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                教←育装备采购网 2010-07-28 13:57 围观653次



                1. Chen J, Wang P, Mi H-l, Chen G-Y, Xu D-Q: Reversible association of ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activase with the thylakoid membrane depends upon the ATP level and pH in rice without heat stress. Journal of Experimental Botany2010:in press.[DUAL-PAM-100, PAM-2000]
                2. Fang J, Chai C, Qian Q, Li C, Tang J, Sun L, Huang Z, Guo X, Sun C, Liu M et al: Mutations of genes in synthesis of the carotenoid precursors of ABA lead to pre-harvest sprouting and photo-oxidation in rice. The Plant Journal2010, 54(2):177-189.[PAM-2100]
                3. Führs H, Behrens C, Gallien S, Heintz D, Van Dorsselaer A, Braun H-P, Horst WJ: Physiological and proteomic characterization of manganese sensitivity and tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa) in comparison with barley (Hordeum vulgare). Annals of Botany2010:in press.[MINI-PAM]
                4. Jeong JS, Kim YS, Baek KH, Jung H, Ha S-H, Choi YD, Kim M, Reuzeau C, Kim J-K: Root-Specific Expression of OsNAC10 Improves Drought Tolerance and Grain Yield in Rice under Field Drought Conditions. Plant Physiology2010, 153:185-197.[MINI-PAM]
                5. Yamazaki J-y: Is light quality involved in the regulation of the photosynthetic apparatus in attached rice leaves? . Photosynthesis Research2010:in press.[MINI-PAM]
                6. Yin Y, Li S, Liao W, Lu Q, Wen X, Lu C: Photosystem II photochemistry, photoinhibition, and the xanthophyll cycle in heat-stressed rice leaves. Journal of Plant Physiology2010:in press.[PAM-2000]
                7.唐文邦, 张桂莲, 肖应辉, 邓化冰, 范科, 刘国华, 陈立云: C两优▓系列杂交稻组合生育后期剑叶生理生化特性研究. 中国水※稻科学2010, 24(2):169-174.[IMAGING-PAM]
                8. Lin Z-F, Lin G-Z, Peng C-L: Enhancement of susceptivity to photoinhibition and photooxidation in rice chlorophyll b-less mutants Photosynthetica2009, 47(1):46-54.[PAM-100]
                9. Oh S-J, Kim YS, Kwon C-W, Park HK, Jeong JS, Kim J-K: Overexpression of the Transcription Factor AP37 in Rice Improves Grain Yield under Drought Conditions. Plant Physiology 2009, 150:1368-1379.[MINI-PAM]
                10.Xu H, Zhang J, Zeng J, Jiang L, Liu E, Peng C, He Z, Peng X: Inducible antisense suppression of glycolate oxidase reveals its strong regulation over photosynthesis in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany2009, 60(6):1799-1809.[PAM-2000]
                11.Zhang G-H, Xu Q, Zhu X-D, Qian Q, Xue H-W: SHALLOT-LIKE1 Is a KANADI Transcription Factor That Modulates Rice Leaf Rolling by Regulating Leaf Abaxial Cell Development The Plant Cell2009, 21:719-735.[Teaching-PAM]
                12.陈娟: 水稻花后颖壳和果皮光合特性的研究. 安徽农业科学2009, 37(13):5897-5900.[PAM-2100]
                13.黄鹏云, 罗丽娟: 水稻矮杆鞘包穗突变体A846的叶绿素荧光特性研究. 中国农学通报2009, 25(12):122-125.[MINI-PAM]
                14.李瑞, 周玮, 陆巍: 低叶绿素b水稻叶片自然衰老过程中光合作用与叶〓绿素荧光参数的变化. 南京农业大学学报2009, 32(2):10-14.[PAM-2100]
                15.沈波, 蒋靓, 於卫东, 樊叶杨, 庄杰云: 水稻苗期盐胁迫下叶绿素荧光参数的QTL分析. 中国水稻科学2009, 23(3):319-322.[TEACHING-PAM]
