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                教育装备采╱购网 2013-08-12 13:17 围观9978次

                  目录 Content

                  引言 Introduction

                  一、展会概览 Exhibition Profile

                  二、展商分析 About Exhibitors

                  1、展商类型/构成 Exhibitors Breakdown

                  2、展⊙商满意度调查 Exhibitors Satisfaction Survey

                  3、展商参展目◇标 Target of Participation

                  三、观众分析 About Visitors

                  1、观众构成 Visitors Breakdown

                  2、观众职级和职㊣务 Position Classification of Visitors

                  3、观众意向 Visitors Intention

                  四、展商和观众评价 Comment form Exhibitors and Visitors

                  1、展商感言 Exhibitor’s Testimonials

                  2、观众感言 Visitor’s Testimonials



                  我们很幸运,能与各位伙伴结识,并聆听你们的声音,在经№过一年的努力后,将CIROS2013呈现在世人面前。今天,我们很欣喜的看到,CIROS的技术与产品已经与国际同步、CIROS已经初□ 具规模、CIORS已经导入了╳行业的创新基因,CIROS已经成为一个独立的、专业的机器人展。

                  事实上,CIROS的一切,都是中国机器人产业发展的真实反映:在过去的一年间,更多的机器人品牌在卐涌现,更多的新产品和新技术在⌒ 更多的领域中得到应用,当然,还有就是中国机器人产业联盟的成立。透◆过这些变化,可以看到机器人正在成为★一个独立的、富有创造力的、有自我意识的崭新行业。




                  The robot is a new industry, CIROS is a new platform. New things, growing with loss and stubborn, suspicious and persistence. When the robot really become an industry, when it is no longer just the car, or welding; when it is no longer just industry, or service; when it is a robot, an independent, creative industry, it quietly change a lot of things, even the future.

                  We are very lucky, can meet with our partners and listen to your voice, CIROS2013 shows in the world after one year’s efforts. Today, we are delighted to see that the technology and product of CIROS have been synchronized with the international, CIROS has begun to take shape, CIORS has introduced the industrys innovative gene, CIROS has become an independent, professional robots show.

                  In fact, CIROS in all is a true reflection of the development of the Chinese robot industry: More robot brands are emerging in the past year, new products and new technology have been applied in more and more fields, of course, there is the establishment of the China Robot Industry Alliance. Through these changes, we can see the robot has become a new industry of independent, creative and self consciousness.

                  CIROS is reflected these changes in the robotics industry: CIROS2013 has attempted fruitful in international, policy, technology, influence and so on, CIROS hopes to communicate robot industry voices effectively, assert the image of the robot industry and expand the influence of the robotics industry through professional understanding and professional operation.

                  Everyone has an exhibition of their own robot. For us, CIROS is the only one in our heart .

                  Thanks to the 120 partners, thanks for your support and trust to be consistent from beginning to end. CIROS is full of vitality and wonderful because of you.


                  本届展会展出总面积共计12000M2,吸引了来自中国、美国、德国、意大利、瑞士、日本、法国、韩国等54个国家卐和地区的120多家展〗商参加,参观人数达27371人次;国内外知名企业如发那科、库卡、柯马、安川电机、川崎、那智不二卐越▂、史陶比尔、欧地希、爱德普、倍福、UR、沈阳新松、广数、埃夫特、埃斯顿、开元、华恒、新时达、万丰、诺力达、高威科、瑞宏、利迅达、嘉腾电子、众拓、上海沃迪、机科发展、广州≡万世德、乐佰特、上海电气、时代试金、廊坊智通、上海会通、英集斯、北自控等国内外主流品牌几乎全部到位,展▲示其最前沿的技术和产品,充分显示中国制造在智能装备领域的新势力,是目前国〓内水平最高,规模最大,专Ψ 业化程度最高的机器人专业展。

                  CIROS 2013 covered an area of 12000M2 and up to 120 exhibitors from 54 various countries and regions attended, such as China, the United States, Germany, Italy, Switzerland Switzerland, Japan, France and korea etc. Famous enterprises at home and abroad took an active part in the show such as FANUC,KUKA,COMAU,YASKAWA,KAWASAKI,NACHI,STAUBLI,OTC,ADEPT,BECKHOFF,UR,SIASUN,GAK,EFORT,ESTUN,KAIYUAN,HUAHENGBECJHOFF,STEP,WANFENG,NORIDA,GO-WELL,REAPHONE,LXD,JATEN,ZHONGTUO,TRIOWIN,MACHINERY,VANTA,LEBAITE,SHANGHAI ELECTRIC,TIME,LNTERSMART,HUITONG,R&D,BEIJING AUTOMATION CONTROL and so on. They have shown overseas and domestic technological development and innovative products in robot field, which makes CIROS show the biggest, most professional and with the highest level at the present in China.


