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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大全 > 仪器仪表 > 工业自动化仪表 > 温度仪表 > 压力式温度计


                • 环境试验箱正确使用三要素简户新解
                产品报价: 150000
                上海 嘉定区

                公司地址:上海闵行都市路332弄铂金科学园区,工厂:上海大叶公路简户产业园靠近东石公路 3-8号厂房。
                对于发热试验样品的试验,其体积应不大于试验箱有效容积的十分之一。对于不发热试验样品其体积应不大于试验箱有效容积的五分之一。比如,一台21`彩电在做温度储存试验时,选用一个一立方体积的环境试验箱 就能满足要求,而在通◆电工作时,它就不能满足要求了,应该换一个更大一些的试验箱,因为电视机在工作时要发散热量。
                第三,正确放置试验样品。试验样品的安放位置,应离开箱壁10cm 以上,对多个样品应尽量放在同一平面上。样品放置应不堵塞出风口和回风口,给温湿度传感器也应留出一定距离。以保证试验温度的正确。

                Shanghai Jianhu equipment (tel :021-62,968,991) is one of the important manufacturers of domestic environmental chambers, the company owns the patent and complete testing equipment and testing methods. The scale can be achieved Shanghai 3. The reputation and quality are among the best in many chamber www.shjianhu.com company. Tel 021 Mobile: global toll-free hotline :400-021-5217 website: www.shjianhu.com
                Address: Shanghai Minhang City Road, Lane 332 Platinum Science Park Factory: simple households, Daye Road, Shanghai Industrial Park near the East Stone Road 3-8, plant.
                chamber equipment is a sophisticated, expensive equipment. The proper use and operation of environmental testing equipment can not only provide an accurate basis for the testing personnel, and make environmental testing equipment uptime and extend the life of their equipment.
                tests on the sample performance of the required tests, test conditions, test procedures and test techniques to be familiar with, to be familiar with the technical performance of the test equipment used to understand the structure of the device. In particular, be familiar with the operation and performance of the controller. Also carefully read the operating manual of the test equipment, to avoid causing damage to the test sample due to operational errors caused by the normal operation of test equipment, test data is not correct.
                Second, a reasonable choice of the environmental chamber
                testTo ensure that the test is normal, should be based on the different circumstances of the test sample, select the appropriate test equipment, test samples and the effective volume of the chamber have to keep a reasonable proportion.
                Heating test sample test, its size should not exceed one tenth of the effective chamber volume. Not heat the test sample volume should be not more than one fifth of the chamber effective volume. For example, a 21 'color TV in temperature storage test, the choice of a cubic volume the chamber www.jianhutest.com will be able to meet the requirements of work in the power, it can not meet the requirements, it should be a greater some of the chamber, because the TV at work to diverge heat.
                Third, the correct placement of the test sample. The placement of the test sample, should leave the walls of the box than 10cm, multiple samples should be placed in the same plane. Place the sample should not be clogging the outlet and return air temperature and humidity sensor should set aside a certain distance. To ensure that the correct test temperature.


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