                16.Chen Q, Wang LF, Su N, Qin HD, Niu HB, Wang JL, Zhai HQ, Wan JM: Photosystem 2 photochemistry and pigment composition of a yellow mutant of rice ( Oryza sativa L.) under different irradiances Photosynthetica2008, 46(1):35-39.[PAM-2000]
                17.Fang J, Chai C, Qian Q, Li C, Tang J, Sun L, Huang Z, Guo X, Sun C, Liu M et al: Mutations of genes in synthesis of the carotenoid precursors of ABA lead to pre-harvest sprouting and photo-oxidation in rice. The Plant Journal2008, 54(2):177-189.[PAM-2100]
                18.Jung S, Back K, Yang K, Kuk YI, Chon S-U: Defence response produced during photodynamic damage in transgenic rice overexpressing 5-aminolevulinic acid synthase Photosynthetica2008, 46(1):3-9.[PAM-2000]
                19.Liu H, Zhang H, Wang G, Shen Z: Identification of Rice Varieties with High Tolerance or Sensitivity to Copper Journal of Plant Nutrition2008, 31(1):121-136.[TEACHING-PAM]
                20.Suzuki K, Nagasuga K, Okada M: The Chilling Injury Induced by High Root Temperature in the Leaves of Rice Seedlings. Plant Cell Physiol2008, 49(3):433-442.[PAM-100]
                21.Yamane K, Kawasaki M, Taniguchi M, Miyake H: Correlation between Chloroplast Ultrastructure and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics in the Leaves of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Grown under Salinity. Plant Production Science2008, 11(1):139-145.[PAM-2100]
                22.刘芳, 郭晶晶, 龚丽丽, 许晓明: 5-氨基乙酰丙酸促进水稻耐低温光抑制与抗氧化酶活▂性有关. 中国水稻科学2008, 22(4):411-415.[PAM-2100]
                23.Chen X, Zhang W, Xie Y, Lu W, Zhang R: Comparative proteomics of thylakoid membrane from a chlorophyll b-less rice mutant and its wild type Plant Science2007, 173(4):397-407.[PAM-2000]
                24.Oh S-J, Kwon C-W, Choi D-W, Song SI, Kim J-K: Expression of barley HvCBF4 enhances tolerance to abiotic stress in transgenic rice. Plant Biotechnology Journal2007, 5(5):646-656.[MINI-PAM]
                25.Tozawa Y, Teraishi M, Sasaki T, Sonoike K, Nishiyama Y, Itaya M, Miyao A, Hirochika H: The plastid sigma factor SIG1 maintains photosystem I activity via regulated expression of the psaA operon in rice chloroplasts. The Plant Journal2007, 52(1):124-132.[PAM-100]
                26.Zhou Y, Lam HM, Zhang J: Inhibition of photosynthesis and energy dissipation induced by water and high light stresses in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany2007, 58(5):1207-1217.[PAM-2000/PAM-2100]
                27.Zhu S-Q, Yu C-M, Liu X-Y, Ji B-H, Jiao D-M: Changes in Unsaturated Levels of Fatty Acids in Thylakoid PSII Membrane Lipids During Chilling-induced Resistance in Rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology2007, 49(4):463-471.[PAM-2000]
                28.郭春爱, 周玮, 刘芳, 许晓明: 水☉稻低叶绿素b突变体光系↑统Ⅱ的热稳定性. 作物学报2007, 33(8):1390-1392.[TEACHING-PAM]
                29.孙伟, 王立丰, 程治军, 迟德钊, 马晓岗: 一个新矮秆水稻突变体的光合特性研究. 青海大学学报2007, 25(4):48-58.[PAM-2000]
                30.武立权, 沈圣泉, 王荣富, 舒庆尧: 水稻黄叶突变体光合特性的日变化核农学报2007, 21(5):425-429.[PAM-2100]
                31.Baek M-H, Kim J-H, Chung BY, Kim J-S, Lee IS: Alleviation of salt stress by low dose ?-irradiation in rice. Biologia Plantarum2005, 49(2):273-276.[IMAGING-PAM]
