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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大全 > 仪器仪表 > 成分分析仪器 > 物理特性分析仪 > 导热▂系数测定仪

                全自动导热㊣ 系数测试仪

                • 全自动导热系数测试仪
                产品报价: 6600
                高教 职教
                北京 昌平区


                  Automatic test instrument for measuring the thermal conductivity - Guarded hot plate method




                  Meet the standard:

                  GBT 10294-2008 ISO8302 绝热材料稳态热阻 防护热板法

                  GBT 10294-2008 ISO8302 insulating materials of thermal resistance guarded hot plate method


                  Product overview:

                  DRXF-I/300为防护热板导热仪,为了满足工业上对高性能的绝热材料导热性能测量系统的要求,我公司推出了新型全自动单平板防护导热系数测试仪,该仪∑器提供了一系列的优越特性,树立了精@确、快速、易操作与性价比高的工业新标准。 所有的测试功能】从温度控制到数据采集「与分析是完全自动的,随之而来的是重复性极佳的导热性能测试。使用该仪器进行测量时,它能快速的趋于稳定,能对样品特性产生快速响应。这有赖于平板温度的精确控制与护热结构的合理分布。对于某些材料,只需〓短短的几分钟就能准确地得到其热阻值。

                  DRXF-I/300 is a guarded hot plate apparatus, in order to meet the needs of industry of high performance insulation thermal conductivity measurement system requirements, our company launched a new type full automatic single plate protection thermal conductivity coefficient instrument, the instrument offers superior characteristics of a series, set a precise, fast, easy to operate and the new industry standard price high. All test functions from temperature control to data collection and analysis is fully automatic, followed by the thermal performance test excellent repeatability. The measurements were carried out using the instrument, it tends to be stable fast, can produce a rapid response to the characteristics of the sample. Reasonable distribution of this depends on the precise temperature control and the guard plate thermal structure. For some materials, in only a few minutes to obtain accurately the thermal resistance.



                  Field of application:

                  该方◣法是世界公认的绝热材料标准测试方法,应用于建@ 筑材料、玻璃材料、填充材料、粉末材料、石膏板、纤维板、橡胶、塑料板材等领域。

                  The method is tested for insulation standards recognized in the world, used in building material, glass material, filling material, powder materials, gypsum board, fiberboard, rubber, plastic and other fields.


                  The main performance parameters

                  1、电源电压: AC 220V;

                  1, the power supply voltage: AC 220V;

                  2、功 率: 4.0 kW。

                  2, power: 4 kW.

                  3、测量范围: 0.001~2.20 W/ (m·K);

                  3, measurement range: 0.001 ~ 2.20 W/ (m · K);

                  4、测量准确度:±3%, (±5%),

                  4, the measurement accuracy: ± 3%, (+ 5%),

                  5、 测量精确度:±2% (±3%)

                  5, the measuring accuracy: ± 2% (± 3%)

                  6、 测量重复性:±2%

                  6, the measurement repeatability: + 2%

                  7、温度测量范☉围:有:-40--100℃,-20-100℃,室温—100℃ ,-100—100℃,等几种规格选择。

                  7, temperature measurement range:: -40--100 ℃, -20-100 ℃, room temperature - 100 ℃ - 100 ℃, -100, etc. several specifications selection.


                  8, -7.5 ℃ ~85 ℃ in different average temperature continuous measurement of thermal conductivity and thermal conductivity / temperature curve of output;

                  9、 冷【板温度范围:-15~95℃;热板温度范ω围:0~99.9℃;

                  9, cold plate temperature range: -15~95 ℃; hot plate temperature range: 0~99.9 ℃;

                  10、温度分辨力: 0.01℃ 精度: 0.1℃;

                  10, temperature resolution: 0.01 ℃ accuracy: 0.1 ℃;


                  11, low temperature tank is composed of host computer program automatic control and setting, with intelligent PID regulator.


                  12, the specimen pressure real-time on-line measurement, measurement and control software interface display real-time sample pressure, and the overpressure alarm function. Controllable pressure.


                  13, the specimen of real-time online thickness measurement, interface control software in real-time display of the specimen thickness. Thickness is accurate to 0.01mm

                  14、试件大小:300*300*(5—50)mm对于同种被测材料,改变试件厚度,如从20mm变为30mm,其它︻测量条件不变,测出的导热系数值偏差在±1.0 %以内。

                  14, specimen size: 300*300* (5 - 50) mm for the same kind of material to be measured, change the thickness of specimen, such as a change from 20mm to 30mm, the same other measurement conditions, the measured thermal conductivity values of deviation within 1%.

                  15、导热仪的计量功率线性要求:对于同种被测材料,在同样的平均温度(冷板和热板温度的平均值)下,如25℃,改变冷▓热板温差,如从冷板10℃、热板40℃,变为冷板15℃、热板35℃,测出的导热系数值偏差在±1.0 %以内。

                  Measurement of linear power 15, thermal conductivity meter requirements: for the same kind of material to be measured, the average temperature in the same (average cold plate and hot plate temperature value), such as 25 DEG C, change the hot plate temperature difference, as from 10 ℃ cold plate, hot plate temperature 40 ℃, 15 ℃ for cold plate, hot plate 35 ℃, the measured thermal conduction coefficient deviation within 1%.

                  16、采用单☉平板护热结构,试件为一个〇,且符合国家标准《护热材料稳态热阻及有关特性的测定——防护热板法》(GB/T 10294-2008)。同时满足:ISO8301国际标准。

                  16, the single plate supporting the thermal structure, as a specimen, and in accordance with the state standard "supporting materials Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related properties -- Guarded hot plate method" (GB/T 10294-2008). At the same time: ISO8301 international standard.


                  17, a hot plate or plate heat exchanger is zero: the power compensation technology and software algorithm we design proper guarantee the heat exchange between the hot plate and the support plate is essentially zero, the thermal conductivity of high accuracy measurement in the full temperature range.

                  18、 既可以测量平№板试件,也可以※测量粉末样品。测量粉末样品时,需※配专用测试盒厚度在5-10mm 10.测试软件▃是WINDOWS XP操作系统,友好的操作界面和输出报表,数据存储功能具有中英文版本,软件升级完全免费。

                  18, not only can measure the plate specimen, also can measure the powder samples. Measurement of powder samples, need special test box thickness is WINDOWS XP operating system in the 5-10mm 10 test software, friendly operation interface and output statements, data storage function with English version, software upgrade completely free.


                  19, the shape structure is for reference only, subject to the factory, the user can also make.


                  The thermal physical properties of the special detecting instrument


                  For determination of conductive material


                  Apparatus for measuring thermal conductivity


                  Apparatus to measure the resistance temperature characteristic


                  Plastic polymer material expansion coefficient testing apparatus




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