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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大全 > 仪器仪表 > 电工仪器仪表 > 直流电阻仪器№ > 标准电阻


                • 520手持式静电电压测试仪TREK
                产品报价: 面议
                Model 520 Series HAND-HELD Electrostatic Voltmeter
                The Model 520 Series includes the Model 520 and Model 523.
                The Trek Model 520 Hand-Held Electrostatic Voltmeter (ESVM) Series products provide accurate, noncontacting measurements of electrostatic surface voltage for ESD applications in either ionized or non-ionized environments. Industrial applications include measuring charge accumulation in the LCD manufacturing process or measuring static charge in semiconductor production. The Model 520 series ESVMs utilize a new measurement technique that overcomes the disadvantage of the typical hand-held fieldmeter by providing surface voltage measurements which are essentially independent of the sensor probe-to-measured surface spacing.Model 520-1 ESVM Over a spacing range of 5 mm to 25 mm, the 520 voltmeter provides better than a 5% voltage measurement accuracy, while the typical fieldmeter provides a voltage measurement error in excess of 50%. An optional voltage monitor output is available (Model 520-2).? Model 523 ESVMOver a spacing range of 30 mm to 60 mm, the 523 voltmeter provides greater than a 5% voltage measurement accuracy, while the typical fieldmeter provides a voltage measurement error in excess of 50%.?
                The 520 series provides a measurement system which complies with standardized calibration equipment traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The 520 series hand-held voltmeters employ a slender sensor probe design that provides flexibility to make measurements in many locations which are impossible to reach using the large, bulky sensing surfaces of the typical hand-held fieldmeter. The slender design also allows for higher spatial resolution capability by allowing the measurement of small surface areas. A "hold" pushbutton retains the displayed measured voltage value for recording purposes.
                ? Model 520 Measurement Range? 0 to ±2 kV DC.
                Model 523 Measurement Range? 0 to ±20 kV DC. Model 520 Accuracy? ESVM Monitor (Model 520-2)? Better than ±5% of full scale over the entire recommended probe-to-surface separation range of 5 mm to 25 mm.
                Model 523 Accuracy? Better than ±5% of full scale over the entire recommended probe-to-surface separation range of 30 mm to 60 mm. Model 520 Probe-to-Surface Separation (recommended) 5 mm to 25 mm.
                Model 523 Probe-to-Surface Separation (recommended) 30 mm to 60 mm.
                Stability? Drift with Time? Less than 600 ppm/hour, noncumulative. Drift with Temperature? Less than 600 ppm/°C.