                32.Hirotsu N, Makino A, Yokota S, Mae T: The photosynthetic properties of rice leaves treated with low temperature and high irradiance Plant Cell and Physiology2005, 46(8):1377-1383.[MINI-PAM]
                33.Ji B-H, Tan H-H, Zhou R, Jiao D-M, Shen Y-G: Promotive Effect of Low Concentrations of NaHSO3 on Photophosphorylation and Photosynthesis in Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase Transgenic Rice Leaves. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology2005, 47(2):178-186.[PAM-2000]
                34.Oh S-J, Song SI, Kim YS, Jang H-J, Kim SY, Kim M, Kim Y-K, Nahm BH, Kim J-K: Arabidopsis CBF3/DREB1A and ABF3 in transgenic rice increased tolerance to abiotic stress without stunting growth. Plant Physiology2005, 138:341-351.[MINI-PAM]
                35.Tang Y, Wen X, Lu C: Differential changes in degradation of chlorophyll–protein complexes of photosystem I and photosystem II during flag leaf senescence of rice. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry2005, 43:193-201.[PAM-2000]
                36.Wang Q, Lu C, Zhang Q: Midday photoinhibition of two newly developed super-rice hybrids. Photosynthetica2005, 43:277-281.[PAM-2000]
                37.白成科, 李桂双, 段俊, 彭长连, 翁克难, 徐世平: 高压处理后水稻抗氧化酶活性及对逆境胁迫的响应. 高压物々理学报↘2005, 19(3):235-240.[PAM-100]
                38.胡文新, 彭少兵, 高荣孚, Ladha JK: 新株型水◥稻的光合效率. 中国农业科学◥2005, 38(11):2205-2210.[PAM-2000]
                39.欧志英, 林桂珠, 彭长连: 超高产杂交水稻∴培矮64S/ E32 和两优培九剑叶对高温的响应. 中国水稻科学2005, 19(3):249-254.[PAM-100]
                40.欧志英, 彭长连, 林桂珠: 田间条件下超高产水稻培矮64S/E32 及其亲本旗叶的光合特性◥. 作物学报2005, 31(2):209-213.[PAM-100]
                41.欧志英, 彭长连, 林桂珠: 高温下杂交稻培矮ぷ64S/E32与其亲本的光合和抗逆参数的比较. 广西植物2005, 25(6):555-561.[PAM-100]
                42.Hirotsu N, Makino A, Ushio A, Mae T: Changes in the thermal dissipation and the electron flow in the water–water cycle in rice grown under conditions of physiologically low temperature Plant Cell and Physiology2004, 45(5):635-644.[MINI-PAM]
                43.Ji B-H, Zhu S-Q, Jiao D-M: A limited photosynthetic C4-microcycle and its physiological function in transgenic rice plant expressing the maize PEPC gene. Acta Botanica Sinica2004, 46(5):542-551.[PAM-2000]
                44.季本华, 朱素琴, 焦德茂: 转玉米C4光合酶基因▓水稻株系中的光合C4微循环. 作物学报2004, 30(6):536-543.[PAM-2000]
                45.林植芳, 彭长连, 徐信兰, 林桂珠, 张景六: 两个新的☆水稻缺叶绿素b突变体光合作用的热稳定性. 中国科学2004, 34(5):395-401.[PAM-100]
                46.王强, 温晓刚, 卢从明, 张其德: 超高产杂交稻‘华安3号’冠层不同衰老程度叶片的光合功能. 植物生态学报2004, 28(1):39-46.[PAM-2000]
                47.许晓明, 张荣铣, 唐运来: 低叶绿素含量对突变体水稻吸收光能分配「特性的影响. 中国农业科学2004, 37(3):339-343.[PAM-2000]
                48.Chen Y-Z, Murchie EH, Hubbart S, Horton P, Peng S: Effects of season-dependent irradiance levels and nitrogen-deficiency on photosynthesis and photoinhibition in field-grown rice (Oryza sativa). Physiologia Plantarum2003, 117:343-351.[PAM-2000]
                49.Gesch RW, Kang I-H, Gallo-Meagher M, Vu JCV, Boote KJ, Allen LH, R J, Bowes G: Rubisco expression in rice leaves is related to genotypic variation of photosynthesis under elevated growth CO2 and temperature. Plant Cell and Environment2003, 26(12):1941-1950.[PAM-2000]
