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                教育装备采购◥网 2020-10-27 09:05 围观720次


                  【CEEIA】The Most Hottest Exhibition in 2020 !

                  10月23-25日,第78届中国教ω 育装备展览会在重庆国际博览中心开展,相比↘上半年的展会,中教展似乎丝毫没有受到今年大环境的影响,人流依旧爆满,以至于两人结伴观展时,稍不注意可能就会走散了。

                  The 78th China Educational Equipment Exhibition had beenheld in Chongqing International Expo Centerfrom October 23 to 25. Compared with other exhibitions held in early this year, the CEEIA seemed not to be affected by the social situation and still attracted a great number of audience. That’s why we called it the most hottest exhibition in 2020.



                  We know that education is the foundation of a nation and student is the hope of future, so how to improve our education equipment? How to improve our education quality? How to provide a better learning environment for our students? These question are worth pondering. The CEEIA may present some solutions. From desks and chairs to examination system, from lighting improvement to safety management, the CEEIA provided the best resources for education industry, attracting many excellent enterprises to join in, including NetEase, Youdao, Lenovo, Forest Lighting and etc.



                  In recent years, classroom lighting environment, as one of the most initial factors that affecting the eye health of teenagers, has become a focus for education industry. As part of lighting industry, Lifud has always committed to “technology innovation, improving living environment and life quality”, and will never steps back in protecting our teenager’s eye health. Therefore, we also displayed products specially designed for education lighting in the CEEIA.




                  The products on show this time are mainly for conventional classroom lighting improvement and intelligent classroom lighting improvement.



                  l 光波「动深度≈0

                  l THD<10%

                  l 92%转换效率

                  l 30万台月出货量验证

                  l 恒照度无光衰(LF-GIFxxxPC)

                  Conventional Classroom Lighting Improvement

                  We aim to create a sound eye using environment for students with excellent flicker free effect. The “consistent illuminance and no light decay”design solves the problem that the light decay affects students’eyes because of the long term working of light fixtures.

                  Modulation depth near 0

                  THD less than 10%

                  Conversion efficiency of 92%

                  Monthly salesvolumeof 300,000 sets

                  Consistent illuminance and no light decay (LF-GIFxxxPC)





                  S —— 简单省心 Simple(配套★全系统∑、多场景调用、双通道控制)

                  H —— 健康护眼 Health(光波△动深度≈0、恒照度“无光衰”)

                  E —— 高效节能 Energy-saving(智能感应方案量身定做、92%超高效率)

                  Intelligent Classroom Lighting Improvement

                  On the basis of conventional classroom lighting, we pay much attention to simple installation, simple usage and simple maintenance, dimming smoothness, dimming depth and dimming tolerance. The equipment in classroom (such as light fixtures, curtain motor, projector and etc) can be interconnected intelligently with ZigBee wireless control protocol to self define the application scenes. Combined with the lighting sensor can make a balance lighting in every corner of the classroom.

                  SHE Intelligent Control System

                  S -- Simple (whole system supporting, six scenes optional, intelligent control&conventional control)

                  H -- Health (Modulation depth near zero, consistent luminance, “no light decay”)

                  E -- Energy-saving (Intelligent sensing, customized solution, ultra high efficiencyof 92%)



                  技术:教授/ 博士领衔、专门的软/硬件团队、产品升级可持续



                  Why choose Lifud?

                  Technology:led by senior professors/doctors, special software/hardware team, sustainable product upgrading

                  Quality:average sales volumeof 300,000pcs/month CCC and ENEC certified eye protection drivers shipped to China, Europe and Australia

                  Service:technical support 

                点击进入深圳莱福德科技股份有限公司展台查看更多 来源:教育装◎备采购网 作者:深圳莱福德科技股份有限公司 责任编辑:张肖 我要投稿



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