                  The exhibits included industrial and service robots covering many areas of robot industry: multi-joint robots, mechanical arms or multi-degree of freedom of robots, robots for welding, painting and up-down material handling; various intellectual robots of non-manufacturing industry serving human beings like family service robots, explosive-handling robots, education and amusement robots, military robots, agricultural robots and all kinds of servo, control systems, software etc.


                  In terms of quantity, industrial robots were the majority of all displayed robots.Exhibitorslike,KUKA,FANUC,YASKAWA,KAWASAKI,COMAU,SIASUN,GAK,NACHI,EFORT and ADEPT etc showed visitors their products which represented the advanced level of industrial robots. Seeing from the industrial robots, visual identity and tactile function and other functions have been fairly universal and technical indexes like location accuracy, velocity, maximum load and etc all leave visitors a deep impression.


                  In the intelligence robot, Shanghai Jiaotong University-developed six-legged octopus robot unveiled Robot Exhibition, the octopus robot can work in the water, fire, nuclear radiation and other extreme environment, This product marks that the robot design theory of Chinese border has been a world leader in the parallel robot; Shanghai Taijing exhibited 12 Mini advanced artificial intelligence robot to perform "a Buddism godness Guanyin", Tianjin exhibitors display the underwater robot series - " puffer ", "taste" and "dolphin", the "puffer" can be a free shuttle in the tank, "dolphin" dive to a depth of up to 6000 meters to complete the Underwater expedition tasks excellently.


                  In the core part and the core technology, The foreign mainstream robotics core technology and key component suppliers represented by CODESYS,NABTESCO,SUMITOMO,HIWIN,E&T.and China Robot core technology and key component suppliers is on the rise represented by NANTONG ZHENKANG, LEDER, XIAMEN CSUMTECH, LINIX, VSG, CRP, SUNRISE, NOITOM and so on,let us see the great impetus to the development of Chinas industrial robot.


                  In the group, Tianjin Binhai New Area, Taiwan District, Qingdao City, Chongqing City, Foshan Shunde brought the related products with Regional specialties and Innovative Enterprise respectively.The domestic robots university institutes such as Shanghai Jiaotong University, Beijing Research Institute of automation for machinery industry, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, University of Electronic Science and Tecknology, China National Electric Apparatus Research Institute, Guangdong University of Technology and so on also bring the the latest robot technology products.

                  展会期间,同期会议活动亮点纷呈。中国机器人产业推进大会是CIROS的保〒留节目,本届产业推进大会分为四个主题︻会议,包括IFR-CRIA CEO 圆桌会议、2013中国机器人产业推进大会主论坛、2013中国机器人产业推进大会技术研讨会、中国机器√人产业联盟工作会议。其中CEO 圆桌︼会议是IFR(国际机器人联合会)的全球性品牌会议,今年首次移师中国,云集了海内外机器人企业高管,共议中国⌒机器人市场的未来;技术研讨会汇集了机□ 器人产业界最新的技术话题,覆盖面广阔,是了解行』业前瞻技术的最佳平台;联盟工作会议着重探讨了行业统⌒ 计、标准体系建设、关税政策◢等话题,为下一步行业工作的深入开展进行切实的工作部√署。

                  During the show,and the earlier event has many scene. China Industrial Robot Propulsion Conference is to retain the program of CIROS, the Industry Propulsion Conference is divided into four thematic sessions, including IFR-CRIA CEO RoundtTble, 2013 China Robot Industry Promotion Conference Main Forum , 2013 China Robot Industry Promotion Conference Technology Seminar, China Robot Industry Alliance conference. The CEO RoundTable is the IFR (International Federation of Robotics) global brand conference, this year it is the first time in China, which Gathered Robot corporate executives abroad, they discuss the future of Chinese robot market; technical seminar brings the lastest questions about the robot industry technology, wide coverage, is the best platform to understand the industry of prospective technology; Union conference focused on the industry statistics, standard system construction, tariff policy issues and so on, working plans for the next step work carried out.



                  Participate in this China International Robot Exhibition in total from Japan, Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, South Korea and other 18 countries and regions, 120 well-known enterprises to participate



                  Exhibitors Breakdown

                  120 exhibitors has participated in CIROS 2013,among which there are 73 industrial robots manufactures,accounting for 60.83% of the whole exhibitors,22 service robots manufacturers,accounting for 18.33% of the whole exhibitors,16 manufacturers of components,software and others,accounting for 13.34% of the whole exhibitors. 9 universities and research institutions, accounting for 7.5%. The whole china of the robot industry was involved in the exhibits.



