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                教育ξ 装备采购网
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                在英国南安普敦大学安装Optometronic 4000

                教育装备采购▲网 2011-06-23 15:24 围观497次
                    Nanonics recently has supplied two MultiView 4000TM MultiProbe SPM-NSOM systems to the University of Southampton for diverse applications.  One system focuses on the exploration and understanding of living cells while the other is targeted to research optoelectronic devices.

                    Professor Pavlos  Lagoudakis of School of Physics and Astronomy
                acquired the HydraTM Multiprobe BioAFMThe HydraTM was picked for its ultra-sensitive revolutionary high Q factor tuning fork feedback in physiological media.  The HydraTM is ideal for imaging ultrasoft biological material from cells to tissue to biomolecules even with probes such as those for near-field optical microscopy that have been prevented for use in biology due to high force constants.  This extends to other categories of normal force sensing probes such as those for thermal conductivity or scanning ion conductance microscopy, a special interest of the Lagoudakis group. 
                The HydraTM with its non-optically interfering tuning fork feedback allows for full integration with all forms of far-field optical imaging.  This includes upright and dual 4 Pi non-linear optical microcopies even with water immersion objectives as seen above.  
                    The unique ability to combine such functional probes from Nanonics NanoToolKitTM  with water immersion objectives and AFM on-line, offers exceptional elasticity and adhesion imaging, another unique feature of the system.  Further, the integration of the system with all optical microscopy and micro spectroscopy systems such as Raman,  signals new frontiers in this next evolution of scanned probe imaging.

                    The second simultaneous installation took place at the Optoelectronics Research Center of Professor Dan Hewak where the Optometronic 4000TM Multi Probe NSOM System will be used for the exploration of OptoElectronic devices.  This one of a kind four probe system provides an arsenal of tools for researching with multiple probes injection and diffusion of heat, injection and collection of light, multiprobe current flow, etc.
                The Optometronic 4000TM combines Nanonics revolutionary multiprobe near-field optical and atomic force capabilities with Nanonics state of the art lensed fibers and highly compact lensed fiber nano-manipulators. 
                    Nanonics is proud to have provided these forefront research groups capabilities unachievable with any other scanned probe microscopy platform.
                点击进入凯戈纳斯█仪器商贸(上海)有限公司展台查看更多 来源:凯戈纳斯仪器商贸(上海)有限公司 我要投稿



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