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                长春智慧学㊣ 校体育论坛1180*60
                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大全 > 仪器仪表 > 光学仪器 > 激光↙器及电源


                • 激光微片
                产品报价: 面议
                MC (RS-3)

                The Microchip (MC) consists of a saturable absorber bonded with a Nd:YVO4 laser crystal. It can be used to generate pulsed laser radiation at 1064 nm wavelength if pumped with a diode laser at 808 nm using passively Q-switching.

                The main advantage of a laser build with a microchip is the pump power dependent repetition rate with fixed pulse duration and pulse energy. By simply increasing the pump power at 808 nm the repetition rate - and consequently the average output power - will be increased proportionally starting from the laser threshold. The laser output is linear polarized.

                We provide two types of microchips:
                • MC - Microchip in reflection mode
                • MCT - Microchip in transmission mode
                Possible application areas of this laser radiation are:
                • micromachining
                • light detection and ranging (LIDAR)
                • precision measurements
                • frequency conversion
                MC - Microchip in reflection mode
                • The Nd:YVO4 laser crystal is bonded with a saturable absorber mirror (SAM).
                • The laser output beam is in the reverse direction of the pump beam and must be separated from pump light by using a dichroitic mirror.
                • The laser output is linear polarized with the polarization direction perpendicular to the groove in the copper heat sink.
                MCT - Microchip in transmission mode
                • The Nd:YVO4 laser crystal is bonded with a saturable output coupler (SOC).
                • The laser output beam is in the same direction as the pump beam.
                • The laser output is linear polarized.


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