                  Exhibitors Satisfaction Survey

                  According to the survey on exhibitos conducted by the organizer,87.14% of the exhibitors are satisfred with the CIROS show.among which


                  据主办方对参展商的调查显示,有87.6%以上的展商对参展本届机器人『展的目标明确,即以各♀用户行业企业为目标,开发新的市场,并获得行业Ψ 重要信息;其次是◥为了寻找新的合作伙伴如代理商和分销商;有20.8%的展商表示是服务于现有市场客户;有41.7%的展商推出了新产品,或改进♂型产品。

                  Targer of Participation

                  The survey shows that over 87.6% of the exhibitors have definite targets with the CIROS show. That is to aim at the user industries and enterprises,develop new markets and get important industry’s news.Others may seek new cooperative partners such as agents and distributors.And 20.8% of the exhibitors want to keep relationship with existing customer and 41.7% of the exhibitors release new products or improved products.

                  三、观众分析About visitors



                  Visitor Breakdown

                  CIROS 2013 has attracted over 27,371 visitors from industrial automation,machanical processing,auto-manufacturing,shipbuilding and ocean engineering,aerospace,medical machinery etc.Among which,1130 are overseas visitors,accounting for 4.12% of the visitors and 26,241 are domestic visitors,accounting for 89.1% of the visitors.


                  统计显示,21.7%的观众来自企业决策层,60.3 %的观众来自企业中层,余为一般观众;从观众在其单位中所属的部门看,43%的观众属企业研发部门(企业工程师),11%的观众从事市场营销,47%来自企业●的采购部门。

                  Position Classification of Visitors

                  Statistic shows that 21.7% of the visitors are from decision-making management of enterpries,60.3% are mid-level managers,the others are ordinary visitors;according to the departmentin company of visitors,43% of the visitors are from R﹠D dept,11% from marketing dept and 47% from purchasing dept.



                  Visitors Intention

                  The survey shows that 43% of the visitors have reached deals with exhibitors (including purchasing ,agency and distributors)while 57% of the with relevant exhibitors. And 96% of the visitors will visit CIROS 2014.



                  爱德普机器人☉贸易(上海)有限公司——应用工程】师 林顺强


                  Lin Shunqiang Application Engineer of Adept

                  We are the first to participate in the robot exhibition, We feel very good, This time our company is mainly to promote the brand, establishes the partner, we have reached the expected goal basically

                  , we will continue to participate inCIROS show.

                  史陶比尔(杭州)精密机械电子有限公司——工业〒机器人部经理 张振惠

                  我们参加本届的机器ζ 人展会,觉得效㊣果不错,专业观众也很多,明年我们还将继续参展。

                  Zhang Zhenhui Department of Industrial Robot Manager of Staubli

                  We have got very good results on CIROS show. There are many professional vistors. We will participate in CIROS 2014.

                  沈阳新松机器人自动化股份有限公司——机器人事业部经【理 王金涛


                  Wang Jintao Department of Robot Manager of SIASUN

                  We have a good time on the second CIROS show, staff is enthusiastic and professional and visitors are professional, we will continue to participate in CIROS show.

                  川◥崎机器人(天津)有限公司——技术部主任 刘彦峰


                  Liu Yanfeng Technical Director of KAWASAKI

                  We are the Japanese enterprise. We feel very good on the second show, we are satisfied with the organization and on-site service and will continue to participate in CIROS show.

                  住友机械减♀速机(中国)有限公司——市场主管 孙黎


                  Sun Li Marketing Manager of Sumitomo

                  This show is good and there are many visitors and the scene is very lively, organizations are in place and we will continue to participate in CIROS show.




                  Liu Chunbo Manager of Baoshan Iron and Steel

                  I visit the CIROS show this year and feel very good and the flow of people is quite large, this show is well and don’t think it is the second show, it’s very mature and professional. I will still pay attention to CIROS show.


                  我是提前在官网上预登记的,现场感觉∩不错。现场□ 各类型的机器人及配件都分配的比较合理,不论是展商还是展品,都有一定的代表性和先进性,对我们的采购♂决策、收集信息都很有帮助。

                  Wang Xin Engineer of GREE

                  I am the advance registration in the official website of the scene, I feel good. Robot and accessories of various types of site are allocated more reasonable, whether the exhibitors or exhibits are representative and advanced, the show is helpful for us to make decision on purchasing equipment and collect information.



                  Wang Hongzheng Manager of Foxconn Technology Group

                  We visit the CIROS show and the exhibitors and exhibits are good,especially the industrial robot, the exhibits have the world advanced level, we have a great harvest, and service robots than last year increased a lot this year, the service robots are so entertaining.We will continue to pay close attention to the show.



                  Wu Shengde Engineer of Lenovo

                  We use the robot in line more, we feel very good about CIROS show, we get a lot of valuable experience and have a communication with some exhibitors, which is of good help to our decision, we will come to visit the show next year.



                  Du Pengfei Engineer of United Automotive Electronic Systems

                  We visit CIROS show for four peole this year and there are many audience in the show, the organization and on-site management are well in CIROS show, we also have a talk with some exhibitors. We will pay close attention to the show next year and we need contact the customer and understand the market more.

                来源:教育装备采购◤网 我要投稿



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