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                第七届图书馆 体育培训

                莱产品 | 鞋盒灯、泛光灯、平板工矿灯……电源选↑什么?看这里!

                教育装备采购网 2023-07-20 17:04 围观13266次

                  Lifud New Product | Come Here to Choose LED Drivers For Shoebox Light, Flood Light, High Bay Light, etc.


                  In 2022, Lifud launched the first non-isolated linear driver of LF-FAx/FBx compatible with external power & CCT DIP switch and integrating light sensing circuits, covering full range voltage of 100-277Vac, which has helped many customers to realize multiple functions in one light and to reduce the cost of stocking and warehousing management.


                  120-347Vac High-voltage Input Series of LF-FCx launched!


                  During one-year verification of market application, LF-FAx/FBx drivers have received favorable feedback from many customers. This year, in order to further serve our customers, upgrading and expanding the LF-FAx/FBx, Lifud ceremoniously launched the non-isolated high-voltage 120-347Vac input driver of LF-FCx, which can satisfy more application needs of high-voltage market projects.


                  Lifud Non-isolated LED Driver Family (LF-FCx: 120-347Vac linear seires)

                莱产品 | 鞋盒灯、泛光灯、平板工矿灯……电源选什→么?看这里!


                  100-320W with multiple versions available!


                  Up to now, LF-FCx non-isolated high-voltage input series has launched 5 power models of 100/150/200/240/320W, which are divided into 2 versions of 3-in-1 (0-10V/PWM/Rx) dimming (LF-FCCxxx) and 3-in-1 dimming + 12V (LF-FCAxxx), both suitable for US-standard shoebox light, flood light, panel high bay light, etc.

                  ▼应用场景    Application

                莱产品 | 鞋盒灯、泛光灯、平板工矿灯……电○源选什么?看这里!


                  Full-feature and excellent performance! Preferred driver solution for non-isolated Luminaire!


                  Integrated potentiometer of the series can adjust the current, can be connected to the external current & CCT DIP module and light sensor circuit, which has higher efficiency than similar products in the market, flicker-free and low residual voltage (<2KV) to be the FIRST choice of US-standard high-voltage lighting application in the market for non-isolated driver solutions!

                  ▼产品详情    Product Details

                莱产品 | 鞋盒灯、泛光灯、平板工矿灯……电源◤选什么?看这里!


                  For more outdoor lighting driver solutions, please follow Lifud for 40-1000W one-stop purchasing service!

                莱产品 | 鞋盒灯、泛光灯、平板工矿灯……电源选什么?看这里!


                  Need driver, choose Lifud


                  For more information, please follow Lifud LinkedIn Official Account.


                  For more product details, please contact your dedicated sales engineer or call Lifud Receptionist at 0755-83739299.

                莱产品 | 鞋盒灯、泛光灯、平板工矿灯……电源选什么?看这里!

                莱产品 | 鞋盒灯、泛光灯、平板工矿灯……电源选什么?看这里!

                点击进入深圳莱福德科技股份有限公司展台查看更多 来源:教育装备采购网 作者:深圳莱福德科技股份有限公司 责任编辑:张肖 我要投稿


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