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                教育装备采购网 2019-10-25 11:26 围观635次


                  Many people's first riding experience is probably to ride a small horse drawn by a special person in a tourist attraction. Do you still miss the feeling of being excited and nervous while rocking forward on the horse's back- On October 22, the students of Teensen school had a Riding activity. Unlike the traditional activity, as an " other International School ", Teensen went to the JUNHE star Horse Club in Xiangshan Forest Park, so that the students could have a close contact with the horse and become a "horse lover" one day.


                  秋日早晨,太阳初升,阳光充满柔和、温暖,空气中氤氲着潮湿的晨露,略有些清甜,沐浴着ω 晨光,开启了驾驭与征服的美好旅程。此次的马术骑乘体验日,以马术理论知识讲解、马厩护↑理实操体验、鞍上骑乘∞体验三个环节贯穿整个活动流程。

                  In the autumn morning, when the sun is rising, the sun is full of softness and warmth, and the air is filled with moist morning dew, which is slightly sweet and bathed in the morning light, opening a wonderful journey of control and conquest. The equestrian riding experience day runs through the whole activity process with three links: the explanation of equestrian theoretical knowledge, the practical experience of stable nursing and the riding experience on saddle.



                  The equestrian riding experience kicked off in the equestrian obstacle show. The coach rode a warm blooded horse from Germany, which brought us a thrilling and exciting equestrian obstacle show. A perfect jumping in the air, he easily and handsomely crossed the 140 cm high obstacle. The high difficulty action made the students in the field marvel and applaud.



                  In the theory class, the equestrian teacher explains the equestrian knowledge in a lively and interesting language, including the types of horses, living habits, advantages of equestrian, equestrian events and advantages of learning equestrian. Every student is full of spirit and interest.



                  Under the guidance of the equestrian coach, we came to the stable and visited all kinds of good horses in the stable under the coach's explanation. From thoroughbred, warm blooded to pony, all kinds of foals are of great interest to children. The coach not only explained and demonstrated the horse care, but also let every student experience the horse brush at zero distance. The zero distance interaction with horses and the cultivation of feelings ignited students' enthusiasm for equestrian skills, and they can't wait to have close contact with horses.



                  Finally, we had the most exciting riding experience on the saddle. With the help of the staff, we were fully armed, wearing protective vests, helmets, gloves and chabes. The coaches use the most professional teaching to teach the children the correct way to mount the horse, the standard riding posture, the law of starting and sitting, the rhythm, and control the direction of the horse, so that the students can feel the slow and fast steps of the horse, and adapt to the rhythm of the horse. The children listened to the coach's instructions when riding. With the rhythm of the horse to feel, the little Knight's posture gradually revealed.



                  Although it's just a slow circle in the field, it's not as simple as you think to ride a horse well. You have to run in with the horse to let the horse understand what you think, and you can also experience the feelings of the horse. This is a harmonious state, but also an exercise of leadership. Try to stabilize yourself while walking. When you gently stroke the horse's neck, you can feel how fascinating the vitality and inner strength of this beautiful creature are.

                  ▲鞍上骑乘体验  向下滑动查看照片

                  ▲鞍上骑乘体验 向下滑动查看照片

                  ▲鞍上骑乘体验  向下滑动查看照片

                  ▲鞍上骑乘体验  向下滑动查看照片

                  ▲鞍上骑乘体验  向下滑动查看照片




                  The short riding experience of Equestrian Riding ended at sunset, but the children were still excited on their way back to school. 


                  Equestrian makes me feel really handsome and elegant. These tamed horses are timid but gentle. Sitting on the horse's back excitedly, sitting up with the horse's pace, it can be said to be heroic. For the first time in my life, I experienced equestrian, not only in-depth understanding of equestrian in theory class, but also in-depth understanding of how to cooperate with horses in practice, so that horses can run in a relaxed environment. 



                  After entering the racecourse, I got on the horse, rode, ran and stopped. The coach patiently held the reins. There, I felt the expectation I had never had before. From the theory class, we know what is equestrian, its competition rules, competition system, source and history. Through the combination of video and commentary, we also have a better understanding of equestrian in fact. In general, it's a high school freshman who can't hope to get rid of the heavy study pressure and devote himself to the relaxed outdoors. I'm very happy to participate in this experience class.


                  Teensen International high school has been aiming to cultivate five qualities of “A” (Ambitious), B (Bold), C (Caring), D (Devoted) and E (Erudite). "ABCDE" is the training goal of five kinds of literacy, which is committed to cultivating excellent talents with international vision, leader temperament, scientific spirit, humanistic care and social responsibility. Through riding experience, it can not only exercise the body and temper the will, but also awaken the confidence of children's inner potential, enhance the ability to cope with complex environment and resistance to setbacks, and gain inner heart. To improve children's patience, courage and love.

                  撰写: Jane

                  摄影:Jack  Rebecca

                  编辑: Jane


                  朗读:Mia  Shmily

                  主编: Jane

                  总编: Gar

                来源:互联网 责任编辑:张肖 我要投稿



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