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                教育装备采购网 2020-07-03 17:47 围观869次


                  Because of the epidemic, the entrance examination for the senior high school has been postponed. Some people predict that the exam this year will be simpler than in previous years. Will the fight against the epidemic be the hotpot appearing in the political subject of senior high school entrance examination? What are the major changes in the content of the entrance exams for the three major subjects this year?  With 10 days left, how can a sprint be the most effective? What is the scoring strategy for each subject in the senior high school entrance examination?

                  答案来啦!天行创世纪学校推出“三大把关名师 助力中考提分”中考备考大型公益讲座——中考备考大讲堂来啦!

                  The answer is coming!  Teensen Genesis School launched a lecture named "Three Great Masters, Facilitating to Achieve Scores in Senior High School Entrance Examination", a large-scale public welfare lecture for senior high school entrance examination preparation.


                  Here are Nanchang City’s three masters in junior high schools majoring in linguistics, mathematics and English. These three master teachers will share their ideas on test preparation and scoring strategies and skills; personally resolve your children’s doubts and troubles in the process of filling application for the senior high schools and analyze the admissions policies. The lecture will guide you in the maze on your children’s  way to an ideal senior high school.



                Lecture Time: 9am on 5th July



                Lecture Location: Lecture Hall in Teensen Genesis School, No.499 Qicai Road, Wanli, Nanchang



                咨询电话:191 0016 6751 李老师

                Hotline: 191 0016 6751 Mrs. Lee


                Lecture Professors


                  中学高级老师,国家奥林匹克大赛优秀指导教师,从事中考数学研究30年,原三中奥星班教师,现江科附中首届初三毕业班老师,多年中招㊣ 志愿填报指导专家。

                  Xiong Xiaohan: Senior middle school teacher, excellent instructor in the National Olympiad Games, engaged in mathematics research for the middle school entrance examination for 30 years, the former teacher of the Olympic Star class of No. 3 Middle School, now the teacher of the first junior third graduation class of Jiangxi University of Technology High School. He is also an expert in the guidance for the applications filling of senior high schools for many years.



                  Fang Lei: successively served as the group leader and grade group leader of Nanchang No. 2 Middle School; the Chinese language group leader, grade group leader and deputy director of the office of the  Xinyuan Middle School in Nanchang; and the dean of Lide Chaoyang Middle School in Nanchang City. Principal of the Junior High School of Experimental School in Honggutan District, Nanchang. Member of the Nanchang Language Teaching and Research Center Group, and member of the Nanchang Municipal Bureau of Compulsory Education School Education Quality Testing and Evaluation Junior Middle School Language Subject Testing Tool R&D Team.



                  Jiang Ying: Deputy Director of the Academic Affairs Department of No.3 Middle School of Nanchang City, a first-class English teacher, won the backbone teacher of Jiangxi Province in 2013, Jiangxi Province Educated Textbook Review Subject Expert, Nanchang Excellent Teacher, Nanchang "Three Ethos" example character, the teacher who won the Nomination Award of the Year in Nanchang, Nanchang City English Discipline Leader, as well as a teacher who has won the honorary title of English & information double-material teacher and some other honorary titles.


                10 days countdown


                How can you not have a good set of equipment on the battlefield


                The best equipment has been put in the test site


                Waiting for you to pick up!


                  撰写:Jane        肖   依

                  编辑:Wendy      贾西贝

                  翻译:Daisy        周   萍

                  视频:Louis        胡   猜

                  Leo          罗   睿

                  朗读:Mia         闵熙若     

                  Shmily     邓  莹

                  主编:Jane        肖   依

                  总编:Johnson  张世霖

                  —Power by Teensen Media—


                来源:天行一中 责任编辑:阳光 我要投稿



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