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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大⌒全 > 仪器仪表 > 光学仪器 > 物理光学仪器 > 光谱仪

                科学型吸收光谱仪Olis @ RSM1000

                科学型吸收光谱仪Olis @ RSM1000
                • 科学型吸收光谱仪Olis @ RSM1000
                产品报价: 面议
                A Tru Break through for Optical Spectroscopists!

                基于F/4.4专利技术 “DeSa 可减式扫描狭缝双光栅单色仪” 而开发出了用于高端研究的吸收、荧光、 圆二色 (CD)及LD 光谱仪。由于所采用的是独特的“快速扫描型单色仪”(Rapid-Scanning Monochromator),因此我们把这一系列的仪器称作"RSM"。 加之这一型号的光谱仪的扫描速度达到 每秒1000个光谱 或 每毫秒1000个数据点 ,我们称之为"RSM-1000"。每秒1000次光谱扫』描对于采用 停-流装置(stopped-flow)进行毫秒量∞级的研究非常有意义。而对于更快速的研究,如激光/闪光光解研究,可以每毫秒采集1000个数据点,用于The "1000 data points per millisecond" is used in both laser/flash photolysis rate studies where all of the data must be collected in microseconds or slow; and, paradoxically, in slow scanning work. That is, when the RSM 1000 is scanning like an ordinary monochromator, it is actually collecting and averaging data in a dual beam 1 MHz mode. Hence, its ability to collect noise in the fifth decimal place in seconds.

                C点击观看RSM 1000的五种常见配置

                All configurations feature superb optical performance (exceedingly low stray light, high photometric accuracy, photometric precision, etc.). But where other spectrometers effect scanning by moving gratings the Olis RSM series effects scanning with a moving intermediate slit. This simple spinning intermediate slit disk technology was awarded a US Patent and an R&D 100 award.

                The RSM utilizes photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). PMTs are the most sensitive and fast detectors available and are usable over wide wavelength ranges and over wide dynamic ranges. (Nearly everyone presumes that the RSM is a diode array system, because diode array systems are fast. This is not a diode array: it is a double grating monochromator which is faster and more sensitive than a diode array system!)

                The PMT based RSM is:

                Photometrically Accurate.
                It rejects stray light, takes dark readings thousands of times a second, and is a dual beam (sample/reference) design.

                Suitable for Measuring (even highly) Turbid Samples.
                This is possible because we position the PMTs 10 mm more or less as you need from the sample and reference cuvettes.

                Sensitive enough to make millisecond spectral scans of luminescence signals such as fluorescence and bioluminescence spectra.

                Will Not Cause Undesirable Photolysis of Photoliable Samples.
                Modest intense monochromatic light illuminates the sample; white light could be blasted on your sample to induce a photolytic change, but only when you want it to.

                The rapid-scanning monochromator is a double grating system for stray light rejection (< 0.0001%) and true spectra acquisition (not difference spectra). As a subtractive double grating design, it provides a homogeneous output beam.

                The Olis RSM is designed for maximum flexibility and modularity; the hardware and software can be optimized for each experiment. For instance, you can change optical ranges covered in each millisecond scan, you can fine-tune resolution, you can add a stopped-flow mixing system, or a photolysis apparatus, or do temperature dependent studies, all with obvious and easy hardware changes.

                Fixed wavelength fluorescence or luminescence measurements can be made with the standard absorbance model. And, after the addition of a brighter excitation source and a sister (excitation) monochromator, 1,000 emission scans per second can be captured.

                The mathematics for 2D and 3D analysis provide you with instantaneous fitting of spectra and kinetics. Our use of robust fitting rather than least squares fitting is correct. Our use of factor analysis is correct and 1300 fold faster than the published algorithm. (Fits on 1,000 spectral scans take one or two seconds to complete.)

                Of course, what really matters are results. Three weeks after receiving his Olis RSM 1000 plus U.S.A. Stopped Flow, Prof Grant Mauk of the University of British Columbia wrote "We have one experiment produced by the RSM that will be included in a poster to be shown at [the 7th International Congress of Bioinorganic Chemistry]." Thats results. Fast!

                By the way, if you dont see exactly what you need here, just ask! We routinely customize. View two unique configurations of the RSM in Utah and Illinois.

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              45. 吸收光谱仪
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              47. 停-流进样机
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