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                教育装备⌒ 采购网

                LPKF Equipment Gives Companies the Flexibility to Meet Customer Needs

                教育装备采购∴网 2013-12-27 17:24 围观417次



                  Staying Agile in a Fast -Paced Industry

                  The fast-paced world of RF & Microwave Design often requires a certain amount of agility. As projects evolve, the ability to make last-minute design changes without compromising production schedules provides a signifi-cant competitive advantage. However, lengthy board house turn-around times can make practicing such agility easier said than done.

                  The Microwave and RF components division of Trilithic, Inc. is familiar with this dynamic. A leading provider of filter and filter subsystem designs for com-munications networks, Trilithic depends on its ability to make late-breaking board adjustments for its custom-ers.

                  Solution: LPKF Rapid PCB Prototyping

                  To maintain flexibility and agility for its customers, Trilithic relies on in-house rapid printed circuit board (PCB) prototyping equipment from LPKF®. LPKF’s state-of-the art PCB milling technology produces fully functional board prototypes in just a few hours, making it much easier to accommodate last-minute design changes.

                  Results: In-house Equipment Keeps Projects on Course

                  Thanks to its rapid prototyping capabilities, LPKF equipment has become essential to Trilthics production process. The company regularly uses its LPKF equip-ment to do prototype runs for its customers. Trilithic engineer Rob Nowosielski describes his teams LPKF equipment as an “extremely effective tool to shave a couple of hundred dollars and a couple of days off prototype runs and make changes on the fly.”

                  For instance, Nowosielski recalls a case where Trilithic started out working on a lumped element filter design that would not function properly. At the last minute, the team solved the problem by switching to a planar de-sign. Using LPKF equipment, Trilithic was able to make those design changes and complete the project without delaying their production schedule.

                  As Nowosielski puts it, “If we hadn’t had the LPKF m achine we wouldn’t have been able to turn around the project and complete the order within our custom-ers timeframe.”


                  In fact, according to Nowosielski LPKF equip-ment has “saved” customer orders for Trilithic on more than one occasion.

                  LPKF Laser & Electronics AG manufactures ma-chines and laser systems used in electronics fabri-cation, the automotive sector, and the production of solar cells. Around 20 percent of the workforce is engaged in research and development.

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