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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品分类大全 > 产品库 > 仪器仪表 > 电工仪器仪表 > 电源装置 > 交直流稳压器


                • 半导体电阻率测试仪
                产品报价: 3000
                高教 职教
                北京 昌平区



                  Tester volume resistivity of semi conductive rubber material


                  Product Name: tester volume resistivity of semi conductive rubber material


                  Product type: GEST-125


                  Meet the standards: GB_T3048.3-2007 wire and cable electrical performance test method _ third parts: semi conductive rubber material volume resistivity test



                  Product overview:

                  半导电橡塑电阻测试仪是根据国家标准GB3048.3研究成功的精密测量设备,主要用于测 量电缆用橡胶和塑料半导电材料中间试样电阻率以及各种导电橡塑产品电阻,也可使用四端子测试夹,对金属导体材料及产品的低、中值电阻进行测量。

                  Semi conductive plastic resistance tester is according to the precision measurement equipment successful national standard GB3048.3 research, mainly used for measuring cable for middle sample resistivity rubber and plastic semi conductive material and conductive rubber and plastic product resistance, also can use four terminal test fixture, measurement of low, medium resistance metal conductor materials and products.


                  Making instrument consists of the host, the test frame of two parts. The host comprises a DC digital voltage meter high sensitive and high stable constant current source, the measurement results using LED digital display, divided into 3 windows: voltage display window, the thickness of the material display window (the user according to the measured input), resistivity display window.


                  Making the instrument has the advantages of high measuring precision, good stability, compact structure, convenient use and other characteristics, in full compliance with international and national standards.


                  Making the instrument is suitable for cable factory, conductive rubber material factory, computer factory, electronic meter factory, colleges and universities, scientific research departments, the resistance performance test, process of conductive rubber and plastic materials and products testing, is a test equipment required.


                  The main technical indicators instrument: making making making making making making making making making making making making making making making making making making making making making making making making making making making making making making

                  一、 测量范围:测量半导电电阻率时: 电阻率10-4--105Ω-cm;分辩率10-6Ω-cm

                  A, measurement range: measuring the resistivity of semi conductive: resistivity of 10-4--105 Ω -cm Ω -cm resolution 10

                  测量其他(电线电缆)电阻时: 电阻10-4--2X105Ω,分辨率1uΩ

                  Making making making making making making making making making making other measurements (cable) resistance: 10-4--2X105 resistor, resolution of 1U

                  二、 数字电压表:

                  Two, the digital voltage meter:

                  1. 量程 2 mV、20 mV、200 mV、2V

                  1 range 2 mV, 20 mV, 200 mV, 2V

                  2. 测量误差 2mA档±(0.5%读数+8字);20mV—2V挡±(0.5%读数+2字)

                  2 measurement error 2mA ± (0.5% readings +8 word); 20mV (0.5% ± 2V block reading +2 words)

                  3. 显示4 1/2 位数字显示0—19999具有极性和过载自动显示,小数点、单位自动显示。

                  3 display 4 1/2 digital display 0 - 19999 with polarity and overload automatic display, a decimal point, the unit automatically display.

                  三、 恒流源:

                  Three, the constant current source:

                  1. 电流输出:10μA、100μA、1mA、10mA、100mA.

                  1 output current: 10 μ A, 100 μ A, 1mA, 10mA, 100

                  2. 电流误差:±(0.5%读数+2字)

                  2 making the current error: ± (0.5% readings +2 words)

                  四、 测量电极:

                  Four, the measuring electrode:

                  1. 电流电极:宽度50mm,与试样的接触宽度5mm,两个电流电极间的距离110mm

                  1 current electrode: width 50mm, and the contact width of 5mm specimens, two current electrode distance 110mm

                  2. 电位电极:宽度50mm,接触半径<>

                  2 potential electrode: width 50mm, contact radius < >


                  五、电源:220±10% 50HZ或60HZ 功率消耗<50W

                  Five, power: 220 ± 10% making 50HZ or 60HZ power consumption <50W


                  Semi conductive rubber material resistance test


                  This test has the following characteristics:

                  1、 技术性能完全符合国标GB3048.3要求,具有标准尺寸的电流电极、电压电极,及加压系统,样品盒绝缘强度大于1012Ω。

                  1, technical performance fully complying with the requirements of GB3048.3, current electrode, voltage electrode has a standard size, and pressurizing system, sample box insulation strength is greater than 1012.

                  2、 技术先进工作可靠,工作温度范围大采用高强度高绝缘耐温材料制成放入烘箱,可以从0~180°C连续长期工作,为研究高分子材料在90~120°C乃至180°C高温条件的电阻率变化,提供了有力保障。

                  2, making advanced technology and reliable work, wide working temperature range with high strength and high insulation is made into the oven temperature resistant material, can from 0~180 ° C continuous long-term work, for the study of polymer material changes in the electrical resistivity of 90~120 ° C and 180 ° C high temperature condition, provides the powerful guarantee.

                  3、 操作简单,使用方便,寿命长。

                  3, making has the advantages of simple operation, convenient use, long service life.


                  Beijing crown test instrument limited company focused on the electrical properties of the material testing instrument test method for innovation and application, is a professional R & D, production, sales in one of the high-tech enterprises


                  The electrical properties of professional testing machine


                  Voltage breakdown tester (10-150KV)


                  Tracking test apparatus


                  The dielectric constant and dielectric loss tester - high frequency / frequency


                  Arc resistance tester - microcomputer control / touch screen


                  Resistivity tester


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