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                教育》装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大全 > 专用设备 > 其他设备


                • 高电压耐电弧测试仪
                产品报价: 4500
                高教 职教
                北京 昌平区



                  Microcomputer control and arc resistance tester


                  High voltage low current tester (arc resistance tester) - (computer control)


                  Product Name: arc resistance test machine


                  Product type: NDH-A

                  满足标准:GB/T 1411-2002《固体▅绝缘材料耐高压低电流电弧放电的试验》(等同IEC 61621-1997)及ASTM D495等标准的要求设计制造的,并符合IEC 149、UL 746A等试验方法

                  Meet the standards: GB/T 1411-2002 "test of solid insulating materials of high low current arc discharge" (= IEC 61621-1997) and ASTM D495 standard requirements of design and manufacturing, and in accordance with the testing method of IEC 149, UL 746A

                  一 概述

                  An overview


                  The main scope and function:


                  This tester is according to the arc resistance performance evaluation is applied to the motor, electric appliances and household appliances industries such as electrical plastic, resin glue and insulation paint, insulating material, used for the main materials such as solid insulation: plastics, film, resin, mica, ceramic, glass, insulating oil, insulating paint, paper and other media resistance arc testing;


                  The testing machine controlled by computer, can display the current experiment condition and experiment time, and save the current experimental data after the end of the experiment, and can be printed. The standard test report.

                  二 功能特点

                  Two features

                  1 本机为上下一体结构,下部为操作系统,上部为试验箱。

                  As one of the structure under 1 the machine, the lower for the operating system, the upper chamber.

                  2 本产品采∑ 用智能控制技术,通过选择程序(IEC或ASTM)可自动进行试验,并在电脑上显示ζ 试验过程和结果。

                  2 of the products using the latest intelligent control technology, through the choice of program (IEC or ASTM) can be automated test, and display the test process and results in the computer.

                  3 安全性能良好,抗干扰能力强,测试精度高。

                  3 good safety performance, strong anti-interference ability, high test precision.


                  三 主要技术参数

                  Three main technical parameters

                  1 电弧通断时间误差:小于 ±10ms

                  1 arc on-off time error is less than ± 10ms

                  2 调压器容量:2kVA

                  2 pressure regulator capacity: 2kVA

                  3 额定试』验电压:12.5kV

                  3 of the rated voltage test: 12.5kV

                  4 试验电压精度:±3%

                  The test voltage accuracy: 4 ± 3%

                  5 电流控制精度:±10% 电流测量精度:1.5%

                  5 current control accuracy: ± 10% current measurement accuracy: 1.5%

                  6 电极对试样压力:(0.5±0.05)N

                  The 6 electrode of the sample pressure: (0.5 ± 0.05) N

                  7 电极材料:钨棒

                  7: tungsten electrode materials

                  8 电极距离:(6.35±0.1)mm(IEC) (6.0±0.1)mm(ASTM)

                  The 8 electrode distance: (6.35 ± 0.1) mm (IEC) (6 ± 0.1) mm (ASTM)

                  9 使用环∞境温度:(23±2)℃

                  9 the use of environmental temperature: (23 ± 2) ℃

                  10 使用环境湿度:(50±5)%

                  10 the use of environmental humidity: (50 ± 5)%

                  11 电源:220V±5% 50Hz 10A

                  11 Power: 220V ± 5% 50Hz 10A

                  12 试验 方法: 国标/美标/10 mA 连续/20 mA 连续/30 mA连续/40 mA连续

                  Method 12: GB / American Standard /10 mA /20 mA /30 mA continuous continuous continuous continuous /40 mA

                  13 试验程序如下:

                  13 test procedures are as follows:

                  程序段 电弧电流

                  Program of arc current

                  mA 电弧通断时间s 各程序段①持续时间〓s 试验总时间s

                  MA arc on-off time s the procedures section of the total duration of the test time of S S

