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                2020 Stata免费在㊣线网络研讨会

                教育装〖备采购网 2020-02-17 17:50 围观714次

                2020 Stata免费在线网络▅研讨会№


                  1、借助Stata 16的新python命令,您现在可以在Stata中嵌Ψ 入并执行Python代码。此外,新的Stata函数接口(sfi)Python模块允许您在Stata和Python之间无缝传递数据和结果。这意味着您现在可以直接在Stata中使用任何Python软件包。例如,您可以ζ 使用Matplotlib绘制3维图形,使用Scrapy从Web上㊣抓取数据,或使用TensorFlow和scikit-learn访问█机器学习技术。与StataCorp的首席软件工程师』Zhao Xu一起,向他展示如何在Stata中以交互方式以及在do文件和ado文件中调用Python。他还将演示如何使用sfi模块将Python的功能与Stata的核心功能进行交互






                2020 Stata免费在线网络研讨会


                  Webinar: Structural equation modeling (SEM) using Stata

                  When:18 March 2020, 12:00 PM CDT (5:00 PM GMT)

                  Description:With structural equation models, you can analyze the relationship between an unobserved latent concept, such as depression, and the observed variables that measure it. You can estimate mediation effects. And, you can model a system with many endogenous variables and correlated errors.

                  主讲人:Rose Medeiros

                  Rose Medeiros以前是StataCorp LLC的高级统计师,在那里她进行了培训并致力于Stata的开发。她现在是Corrona,LLC的高级生物统计学家。Rose自2000年以来一直是Stata用户。她拥有社会学博士学位◣,并且对丢失数据和混合模型特别感兴趣。

                  Webinar: Python integration

                  When:5 March 2020, 11:00 AM CST (5:00 PM GMT)

                  Description:With Stata 16's new pythoncommand, you can now embed and execute Python code from within Stata. Additionally, the new Stata Function Interface (sfi) Python module allows you to pass data and results between Stata and Python seamlessly. This means that you can now use any Python package directly within Stata. For instance, you might use Matplotlib to draw 3-dimensional graphs, Scrapy to scrape data from the web, or TensorFlow and scikit-learn to access machine-learning techniques.

                  主讲人:Xu Zhao

                  徐朝是StataCorp LLC的首席软件工程师。他是Stata新Python套件的主要开①发人员。Zhao自2012年以来一直在开发Stata。赵拥有武汉理工大学的应用数学硕士学位和路易斯安那大︻学拉斐特分校的统计博士学位。

                  Webinar: Tips and Tricks

                  When: 25 February 2020, 10:00 AM CST (4:00 PM GMT)

                  Description:Discover some of Stata's hidden (and not so hidden) gems. In our Tips and Tricks webinar, we share a few of our developers' favorite features of Stata with you. 

                  Webinar: Ready. Set. Go Stata.

                  When: 11 February 2020, 2:00 PM CST (8:00 PM GMT)

                  When: 20 February 2020, 10:00 AM CST (4:00 PM GMT)


                  New to Stata? Ready to analyze your data but not sure where to start?If you are asking yourself questions such as

                • How do I get data into Stata?

                • What tools are available for manipulating and cleaning data?

                • How can I create and customize scatterplots, histograms, and other graphs?

                • How do I fit a model and graph the results?

                • How do I find resources for learning Stata?

                  then join us for our webinar introducing Stata. In this one-hour webinar, we will take you on a tour of Stata, show you how to answer questions like these, and show you how to go even further.

                  We can't wait for you to get started with Stata and to see where you take it.

                  温馨提示:研讨会过程中会涉⌒ 及软件操作,为了您→的数据安全,请使用正版软件处理您的数据。


                  北京友@万信息科技有限公司作为Stata软件在中国大陆的授权经销商及合作伙伴,希望能给Stata中国用户提供更多服务与支持,并帮助中国用户建立完善的软件售后服务△体系。随着Stata16新版▽本的发布,友万学院※公众号也陆续发布了系列Stata16新功能学习视频,用户关注后可直接免费观看。软件订购热线:010-56451128 18610597626  邮箱:crystal@uone-tech.cn。同时为●了方便大家学习,友万学院特别开放Stata软件免费试用注册通∑ 道,请识别下●方二维码注册获取。

                2020 Stata免费在线网络研讨会

                  注:注册时加*号部分必需填写真实信息(全中文注册)。审核需要3-5个工作日,注册成功后发邮件至注册邮箱,安装问题可直接联系陈老师 18600528290(手机/微信同号)。

                点击进入北京友万信息科¤技有限公司展台查看更多△ 来源:教育装备采购网 作者:北京友万信息科技有限公司 责任编辑:张肖 我要投稿



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