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                DeckLink HD Extreme 3D

                DeckLink HD Extreme 3D
                • DeckLink HD Extreme 3D
                产品报价: 面议

                DeckLink HD Extreme 3D



                The new DeckLink HD Extreme 3D features single and dual channel SDI capture and playback for both regular 2D and new 3D stereoscopic workflows! Includes dual link 3 Gb/s SDI, HDMI and analog component/composite/s-video connections. Work in SD, HD, 3 Gb/s HD-SDI and 2K in 4:2:2 or 4:4:4. Also includes AES and analog balanced audio, 16 channel SDI audio, genlock and deck control. SDI, HDMI and analog component works in all video formats up to 1080p60. Includes broadcast quality up, down and cross conversion, plus built in SD/HD internal keyer for only$995!

                Connect to Anything
                DeckLink HD Extreme 3D is the only solution that connects to SDI, HDMI, component analog, NTSC/PAL and S-Video equipment for capture and playback, while instantly switching between SD, HD and 2K. DeckLink HD Extreme 3D includes 2 channels of AES/EBU audio in and out with a sample rate converter on the AES/EBU input as well as 2 channels of XLR professional analog audio in and out. Work with the widest range of equipment, such as HDCAM, HD-D5, HDCAM SR, Betacam SP, Digital Betacam, HD receivers, HDV cameras, televisions, mixers and more. DeckLink HD Extreme 3D now supports Dual Link SDI and 3 Gb/s SDI, so you can capture and play back 4:4:4 video when used with decks such as Sony HDCAM SR?, or view real time playback of 2K film resolution at 24 fps with Blackmagic Designs HDLink Pro.

                Amazing 3D Workflow
                DeckLink HD Extreme 3D is ready for 3D workflow using both interleaved and dual stream capture and playback. Interleaved is where the left and right eye are muxed as fields so you can edit using standard editing software. Dual stream is where DeckLink HD Extreme 3D uses the dual link SDI connections to capture and playback two streams for left and right eye, and records them into two separate media files. Dual stream 3D is higher quality because each eye is full resolution, but less compatible with current editing software.

                More HD Real Time Effects
                DeckLink HD Extreme 3Ds super fast 10 Gb/s connection plugs directly into your editing software’s real time effects processing. Unlike FireWire products, you get all CPU time for real time effects, as only PCI Express lets you upgrade to HD without limiting real time effects. The higher speed of PCI Express also easily handles advanced formats such as full resolution 2K digital film. Only high speed PCI Express ensures that when you upgrade your studio to high definition, youll get full real time effects.

                Powerful Image Processor
                DeckLink HD Extreme 3D includes a fast video processor for incredible 10 bit quality hardware up, down and cross conversion! Now you can edit once and deploy in SD, 720HD or 1080HD while leaving all CPU time dedicated to real time effects. You can also select between letterbox, anamorphic 16:9 and pillar- box 4:3 video! When working in HD video, down conversion lets you monitor in SD and HD at the same time with s-video and composite video outputs active.

                New 3 Gb/s SDI Connections
                The new DeckLink HD Extreme 3D is the first capture card to include high speed 3 Gb/s SDI connections. 3 Gb/s SDI is the latest version of the SDI video standard that allows 4:4:4 RGB and 2K film connection and even 3D with a single BNC type connection. 3 Gb/s SDI runs twice the data rate of normal HD-SDI video, however it can instantly switch to traditional standard definition and high definition SDI. 3 Gb/s SDI allows 4:4:4 RGB workflow or full resolution 2K feature film quality 24 fps 2048 x 1556 capture and playback. 2K via SDI allows a revolutionary change to feature film workflow as now you can connect film resolution video around your facility using the same familiar workflow as a "normal" video job! Only DeckLink HD Extreme 3D gives you film editing features built in for no extra cost!

                Incredible Built In HDMI
                Youll love the full resolution HDMI input and output built into DeckLink HD Extreme 3D. Use the HDMI output for connecting to any 2D or 3D HDMI television or video projector for full HD resolution monitoring at much lower cost than a dedicated HD broadcast monitor. Imagine presenting your work to your clients using cinema size large screen video projectors or televisions! Use the built in HDMI input for capturing from cameras with HDMI outputs. Unlike FireWire capture, using the HDMI output of consumer cameras means you get the highest quality uncompressed video from the camera, or you can use the native compression of your editing software, such as uncompressed, JPEG, DVCPRO HD, and ProRes. Unlike FireWire compression, using the native compression of your editing software, combined with high speed 10 Gb/s PCI Express gives you all CPU time for maximum real time effects playback direct to large screen displays and broadcast monitors.

                Worlds Highest Quality
                Fully compatible with SD-SDI and HD-SDI 4:2:2, new DeckLink HD Extreme 3D also features Dual Link HD-SDI 4:4:4 connections for feature film quality. Dual Link 4:4:4 is used on the latest Sony HDCAM SR decks, and contains additional color detail giving you full RGB color bandwidth and extra precision of up to 10 bit SDI video. When connected via PCI Express to a host computer, this higher quality video can be captured and played back completely uncompressed for amazing feature film quality. DeckLink HD Extreme 3D also takes a new lead in quality with the latest 3 Gb/s SDI technology, so you can connect RGB 4:4:4 and 2K and even 3D via a single SDI connection. 3 Gb/s SDI technology is the video standard of the future for post production, and allows "beyond HDTV resolutions". DeckLink HD Extreme 3D is ideal for connecting to Digital Betacam?, Panasonic HD-D5? or the new Sony HDCAM SR decks. Uncompressed 10 bit video is the highest quality possible from the SDI television system, and only uncompressed video will hold up under heavy working conditions demanded by clients today while retaining a delicate film look.

                True Professional Quality Audio
                DeckLink HD Extreme 3D features unbalanced AES digital audio in and out as well as XLR balanced pro audio for incredible quality while maintaining sample accurate AV sync. DeckLink HD Extreme 3D includes a sample rate converter on the AES/EBU input, so you can connect to any digital audio device, as either synchronized or un-synchronized sources. DeckLink HD Extreme 3D also includes a massive 16 channels of SDI embedded audio support for HD capture and playback, and 8 channels of SDI embedded audio for standard definition capture and playback.

                Compatible with Popular Video Software
                DeckLink HD Extreme 3D works in Windows XP?, Windows Vista?, Windows 7, Mac OS X? and Linux systems. Use your favorite video software such as Apple Final Cut Pro?, Adobe Premiere Pro?, Adobe After Effects?, Adobe Photoshop?, eyeon Fusion? and many more. Instantly switch between 2K, 1080 HD, 720 HD, NTSC and PAL for worldwide compatibility.

                Includes Loads of Free Software Utilities
                Photoshop? plug-ins are included for capture and output of still frames. Blackmagic Media Express? lets you control a deck remotely via RS-422 for capture and playback of clips with timecode accuracy and Blackmagic Disk Speed Test? checks your disk array in frames per second.
