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                【政府采购↑艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——徐德伦精品手绘

                教育装备采购网 2022-05-12 11:13 围观0次

                【政府采购╳艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——徐德伦精品手绘

                  徐德伦,中共党员,出生于1940年3月,锡伯族,辽宁大连人,大学学历,高级工程师。退休前任职央属矿企管理工作。自幼喜爱书法,尤其在退休后,全身心研习书法,曾参加 “中国书画导报”、“国开大学书法学院”举办的书画研修班学习,主修行、草书。结业时,曾以“书苑点睛获真谛”为题之心得体会文章入选《中国书法精英的摇篮》纪实中。



                  多年来,作品在 “四圣杯”、“炎黄杯”、“中华魂”、“纪念毛↓泽东诞辰120周年”等全国书画作品大赛、大展等活动中,获金奖五次,银奖三次,其他奖项若干次。作品被编入“巍巍中华书画大典”、“翰墨颂伟人”、“献礼十八大〗——中华魂全国诗书画精品集萃”、“炎黄杯国际诗书画印艺术精品”、“中国草书选集”、“中国行书选集”、“中国美术选集”、“新中国美术图鉴”、中国艺术大师的恢宏巨著”、“中国书画艺术年鉴”等百余部、册、刋、集。

                  近期中国书画职称润格评定中心等4单位评选,特授予“国家一级艺⌒ 术大师”,并获得“一代名家”荣誉称号。


                  中国功勋人物委员会特评定为“中国功勋人物”称号。经国家级艺术大师■评审委员会等单位授予“国宝级艺术大师”称号,又经“中国文化艺术界联合会”、中国传统文化发展中▽心等单位授予“中国书画艺术家百佳”、“艺术传承人物”、“特别推荐艺术家”、“中国正能量艺术家”、“中国实力派书画ξ 家”、“中国国际艺术形象大使”、“二十一〗世纪中国文化名人”等荣誉称号。

                  Xu Delun, a member of the Communist Party of China, was born in March 1940, Xibo nationality, native of Dalian, Liaoning, university degree, senior engineer. Before retiring, he worked in the management of central mining enterprises. I love calligraphy since childhood, especially after retirement, I study calligraphy wholeheartedly. When he graduated, the article on his experience and experience with the title of "The Eye of the Book Garden" was selected in the documentary "The Cradle of Chinese Calligraphy Elites".

                  Now he is a Chinese calligrapher and painter, a national senior calligrapher, a national first-class artist (calligraphy), a member of the Chinese Couplet Association, a member of the Chinese Calligrapher and Painter Association, a member of the Central State Organ Calligraphers Association, a member of the Chinese Hard Pen Calligraphy Association, and a member of the Chinese Elderly Calligraphy and Painting Research Member of the Association, member of China International Artists Association, member of China Yanhuang Art Association, member of China Senior Calligraphy and Painting Society, member of China Yanhuang Art Society, member of Hong Kong Chinese Calligraphers Association, life member of "Archives of Chinese Artists", senior lecturer of calligraphy education, and Join the national professional credit evaluation network skilled talent pool.

                  Currently employed as Honorary Chairman of Hong Kong Chinese Calligraphers Association, Vice Chairman and Visiting Professor of Calligraphy and Painting Art Professional Committee of China National Architecture Research Association; Consultant of Academic Committee of China Chinese and Foreign Celebrity Culture Research Association Vice Chairman of the Association, Art Consultant of China International Modern Art Research Center, Art Consultant of Chinese Culture Research Institute, Director of China Hanmo Art Institute, Director of Calligraphy and Painting Professional Committee of China Enterprise Alliance Investment Information Technology Research Institute, member of National Celebrity Calligraphy and Painting Federation, Ministry of Culture Senior Calligrapher and Painter of China Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, Calligrapher of China National Painting Academy, Vice President of Beijing Dayou Qianjing Painting and Calligraphy Academy, Art Consultant of Chinese Culture Research Institute, Director of China Hanmo Art Research Institute, Director of China Hanmo Art Network Art Committee, Qufu Hongru Calligraphy and Painting Academy Executive Vice President, Chairman of Sino-Confucian Cultural Industry Alliance.

                  Over the years, his works have won five gold awards, three silver awards, and other awards in national painting and calligraphy competitions and exhibitions such as "Four Holy Grails", "Yanhuang Cup", "Chinese Soul", and "Commemorating the 120th Anniversary of Mao Zedong's Birth". several times. His works have been included in the "Grand Ceremony of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting", "Song of Calligraphy and Calligraphy", "Giving to the Eighteenth National Congress of the Chinese Spirit", "National Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Collection of Chinese Soul", "Yanhuang Cup International Poetry, Calligraphy, Painting and Sealing Art Collection", "Chinese Cursive Calligraphy Collection", "Chinese Running Script Collection", "Chinese Art Collection", "New China Art Book", "The Great Works of Chinese Art Masters", "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art Yearbook" and more than 100 volumes, volumes, editions and collections.

                  Recently, 4 units including the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Professional Title Runge Evaluation Center were selected and awarded the "National First-Class Art Master" and won the honorary title of "Famous Artist of the Generation".

                  In commemorating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, he was awarded the honorary title of "Meritorious Artist" by the official authorities of three units including the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art Review Committee.

                  The Committee of Chinese Meritorious Persons specially rated him as "Chinese Meritorious Person". He was awarded the title of "National Treasure Master of Art" by the National Art Master Evaluation Committee and other units, and was awarded "Top 100 Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Artists" and "Art Inheritance Figure" by the "China Culture and Art Circles Federation", the Chinese Traditional Culture Development Center and other units. , "Specially Recommended Artist", "Chinese Positive Energy Artist", "China's Powerful Calligrapher and Painter", "China's International Artistic Image Ambassador", "21st Century Chinese Cultural Celebrity" and other honorary titles.

                【政府采购艺术家代▂表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——徐德伦精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代♂表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——徐德伦精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代※表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——徐德伦精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术①家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——徐德伦精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——徐德伦精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——徐德伦精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——徐德伦精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——徐德伦精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——徐德伦精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——徐德伦精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——徐德伦精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——徐德伦精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——徐德伦精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——徐德伦精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——徐德伦精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——徐德伦精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——徐德伦精品手绘


                来源:大众文化网 责任编辑:王道 我要投稿



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