                50.Kuk YI, Shin JS, Burgos NR, Hwang TE, Han O, Cho BH, Jung S, Guh JO: Antioxidative enzymes offer protection from chilling damage in rice plants. Crop Science2003, 43:2109-2117.[PAM-2000]
                51.Ou Z-Y, Peng C-L, Lin G-Z, Yang C-W: Relationship between PS II excitation pressure and content of Rubisco large subunit or small subunit in flag leaf of super high-yielding hybrid rice. Acta Botanica Sinica2003, 45(8):929-935.[PAM-100]
                52.白成科, 李桂双, 彭长连, 段俊: 高静水压诱变水稻突变株系的叶绿素荧光特性变化. 中国水稻科学2003, 17(3):228-232.[PAM-100]
                53.白成科, 李桂双, 彭长连, 段俊: 高静水压诱变水稻突变株系的叶绿素荧光特性变化. 中国水稻科学2003, 17(3):228-232.[PAM-100]
                54.段发平, 张明永, 范树国, 段俊, 黎垣庆, 梁承邺: 草丁膦︼对转bar 基因水稻GS 酶活性和光合功能的影响. 植物生◢理与分子生物学学报2003, 29(6):530-534.[PAM-100]
                55.李桂双, 白成科, 段俊, 彭长连, 翁克难, 刘曙东: 静水高压处理对水稻植株生理特性▅的影响. 高压物理Ψ学报2003, 17(2):122-128.[PAM-100]
                56.欧志英, 彭长连, 林桂珠, 温学: 超高产水稻组合‘培矮64S/ E32’的耐光氧化特性及其机理. 植物学通报2003, 20(5):558-564.[PAM-100]
                57.潘晓华, 刘水英, 李锋, 李木英: 低磷胁迫对不同水稻品种幼苗光合作用的影响. 作物学报2003, 29(5):770-774.[PAM-100]
                58.彭彩霞, 彭长连, 林桂珠, 温达志: 模拟酸雨对农作物种子萌发和ζ幼苗生长的√影响. 热带亚热带植物学报2003, 11(4):400-404.[PAM-100]
                59.许晓明, 陆巍, 唐运来, 邓志瑞, 戴新宾, 张荣铣, 匡廷云: 自然条件下杂交水稻II优129的光抑制及其恢复特性. 中国水稻科学2003, 17(2):156-160.[PAM-2000]
                60.张荣铣, 许晓明, 戴新宾, 陆巍, 曹树青: 叶绿素b含量低的水稻突变体的光合功能衰退及其与活性氧的关系. 植物生理与分子生物学学报2003, 29(2):104-108.[PAM-2000]
                61.Jeong SW, Choi SM, Lee DS, Ahn SN, Hur Y, Chow WS, Park Y-I: Differential susceptibility of photosynthesis to light-chilling stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.) depends on the capacity for photochemical dissipation of light. Molecules and Cells2002, 13(3):419-428.[XE-PAM, PAM-100]
                62.Makino A, Miyake C, Yokota A: Physiological functions of the water–water cycle (Mehler reaction) and the cyclic electron flow around PSI in rice leaves. Plant Cell and Physiology2002, 43(9):1017-1026.[PAM-100]
                63.Murchie EH, Hubbart S, Chen Y, Peng S, Horton P: Acclimation of rice photosynthesis to irradiance under field conditions. Plant Physiology2002, 130:1999-2010.[PAM-2000]
                64.Murchie EH, Yang J, Hubbart S, Horton P, Peng S: Are there associations between grain-filling rate and photosynthesis in the flag leaves of field-grown rice? . Journal of Experimental Botany2002, 53(378):2217-2224.[PAM-2000]
                65.Wang Q, Zhang Q-D, Zhu X-G, Lu C-M, Kuang T-Y, Li C-Q: PS II photochemistry and xanthophyll cycle in two superhigh-yield rice hybrids, Liangyoupeijiu and Hua-an 3 during photoinhibition and subsequent restoration. Acta Botanica Sinica2002, 44(11):1297-1302.[PAM-2000]
                66.Yang C-W, Peng C-L, Duan J, Lin G-Z, Chen Y-Z: Response of chlorophyll fluorescence and carotenoids biosynthesis to high light stress in rice seedling leaves at different leaf position. Acta Botanica Sinica2002, 44(11):1303-1308.[PAM-100]
                67.王强, 卢从明, 张其德, 郝逎斌, 戈巧英, 董凤琴, 白克智, 匡廷云: 超高产杂交稻两优培九的光合作用、光抑制和C4途径酶特性. 中国科学2002, 32(6):481-487.[PAM-2000]
