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                教育装备采购网 2008-01-21 18:03 围观304次
                主办单位: 美国Intelligent Optical Systems公司    同济大学激光超声研究所    
                承办单位: 北京精益志诚科技有限公司 

                1. 激光超声的工作原理
                2. 激光超声研究进展
                3. 激光超声在无损检测领域的应用
                4. 激光ζ超声在材料评价上的应用
                地址: 北京市朝阳区樱花西街8号北方安华大厦309    邮编:100029
                电话: 010-64455874
                传真: 010-64455784
                联系人: 缪慧敏


                2008  International Symposium on Laser Ultrasonics :
                Science, Technology and Applications

                August 27 2008, Shanghai, China
                Laser-ultrasonics or laser-ultrasound or laser-based ultrasound, as it may be differently called, goes back to the 60s with the laser generation of ultrasound. Optical detection of ultrasound followed years later, but the technique, even using alternate detection means, has been for a long time essentially a laboratory curiosity. Years of research and development have result in the introduction of innovative schemes and instruments as well as the emergence of new application fields. In recent years, a continuous thrust in research towards higher frequencies, non-linear effects and micro and nano scale analysis has been carried out. In parallel to these developments, a transition of the technology to the industry has been underway. There are now companies selling laser-ultrasonic equipment serving industrial sectors as diverse as microelectronics, steel and aerospace. 

                Therefore, as many have expressed the wish, there is a need to assemble practitioners and users of laser-ultrasonics from academia and industry to present state-of-the art status of the technique and technologies, current research focus as well as future trends. This symposium aims to fulfill this need and hopefully will be the first of a series of symposia on this subject.

                Intelligent Optical Systems in collaboration with Beijing M&A Scientific are pleased to announce the 2008 International Symposium on Laser Ultrasonics: Science, Technology and Applications (LU2008). This 1-day symposium will be held August 27 in Shanghai, China Tongji University, a main engineering university located in downtown Shanghai. It will offer unique opportunities for networking with colleagues having a wide range of interests coming from academia, industry and government from all over the world.

                This symposium will encompass all aspects related to research, development and applications of laser ultrasonics. It will offer the complete conference experience with invited speakers, oral and poster presentations, and social events that will ensure an enjoyable meeting.



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