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                教育装备采购网 2020-07-03 17:12 围观15303次


                  Nine years of hard working to sharpen the sword, and then take the field examination in July. For children, the high school entrance examination is one of the important turning points in life. There are a variety of ways for children to study and grow up. In a comprehensive analysis, there are two ways: go to study in the traditional system or choose the international education. It is impossible to evaluate which kind of education is better. After all, the education which is suitable for children is good education. Not limited to key universities such as 985, 211, aside from the secular vision, choosing an international school after the high school examination may become your other path to success. Different choices will lead to different results in your life.


                If you have examinee at home


                Your child is just facing a choice of further education,


                Just take a look at the school which transformed "Nobody students" to superstar students



                And people say we are the "dark horse" in the international education field of Jiangxi Province


                Give child a different choice and create a different life !


                Campus reception day on July 5th


                Welcome you parents and students !




                  Teensen genesis school adopts A-level course, which allows students to "partial subjects". Students could choose 3-4 subjects according to their strengths. This can provide a fertile ground for them to find their own interesting points for special research, so as to get high scores.

                  学校采取小班教学,并且采取分层教学,使学生能根据自己的基础和学习能力调整》学习进度和内容。引进开放式教学课堂模式,强调学生自主、合作、探究Ψ 式学习。经验丰富的老师引导、培养学生的创新思维、动手能力,鼓励学生在ζ 课堂上积极参与问题的回答与讨论,充分表达自己对问题的的看法和观点,与老师及同学进行积极☉沟通与交流。

                  The school adopts small class teaching, and adopts layered teaching so that students can adjust the learning progress and content according to their own foundation and learning ability. Introduce an open teaching classroom model that emphasizes student autonomy, cooperation, and inquiry learning. Experienced teachers guide and cultivate students' innovative thinking and practical ability, encourage students to actively participate in answering and discussing questions in the classroom, fully express their views and opinions on the problem, and actively communicate and communicate with teachers and classmates.

                  学校一直以A(ambitious雄心壮志)、B(bold勇敢无畏)、 C(caring乐于助人)、 D(devoted奉献精神)、 E(erudite博学多识),“ABCDE”这五种素养为培养目标,让孩子接◇受真正的全人教育。我们尊重孩子的每个梦ξ想,努力让学生在呵护下成功融入国际化教育,快乐学习与成长,自信闪耀在世界舞台上!

                  The school has always taken A (ambitious ambition), B (bold brave and fearless), C (caring willing to help others), D (devoted dedication), E (erudite knowledgeable knowledge), "ABCDE" five literacy as the training goals, Guide children to receive true education. We respect all the dreams of our children, and strive to allow students to successfully integrate into international education under the care, learn and grow happily, and confidently shine on the world stage!


                  虽受疫情影响,但天行2020届15名毕业生却以他们卓越的“战绩”实现人生破局〖。本届毕业生ζ 共收到91份预录取通知书(含5份直录)。其中英国47份,澳大利亚31份,新西兰5份,美国3份,加拿大2份,马来西亚1份,香港2份。包含牛津大学数学系面试邀请1份,帝国理工学院2份,伦敦大学学院 3份,多伦多大学1份,香港大学1份(免面试)。天行2020届20%毕业生被世∩界Top10名校『预录取,73.3%毕业生被世界Top 30名校预◣录取,86.7%毕业生被世界Top 50名校预录取,100%毕业生被世界Top 100名校预录取。

                  Despite the impact of the epidemic, 15 graduates of the Class of 2020 achieved their lifetime breakthrough with remarkable "achievements". A total of 91 advance offers (including 5 direct offers) have been received for this year's graduates. We have 47 offers from UK, 31 from Australia, 5 from New Zealand, 3 from US, 2 from Canada, 1 from Malaysia and 2 from Hong Kong. It includes 1 interview invitation from The Department of Mathematics of The University of Oxford, 2 from Imperial College London, 3 from University College London, 1 from the University of Toronto and 1 from the University of Hong Kong (interviews are not required). 20% of Teensen's 2020 graduates are expected to be admitted by the world's Top10 colleges, 73.3% by the world's Top 30, 86.7% by the world's Top 50, and 100%by the world's Top 100 !

                  想了解更☆多信息,请拨︽打咨询电话191 7919 6296(曾老师),也可扫描下方二维码,参加我们7月5日上午9时的校园开放日,近距离感受天行的魅力。

                  For more information, please call 191 7919 6296 (Mrs. Zeng) or scan the QR code below to participate in our campus Open Day on July 5 at 09:00 am to get a closer look at the charming of Teensen genesis school.



                After the high school entrance examination


                Choose a better road for children to succeed !


                Make the choice after understanding,


                We will be waiting for you at Teensen Genesis School on July 5th


                  撰写:Jane        肖   依

                  编辑:Wendy      贾西贝

                  翻译:Leo             应   立

                  视频:Louis        胡   猜

                  Leo          罗   睿

                  朗读:Cathy       乐开心

                  主编:Jane        肖   依

                  总编:Johnson  张世霖

                  —Power by Teensen Media—


                来源:天行一中 责任编辑:阳光 我要投稿



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