                  IEC 61621 ASTM D495

                  IEC 61621 ASTM D495

                  1 10 1/8s通 7/8s断 1/4s通 7/4s断 60 60

                  110 1/8s 7/8s 1/4s 7/4s off 6060 break

                  2 10 1/4s通 3/4s断 1/4s通 3/4s断 60 120

                  210 1/4s 3/4s 1/4s 3/4s off 60120 break

                  3 10 1/4s通 1/4s断 1/4s通 1/4s断 60 180

                  310 1/4s 1/4s 1/4s 1/4s off 60180 break

                  4 10 连续通 60 240

                  410 continuous through 60240

                  5 20 连续通 60 300

                  520 continuous through 60300

                  6 30 连续通 60 360

                  630 continuous through 60360

                  7 40 连续通 60 420

                  740 continuous through 60420

                  四 配置

                  The four configuration

                  序号 名称 数量 备注

                  Name number note

                  01 耐电弧测试仪 一台

                  01 arc resistance tester table

                  02 电极系统 一套

                  The 02 electrode system

                  03 电极支座 一套

                  The 03 electrode holder is a set of

                  04 电源电缆 一套

                  A set of 04 power cable

                  05 接地放电棒 一支

                  The 05 grounding discharge rod a

                  06 电︽流毫安表 一台

                  06 milliammeter a

                  07 电脑测控软件 一套

                  07 computer measurement and control software package

                  08 试样架 一支

                  A 08 sample holder

                  09 电极距离标准块 2块

                  The 09 electrode distance standard block 2

                  10 角度标准块 2块

                  10 point standard block 2

                  11 陶瓷片 2片

                  11 ceramic tablets 2 tablets

                  12 喷墨打印机 1台 品牌

                  12 inkjet printer 1 brand

                  13 计算机 1台 品牌

                  13 computer 1 brand

                  14 使♀用说明书 1份

                  14 Manual 1

                  15 合格证 1份

                  15 1 Certificate

                  五 产品型号:

                  Five model:

                  NDH-A 耐电弧试验仪-微机控制

                  NDH-A arc resistance tester - microcomputer control

                  NDH-B 耐电弧试验仪-触摸屏控制「

                  NDH-B arc resistance tester - touch screen control


                  Six. The electrical properties of professional testing machine


                  Voltage breakdown tester (10-150KV)


                  Tracking test apparatus


                  The dielectric constant and dielectric loss tester - high frequency / frequency


                  Arc resistance tester - microcomputer control / touch screen


                  Resistivity tester


              2. 电阻率测试仪
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              18. 半导体电阻率测试仪
              19. 阻温函数测试仪
              20. 薄膜电弱点测试仪
              21. 体积表面电阻测定仪
              22. 介电常数测试仪
              23. 耐电弧试验仪
              24. 电压击穿试验仪
              25. 力学性能检测仪器
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              27. 全自动落锤冲击试验机
              28. 落球冲击试验机
              29. 摆锤冲击试验机
              30. 简支梁冲击试验机
              31. 悬臂梁冲击试验机
              32. 海绵性能检测仪器
              33. 压陷硬度测试仪
              34. 落球回弹测试仪
              35. 往复疲劳试验机
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              53. 球压痕硬度测试仪
              54. 全自动聚乙烯压痕硬度仪
              55. 熔融指数仪
              56. 热变形维卡测试仪
              57. 塑料低温催化冲击试验机
              58. 燃烧测试仪器
              59. 热物理性能检测
              60. 导热系数测定仪
              61. 膨胀系数测定仪
              62. 电阻温度特性测试仪
              63. 粉尘微粒测试仪器
              64. 孔径及孔隙率测试仪
              65. 电线电缆测试仪器
              66. 加热变形试验机
              67. 塑料冲击脆化温度测定仪
              68. 热稳定试验装置
              69. 氧指数测定仪-数显
              70. 凝胶含量试验装置
              71. 烟密度测定仪
              72. 卤酸气体释出测定装置
              73. 线材扭转卷绕试验机
              74. 制样机
              75. 万能制样机
              76. 冲片机
              77. 哑铃型制样机
              78. 缺口制样机
              79. 科研仪器
              80. 介电材料温谱测量系统
              81. 铁电材料综合测量系统
              82. 压电材料精密测量系统
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              89. 微波介电性能测量系统
              90. 仪器化落锤冲击试验机
              91. 缓冲材料能量冲击试验机
              92. 深度冷热交换冲击试验机
              93. 体压分布测量系统
              94. 离子含量测量系统
              95. 电荷量测量系统
              96. 玻璃高温电阻率测量系统
              97. 热门产品