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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大全 > 仪器仪表 > 试验机 > 橡胶、塑料试验机


                • 介电常数测◥试仪(固液体专用)
                产品报价:28000 面议
                高教 职教
                北京 昌平区



                  GCSTD-B dielectric loss tester


                  Dielectric constant detector

                  满足标准:GBT 1409-2006测量电气绝缘材料在工频、音频、高频(包括米波波长在内)下电容率和介质损耗因数的推荐方法

                  Meet the standards: GBT 1409-2006 measurement of electrical insulating materials at power, audio, high-frequency (including wavelength, VHF) recommended methods of permittivity and dielectric loss factor


                  Two, technical indicators

                  1. 双扫描技术 - 测试●频率和调谐电容的双扫描、自动调谐搜索功能。

                  1 making the double scan technique - testing frequency and tuning capacitor double scanning, automatic tuning the search function.

                  2. 双测试要素︾输入 - 测试频率及调谐电容值皆可通过数字按键输入。

                  2 making double test element input - testing frequency and tuning capacitor value can be input by digital keyboard.

                  3. 双数码化调谐 - 数码化频率调谐,数码化电容调谐。

                  3 making double digital tuning - digital frequency tuning, digital tuning capacitor.

                  4. 自动化测量技术 -对测试件¤实施 Q 值、谐振点频率和电容的自动测量。

                  Automatic measurement of 4 making automatic measurement technology and implementation of Q value, resonant frequency and capacitance of test piece.

                  5. 全参数液晶显示 – 数〖字显示主调电容、电感、 Q 值、信号源频率、谐振指针。

                  5 making the parameters of liquid crystal display, digital display main capacitor, inductor, Q value, signal source frequency, resonant pointer.

                  6. DDS 数字直接合成的信@号源 -确保信源的高葆真,频率的¤高精确、幅度的高稳定。

                  6 making the DDS direct digital synthesis signal source to ensure high Baozhen source, high stability and high precision, amplitude and frequency.

                  7. 计算机自动修正技术和测试回路最优化 —使测试回路 残余电感减至最低,彻底根除 Q 读数值在不同频率时要加以修正的困惑。

                  Automatic correction of 7 making computer technology and test loop optimization makes the test loop residual inductance is reduced to the minimum, the complete eradication of Q reading values at different frequencies to be amended puzzle.

                  8. 使用者能在仪器给出的任何频率、任意点调谐电容♀值下检测器件的品质,无须关注量程和换算单位。

                  8 users can value detection device quality at any point in any given frequency apparatus, tuning capacitor, without attention range and conversion unit.


                  The main capacitor range 18 ~ 220pF

                  主电容调节准确度 120pF 以下 ± 1.2pF ; 120pF 以上 ± 1 %

                  The main capacitor regulation accuracy 120pF ± 1.2pF ± 1%; 120pF

                  信号源频率覆盖范围 100kHz ~ 160MHz

                  The signal source frequency coverage range of 100kHz to 160MHz

                  频率分段 ( 虚拟 ) 100 ~ 999.999kHz , 1 ~ 9.99999MHz,10 ~ 99.9999MHz , 100 ~ 160MHz

                  The frequency segment (virtual) 100 ~ 999.999kHz, 1 ~ 9.99999MHz, 10 ~ 99.9999MHz, 100 ~ 160MHz

                  频率指示误差 3 × 10 -5 ± 1 个字

                  Frequency indication error of 3 × 10 -5 ± 1 words

                  The main technical characteristics

                  Q 值测量范围 2 ~ 1023 , 量程分档: 30 、 100 、 300 、 1000 ,自动换档◥或手动换档

                  Q measurement range of 2 ~ 1023, range: 30, 100 grade, 300, 1000, automatic or manual shift

                  固有误差 ≤ 5 % ± 满度值的 2 %( 200kHz ~ 10MHz )

                  The inherent error ≤ 5% ± full scale value of 2% (200kHz ~ 10MHz)

                  ≤6% ± 满度值的2%(10MHz~160MHz)

                  ≤ 6% ± full scale value of 2% (10MHz ~ 160MHz)

                  工作误差 ≤7% ± 满度值的2% ( 200kHz ~ 10MHz )

                  Work with error less than 7% ± full scale value of 2% (200kHz ~ 10MHz)

                  ≤8% ± 满度值的2%(10MHz~160MHz)

                  ≤ 8% ± full scale value of 2% (10MHz ~ 160MHz)

                  电感测量范围 4.5nH ~ 140mH

                  Inductance measurement range from 4.5nH to 140mH

                  电容直接测量范围 1 ~ 200pF

                  Capacitance measurement range of 1 ~ 200pF

                  主电容调节范围 18 ~ 220pF




                  The dielectric loss and dielectric constant is all kinds of porcelain, porcelain, ceramic capacitors and other devices, and composite materials is an important physical properties, by measuring the dielectric loss tangent of Tan δ and Permittivity (epsilon), can further understand the various factors influencing the dielectric loss and dielectric constant, so as to provide basis for improving material properties; the basic principle of instrument is using high frequency resonance method, and provides a general, impedance test, multi use, multi range. It uses single-chip computer as core control measuring instrument, using the frequency locking, frequency standard test point automatic setting, resonant point automatic search, Q value range automatic conversion, numerical display and other new technology, improved the tuning circuit, the tuning circuit for testing the residual inductance is reduced to the minimum, and retains the original Q table in the automatic amplitude stabilizer technology, makes the new instrument in the use of more convenient, more accurate measurement. Instrument in high frequency test conditions, measurement of high frequency inductor and resonant loop of the Q value, inductance and distributed capacitance of inductors, capacitance and loss tangent of dielectric loss, high frequency electrical materials, high frequency circuit in parallel and series resistance, the characteristic impedance of the transmission line


                  Research and application of scientific research institutions, schools, factories and other units of the new material properties of inorganic non metal for the instrument.


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