peace Award", the Anglo-Chinese "Art Lifetime Achievement Award", Belarus State Cultural Union "Belarusian Culture and Art Contribution Highest Award", The Kingdom of Thailand: "Issued by the prince of popular guess art exchange contribution to the highest award", the ministry of culture "in artistic contribution award", Ukraine china-japan friendship JiaoLiuZhan, national calligraphy art festival, China education television "outstanding artistic figures in the ink painters" award and so on many awards, was awarded the "China intellectual property cultural ambassador", the creation of cursive script series with two BangShu si column copyright, Received the copyright protection of the National Copyright Administration, won the title of Inheritor of Chinese traditional Art (Intangible Heritage), won the "Lanting Lifetime Achievement Award", the international China public welfare ceremony "image Ambassador" title, was awarded the "United Nations ACAA Art Peace Ambassador" honor on the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations.

                  Many of his works have been carried "Shenzhou" series of spacecraft for many times, and many of his works have been collected by the Great Hall of the People, the Military Museum, the National Library, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China and other institutions, as well as foreign prime ministers, ambassadors and other celebrities.

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——王良虎精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——王良虎精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——王良虎精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——王良虎精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——王良虎精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——王良虎精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——王良虎精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——王良虎精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——王良虎精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——王良虎精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——王良虎精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——王良虎精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——王良虎精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——王良虎精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——王良虎精品手绘

                来源:王良虎 责任编辑:王道 我要投稿



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