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                Softing 2020届线上诊断大会

                教育装备采购网 2020-09-27 15:55 围观467次

                Softing 2020届线上诊断大会




                  Witness a First and Visit Us at the Softing Diagnostic Convention 2020 – on a Virtual Basis!


                  The situation for all of us in 2020 has been an unspancedented one. But keeping your distance does not mean you have to forgo anything – on the contrary. Despite of canceled or postponed congresses, shows and TechDays we don′t want to fogro the personal exchange with our customers, partners and interested parties. And so on October 12, 2020, we are opening the doors of our virtual showroom for the very first time. This way we will have no trouble in bringing technical spansentations as well as our solutions and exhibits to your office or home. We are very pleased to be able to welcome you to our first event on virtual ground, the Softing Diagnostic Convention 2020!

                  对于我们每个人来说,2020年的形势都是前所未有的。保持距离并不意味着要放弃所有,尽管一⊙些会议、展会和TechDays被取消或推迟,但我们还是希望和大家多一些一起进行交流的机会。所以在 2020年10月12日-13日,我@们将首次开放线上数字展厅,向您尽情展示我们全新的解决方案和产品,以及技¤术演讲。我们〒也非常荣幸邀请您参加我们的线上活动:Softing2020届诊断大会!


                  ① Digital Showroom 数字展厅

                  Showcasing Our Diagnostic Solutions 展示我们的诊断解决方案

                  Move freely as you would in real life around our digital showroom and discover our diagnostic solutions – the engineering tester Softing DTS.monaco and the workshop tester Softing TDX.workshop – from a completely new perspective. Convince yourself of how efficiently our solutions can be used. And our vehicle interfaces of the VIN|ING family (VCIs) are also just waiting for you to take a closer look – true to the original and in 3D. Our team of experts will be available live during the event for any questions you may have. There’s lots to discover – just wait and see!

                  在线上数字展厅中,您可以像在真实展厅中一样进行“自由参观”,可☆以从一个全新的视角了解我们的诊断解决方案——工程诊断仪DTS.monaco 和车间/售后诊断仪 Softing TDX.workshop。另外期待您可以近距离◣接触我们的车辆接口卡VIN|ING系列(VCIs)产品——以3D模式进行真实还原。我们的团队专家也会在现※场为您答疑解惑,让您了解我们解决方案的有效性及专业性。还有更多内容等待您的观看,敬请期待!

                  · Live sessions 在线开放时间:

                  2020.10.12 星期一 16:00--23:30 (北京时间)

                  2020.10.13 星期二 14:30--18:00 (北京时间)

                  ② Technical Presentations 技术演讲

                  Exclusive Insights into Current Challenges Facing the Industry行业当前所面临挑战的独到见解

                  The Softing Diagnostic Convention 2020 will also feature two speeches which will be given more than once at different times, followed up by a discussion. The speakers will provide exclusive insights into current developments and challenges in the field of service-oriented diagnostics, remote engineering and spandictive maintenance. Once participants have selected the time most suitable for them, they simply join the respective spansentation live.

                  Softing2020诊断大会将与大家分享两场专业演讲,演讲会安排在不同的时间段,演讲结束后,大家可以就演讲内容进行讨论。Softing专家团队将对面向服务的诊断、远程诊断和〇车辆诊断预测等领域就当前的发展和挑战分享见解。您可以选择Ψ 以下适合您的时间,参加您感兴趣主题的现场演讲。

                  · Topic主题1:

                  Service Oriented Diagnostics & Remote Engineering(面向服务的诊断&远程诊断)


                  Markus Steffelbauer, Head of Product Management, Softing Automotive

                  Markus Steffelbauer, Softing汽车电子产⌒ 品总监

                  时间(北京) :

                  2020.10.12  星期一  时段一:16:30  时段二:21:30

                  2020.10.13  星期二  时段三:15:00 

                  · Topic主题2:

                  Predictive Maintenance – Data is the New Oil(诊断预测)


                  Peter Subke, Director Business Development NAFTA, Softing Automotive

                  Peter Subke, Softing汽车电子业务发展总监


                  2020.10.12  星期一 时段一:17:30  时段二:22:30

                  2020.10.13  星期二 时段三:16:00

                  ③ Highlights at a glance 亮点一览

                  ·New product videos

                  ·360° view of our vehicle communication interfaces (hardware)

                  ·Videos on use cases

                  ·Exclusive content for registered visitors

                  ·Technical spansentations

                  ·Personal exchange with the Softing team of experts

                  ·How-to-use videos

                  e.g. Update of several vehicles / control units with Softing TDX.workshop

                  e.g. Creation of a vehicle report with Softing DTS.monaco







                  使用Softing TDX.workshop更新多个车辆/控制器

                  使用Softing DTS.monaco创建车辆报告



                Email: info@softingchina.cn 

                Tel: 021-61063031

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