                68.王仁雷, 华春, 李霞, 张其德, 焦德茂: 光抑制★条件下转PEPC 基因水稻的光合表现. 作物学报2002, 28(3):321-326.[PAM-2000]
                69.阳成伟, 陈贻竹, 彭长连: ABA 对水稻幼苗叶片光抑制的光保护作用. 广西植物2002, 22(6):534-536.[PAM-100]
                70.阳成伟, 彭长连, 段俊, 陈贻竹: 水稻剑叶生长过程中光合电子流传递分配及其与光合作用的关系. 植物学通报2002, 19(3):322-327.[PAM-100]
                71.赵秀琴, 赵明, 陆军, 肖俊涛, 臧宁, 孙传清: 热带远缘杂交水稻高光效后代在温带的ξ光合特性观察. 中国ζ农业大学学报2002, 7(3):1-6.[PAM-100]
                72.焦德茂, 李霞, 黄雪清, 迟伟, 匡廷云, 古森本: 转PEPC基因水稻的光合CO2同化和叶绿素荧光特性. 科学通报2001, 46(5):414-418.[PAM-2000]
                73.Dai X-B, Cao S-Q, Xu X-M, Lu W, Zhang R-X, Xu C-C, Chen Y-D, Kuang T-Y: Study on a mutant with low content chlorophyll b in a high yielding rice and its photosynthesis properties. Acta Botanica Sinica2000, 42(12):1289-1294.[PAM-2000]
                74.Kishitani S, Takanami T, Suzuki M, Oikawa M, Yokoi S, Ishitani M, Alvarez-Nakase AM, Takabe T, Takabe T: Compatibility of glycinebetaine in rice plants: evaluation using transgenic rice plants with a gene for peroxisomal betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase from barley. Plant Cell and Environment2000, 23(1):107-114.[PAM-100]
                75.Wang H-W, Wei J-M, Shen Y-G, Zhang R-X, Yang T-N: Enhancement of photophosphorylation and photosynthesis in rice by low concentration of NaHSO3 under field conditions. Acta Botanica Sinica2000, 42(12):1295-1299.[PAM-100]
                76.Wang Q, Zhang Q-D, Jiang G-M, Lu C-M, Kuang T-Y, Wu S, Li C-Q, Jiao D-M: Photosynthetic characteristics of two superhigh-yield hybrid rice. Acta Botanica Sinica2000, 42(12):1285-1288.[PAM-2000]
                77.Xu C-C, Li L, Kuang T: The inhibited xanthophyll cycle is responsible for the increase in sensitivity to low temperature photoinhibition in rice leaves fed with glutathione. Photosynthesis Research2000, 65:107-114.[PAM-2000]
                78.郭培国, 李荣华: 夜间高温胁迫对水稻叶片光合机构的影响. 植物学报2000, 42(7):673-678.[PAM-100]
                79.李平, 李晓萍, 陈贻竹, 刘鸿先: 低温光抑制胁迫对不同抗冷性的籼稻抽穗期剑叶叶绿素荧光的影响. 中国水稻科学2000, 14(2):88-92.[PAM-100]
                80.彭长连, 林植芳, 林桂珠: 光氧化胁迫下几种植物叶片的♂超氧自由基产生速率和光合特性. 植物生理学∏报2000, 26(2):81-87.[PAM-100]
                81.彭长连, 林植芳, 林桂珠: 高温对生长在加ζ 富CO2条件下水稻离体叶片叶绿素荧光的影响. 热带亚热带植物学报2000, 8(2):91-96.[PAM-100]
                82.Murchie EH, Chen Y-Z, Hubbart S, Peng S, Horton P: Interactions between senescence and leaf orientation determine in situ patterns of photosynthesis and photoinhibition in field-grown rice. Plant Physiology1999, 119:553-564.[PAM-2000]
                83.潘晓华, 王永锐: 水稻库/源比对叶片光合作用,同化物运输和分配及叶片衰老的影响. 作物学报1998, 24(6):821-827.[PAM-100]
                84.彭长连, 林植芳, 孙梓健, 林桂珠, 陈贻竹: 水稻光合作用对加富CO2的响应. 植物︾生理学报1998, 24(3):272-278.[PAM-100]
                85.潘晓华, 王永锐: 两系杂交稻始穗期追施氮钾Ψ肥提高叶片光合功能的作用. 江西农业大学学报1997, 19(3):1-5.[PAM-100]
                86.       郭培国, 李明启: 杂交水稻及其亲本光合特性的研究I. 功能叶片叶绿素含量、叶绿素-蛋白复合物及诱导荧光动力学. 热带亚热带植物学报1996, 4(4):60-65.[PAM-100]
                87.卢从明, 张其德, 唐崇钦, 匡廷云: CO2加富对杂交稻及↘其亲本原初光能转化效率和激发能分配的影响. 生物物理学报1996, 12(4):731-734.[PAM-100]
                88.李平, 陈贻竹, 李晓萍, 刘鸿先: 籼稻的抗冷性与亲本的▆关系. 植物学报1995, 37:544-551.[PAM-100]
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