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                教育装备采购※网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大全 > 仪器仪表 > 电子通信测量仪器及虚拟仪器 > 移动通讯实验装置及通信设备

                4103 GSM900移动电话测试仪

                4103 GSM900移动电话测试仪
                • 4103 GSM900移动电话测试仪
                产品报价: 面议
                4103 GSM900


                ·Key GSM Measurements & Call Processing

                -RX Level -Burst Shape
                -RX Qual -MS Call
                -MS Power -BS Call
                -BER/FER -Hand-off
                -MS Sensitivety -Hand-over
                -PhaseError -Power/Time Template
                -FrequencyError -MS Into
                -Burst Timing -Audio Echo

                ·RF Signal Generator

                  Wavetek 4103 Series
                GSM900: 935 to 960 MHz(Channel 1 to 124)
                E-GSM 900: 925 to 935MHz(Channel 975to 10
                Key GSM Measurements & CallProcessing  
                -RX Level -Burst Shape
                -RX Qual -MS Call
                -MS Power -BS Call
                -BER /FER -Hand-off
                -MS Semsitivity -Hand-over
                -Phase Error -Power/Time Template
                -FrequencyError -MS Info
                -Burst Timing -Audio Echo
                GSM 1800: 1805to 1880MHz(Channel 512 to 885)
                GSM 1900: 1930to 1990MHz(Channel 512 to 810)
                Frequency error 1ppm
                Output powr level -45to -110dBm GSM/E-GSM
                -50 to -110dBm GSM1800/GSM 1900
                Output power level accuracy 1.5 dB GSM/E-GSM
                1.5 dB GSM1800/GSM1900
                Output level resolution 0.1dB
                Modulation Gaussian minimum shift keying

                ·Tx Measurement

                RFpower measurement (burtst)  
                Input power level  
                Inputpower level accuracy  
                Inputpower measurement resolution  
                GSM 900: 890to 915MHz (Channel 1 to 124)
                E-GSM900: 880to 890MH(Channel 975 to 1023)
                PCN/GSM 1800: 1710to 1785MHz(Channel 512 to 885)
                PCS/GSM 1900: 850to 1910MHz(Channel 512 to 810)
                Frequency error measurement accuracy (within 5 kHz mobile=referencefrequency offset >25Hz GSM
                >50Hz GSM 1800/GSM 1900
                Phase error measurement accuracy(within measurementrange 1.5° to 20°rms) >1.5°rms GSM
                2.5°rms GMS 1800/1900
                Power/TimeTeplate Samples/Bit(Burst):4(>812)
                Reference:Bit 13 of the training sequence
                Dynamic range:40 dB

                ·General Data
                ·Temperature range...................+15℃to +35℃(Working)
                ·....................................-30℃ to 50℃(Storage)
                ·Power Consumption................................15 Wstts
                ·Size and Weight.............................250*1109*95mm
                ·Data exchange:...................................RS-232-C

                WWG 4103(GSM 900) 101203
                Plug-in adapter (full size)
                Small plug-in SIM card can be fitted to thisfull size card and adapted to the full size format
                860 175
                Test SIM (full size/plug-in)
                SIM card can either be used as a full sizecard or a plug-in SIM.Plug-in SIM can be detached from the card and used separately
                RF connecting cable
                Connecting cable between any WavetekRF adapter (extra accessory)and a Wavetek 4100
                860 409
                RF adapters
                Due to the larg number of mobilephones,many different RF adapters are required to perform cable-based testing.
                These adapters connect the mobile phones RF interface to the RF adapter cableattached to the tester.Wavetek offers precisely matched adapters for the mostcommon mobile phone models.A separate list is available,which is regularly updatedwhenever a new mobile phone is launched on the market.
                This list can eitherbe downloaded from our Web Site on the internet (www.wavetek.com)or obtained directlyfrom your nearest representative.
                DC/DC Converter
                Converter for the Wavetek 4100 to plug into cigarettelighter of cars.Car adapter 12 V,CE-E1 certified,smaller than a cigarette box 860078
                Antenna 900 MHz
                Antenna with TNC connector to test mobile phones in the frequency range of900 MHz 860 261
                Antenna 1800/1900 MHz
                Antenna with TNC connector ,to test mobile phones inthe frequency range of 1800/1900 MHz 860 262
                Combicable for printer & PC (2.5 m)
                To attachthe Wavetek 4100 to the serial port of a PC(RS-232-C)and to a printer (Centronicsinterface) 384 877
                Centronics cable(2.5m)
                To attach a PC with a RS-232-C port tothe Wavetek 4100 384 875
                Centronics cable(2.5m)
                To attach a printer with a Centronicsinterface to the 4100 384 876
                Carrying case  
                Attractive,high quality case to carry the 4100 testerand the complete range of accessories 860 252
                Softshoulder bag
                Extremely lightweight case suitablefor carrying the 4100 and the essential accessories 860 251
                Universal Antenna Coupler  
                Connectsall mobile phones quickly and reliably,saving time and money 248 330
                4100 Utility Software  
                Windows-basedprograms allows individual selection of test settings,measurements and test limits 897110
              2. Tektronix(泰克)
              3. 示波器
              4. 信号源
              5. 万用表
              6. 电源
              7. 信号发生器
              8. 泰克示波器探头
              9. 功率分析仪
              10. 频率计数器/定时器
              11. 视频测试
              12. Keithley(吉时利)
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              14. 数字多用表
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              16. 电源
              17. 信号发生器
              18. 放大器和滤波器
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              23. 热像仪
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              42. 频谱分析仪/信号分析仪
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