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                教育ㄨ装备采购网 2017-10-20 16:16 围观947次

                  德国维隆(Werum)IT有限公司与中国当地的创腾科技有限公司在中国签署合作伙伴协议,PAS-X MES的执行将从新增的资源中获益。

                  WerumIT Solutions and Chinese-based Neotrident sign partnership in China / Customers benefit from additional resources during PAS-X MES implementation

                  中国上海,2017年10月19日- 对于中↙国的制药和生物技术制造商来说是个好消息:德国维隆(Werum)IT有限公司进一步扩大了PAS-X服务合作伙伴ζ网络。这位世界领先的生产执行系统 (MES) 供应商与创腾科技签署了合作伙伴协议。总⌒部位于北京,在中国设有多个办事处的创腾科技是中国生命科学行业领先的IT解决方案提供商。

                  Shanghai,People’s Republic of China, October 19, 2017– Good news for pharma and biotechmanufacturers in China: Werum IT Solutions further expands its PAS-X Service Partnernetwork. The world’s leading supplier of manufacturing execution systems (MES) signeda partnership agreement with Neotrident. Based in Beijing with several localoffices in China, Neotrident is a leading IT solutions provider to the Chinese lifescience industry.

                  作为PAS-X认证的本地服务合作伙伴,创腾将为维隆在中华人民共和国境内的客户提√供PAS-X MES现场实施支持。例如,创腾将为@ 项目管理、主批报设㊣ 计、系统配置、安装、培训以及自动化及设备集成等方面提供资源。

                  As a certified "PAS-XEndorsed Service Partner Local", Neotrident will support Werum customers inthe People’s Republic of China during the on-site implementation of Werum's PAS-XMES. For instance, Neotrident will provide resources for project management, MBRdesign, system configuration, installation, training and the integration of automationand equipment.

                  我们从众多候选提供商中选择了创腾,看重』的是他们在生命科学行业里多年的经验以及在ISA-Level 3系统上的互补能力”,维隆IT大中华区◎首席运营官Olivier Néron说:“创腾在中国有着良好的声誉,并成功地管理了从单一站点项目到大规模推广实施的各种服务。此外,创腾的管理团队已经与外国公司合作了几十年,从而能够大∞大弥合我们之间的文化差异。因此,在未来的时间里,创腾将为我们的制药和生物技术客户提供高质量的服务和支持。

                  “We selected Neotrident amongmany candidates based on long-time experience in the life sciences industry andbecause of their complementary capabilities in terms of ISA-Level 3 systems,” saysOlivier Néron, Senior Vice President China Operations at Werum IT Solutions. “Neotridenthas an excellent reputation in China and successfully managed a wide range ofservices from single site projects up to large roll-outs. Furthermore, the Neotridentmanagement has been working with foreign companies for decades which enablesthem to overcome cultural differences. Therefore, Neotrident will provide ourpharma and biotech customers with high-quality services and support for theyears to come."

                  创腾科技CEO曹凌霄说: “创腾在制药行业解决方案上的长期经验为维隆及其客户实施PAS-XMES系统提供了一个稳定而」可靠的合作伙伴。随着我们对行业日常运营的深入了解,我们能够更高效率和高质量的实现从☉纸质化的生产管理过渡到数字化的质量控制系统。”

                  LingxiaoCao, CEO ofNeotrident: “Neotridents’s long experience in offering IT solutions to thepharmaceutical market makes us a stable and reliable partner for Werum and itscustomers during the implementation of PAS-X MES. With our deep understandingof the daily operations in the industry we can perform the transition from a paper-basedto a digital-based quality control system more efficiently and in highquality.”


                  "PAS-X Endorsed Service Partners" meetall requirements of Werum's PAS-X Service Partner Program. The main objective is to offerthe same quality and competence of services to Werum customers all over theworld – through reliable, experienced and certified partners. The Service Partnersneed to have comprehensive PAS-X knowledge, participate at PAS-X trainings on aregular basis, possess experience in the regulated industry and use a qualitymanagement system. The certification has to be renewed on a regular basis.

                  At the closing of the agreement (from left): Reiner Kühl (Werum), Jefferi Zhao (Neotrident), Olivier Néron (Werum), Lingxiao Cao (Neotrident) and Torsten Isenberg (Werum)

                  关于德国维隆Werum About Werum IT Solutions

                  德国维隆(Werum)IT有限公司是世▲界领先的生产执行系统(MES)供应商,为制药和生物制药▓行业提供IT解决方案。其即插即用的PAS-X软件产品被全球前30大的制药和生物技术公司以及众多中型制造商所采用。维隆的生产IT解决方案帮助制药∩公司提高效率,提高生产力,并满足监管要求。公司成∑ 立于1969年,总部设在德国的吕讷堡,在欧洲、美洲和亚洲多地设有分公司。

                  Werum IT Solutions is the world’s leading supplier of manufacturing execution systems (MES) and manufacturing IT solutions for the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries. Its out-of-the-box PAS-X software product is run by the majority of the world’s top 30 pharmaceutical and biotech companies but also by many mid-sized manufacturers. Werum’s manufacturing IT solutions help pharma manufacturers to increase efficiency, improve productivity, and meet regulatory requirements. Founded in 1969, Werum is headquartered in Lüneburg, Germany, and has many locations in Europe, America, and Asia.

                  维隆Werum隶属于柯尔柏集团旗下医药生产【系统子集团公司柯尔柏医药科▓技。柯尔柏医药科技是全球领先的医药产品制造和☆包装的高质量解决方案供应商,业务领域包括五家公司,分别是Dividella迪威德拉,Fargo Automation 法戈自动化,Mediseal 麦迪西,Rondo 容度,Seidenader Maschinenbau赛登纳德和Werum IT维隆IT解决方案。作为柯尔柏医药科技的一员,维隆Werum为制药和生物制药生产的所有阶段提供集成¤的IT解决方案,包括工艺开发、商业生产、包装以及〖跟踪与追踪序列化。柯尔柏Körber集团汇集全球范围内11,500名业内领先的专业人士,实现年收益23亿欧元。

                  Werum is part of Medipak Systems, the Pharma Systems business area of the international technology group Körber. The Business Areas five companies, Dividella, Fargo Automation, Mediseal, Rondo, Seidenader Maschinenbau and Werum IT Solutions, are global leading providers of high-quality solutions for the manufacturing and packaging process of pharmaceutical products. As a Medipak Systems company, Werum provides integrated IT solutions for all phases of pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical production – including process development, commercial production, and packaging as well as track & trace serialization. Körber unites around 11,500 professionals in industry-leading companies worldwide, achieving annual earnings of 2.3 billion Euros.

                点击进入北京创腾科技√有限公司展台查看〓更多 来源:教¤育装备采购网 作者:北京创腾科技♀有限公司 责任编辑:李瑶瑶 我要投稿


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