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                LPKF ProtoMat S62 Delivers Milling Diversity for Wind Power Specialist Enercon GmbH

                教育装备采购网 2013-12-27 16:36 围观672次

                  The international wind power specialist, Enercon, is one of the largest wind turbine manufactur-ers in the world. Aside from the tall towers, nacelles and blades, these structures require a con-siderable amount of electronics to deliver the extracted energy needed, and the LPKF ProtoMat S62 has been an important factor in providing these since 2006.

                  A long standing market leader in Germany, Enercon has installed more than 17,000 wind energy converters in 30 different countries. They follow the latest design principles and feature a sophisticated grid connection system.

                  Enercon’s Test Systems Department is utilizing their ProtoMat S62 to improve equipment for inspecting and enhancing pitch control units, power units, and boards. Design Engineer, Holger Lübben, loads his layout onto the computer using CAD and instantly turns data into functional PCBs.


                  The ProtoMat S62 mills traces into cladded materials, drills vias, and cuts the PCB from the substrate mate-rial. It automatically picks the correct tool and has speeds up to 62,000 rpms. An LPKF MiniContac RS quickly and reliably plates the through-holes in the PCB.

                  Not only does the S62 have the ability to mill boards, it also creates mechanical pieces such as measuring adapters, component part fixtures, and front panels which are used in wind turbines throughout the world.

                  Due to the milling diversity of the ProtoMat S62, Ener-con recognizes the value that this system has brought them for the past five years.




                Front: Enercon produces prototypes and small batches ofmeasuring devices in house


                Left: PCBs are tested in the magazine table


                Above: The LPKF ProtoMat not only mills PCBs, but alsoadapters and fixtures. (Photos: Enercon)

                  Enercon wind energy converters feature more than 25 years of experience. Each wind energy converter fol-lows the latest design principles and features a sophis-ticated grid connection system. As longstanding market leader in Germany, the company has installed more than 16,000 wind energy converters in 30 countries, also making a good name for itself on an international level.

                  LPKF Laser & Electronics AG manufactures machines and laser systems used in electronics fabrication, medi-cal technology, the automotive sector, and the produc-tion of solar cells. The worldwide operating company unites competences from laser technology and optics, and drive and control technology with extensive experi-ence in the micromachining of materials. They also maintain the North American branch in Portland, Ore-gon.

                点击进入乐普科(天津)光电有㊣ 限公司展台查看更多 来源:乐普科(天津)光电有限公司 我要投稿


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