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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大全 > 仪器仪表 > 电工仪器仪表 > 测磁仪器

                EM TEST LD200S19 抛负载发生器

                EM TEST LD200S19 抛负载发生器
                • EM TEST LD200S19 抛负载发生器
                产品报价: 面议
                emtest_ld200s19 (LD200S19)

                EM TEST LD200S19 抛负载发生器
                *内置耦合网络60V/25A DC
                LD 200S19 - 满足 Toyota 标准的抛负载发生器
                LD 200S19能够产生满足 Toyota 标准的 Test 1、Test 2、Test 3 抛负载脉冲。
                Toyota TSC3590G
                Toyota TSC7001G
                Toyota TSC7203G
                The LD 200S19 includes everything necessary to conduct fully compliant tests. It generates the pulses Test 1, Test 2 (Giant Pulase) and Test 3 as required by Toyota specifications. For Test 3 pulse generation an additional external DC voltage supply delivering 30V and having a sufficient current capability is required. Any DC supply available can be used.
                The LD 200S19 is a standalone pulse generator including a 60V/25A DC coupling/decoupling network but still it can be integrated easily into a complete test system. Operation is both manual and by software via GPIB or RS232. Fail inputs allow to control an ongoing test sequence based on the status of the DUT. A warning lamp control contact is provided as well as a safety interlock.
                Pre-programmed Standard Test routines allow highest user convenience.

                Easy to operate
                Front panel menu and function keys enable the user to program his test routines quickly and accurately. The cursor allows fast control of all test parameters of the programmed routine, thus test procedures are simplified and confidence is generated that every step is carried out correctly.
                ISMISO software for control and documentation
                Outstanding user convenience, clearly structured windows and operation features and the EM TEST standards library along with the flexibility to generate user specific test sequences very easily are the main features of ISMISO software. The software is automatically configured according to the connected EM TEST generators. ISMISO software covers international/national standards and most of the manufacturer standards and is continuously updated. Extensive reporting capabilities help the user to create test reports that meet international requirements.
                ISMISO is supported by Windows 95/98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP. Remote control is achieved either via RS232 or GPIB. ISMISO supports a wide range of GPIB cards both of National Instruments.

                EM TEST offers various Load Dump generators to cover the different test requirements of international/national standards and car manufacturers world-wide.


              2. Tektronix(泰克)
              3. 示波器
              4. 信号源
              5. 万用表
              6. 电源
              7. 信号发生器
              8. 泰克示波器探头
              9. 功率分析仪
              10. 频率计数器/定时器
              11. 视频测试
              12. Keithley(吉时利)
              13. 数据采集/开关系统
              14. 数字多用表
              15. 通用型源表
              16. 电源
              17. 信号发生器
              18. 放大器和滤波器
              19. 电池/蓄电池
              20. 微弱信号测量
              21. Fluke(福禄克)
              22. 万用表
              23. 热像仪
              24. 测温仪
              25. 电能质量分析仪
              26. 示波表
              27. 数据采集器
              28. 功率计
              29. 计数器
              30. 钳型表
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              32. 电缆测试仪
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              35. 直流电源/交流电源
              36. 万用表
              37. 信号源
              38. 数据采集器
              39. 频率计数器
              40. 功率计
              41. LCR表
              42. 频谱分析仪/信号分析仪
              43. GPIB、USB和仪器控制
              44. EMTEST
              45. HIOKI(日置)
              46. KIKUSUI(菊水)
              47. NF
              48. 柯尼卡美能達
              49. 艾德克斯
              50. 直流电源
              51. Aeroflex(艾法斯)
              52. 优利德
              53. 实验室
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