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                教育装备采购网 2013-04-18 16:04 围观13280次


                  会议名称(英文):International Workshop of Advanced Image Processing of Cryo-Electron Microscopy





                  所在城市:北京市 东城区



                  [ 重要日期 ][ 会务组联系方式 ]联系人:Dr. Yan Zhang



                  E-MAIL:yanzhang @moon.ibp.ac.cn


                  会议背景介绍:Structural biology has become one of most important tools to understand the principle of the life. Three-dimensional reconstruction of cryo-electron microscopy (3DEM) has the advantage of investigating the structures of large macromolecular complexes. In the past ten years, there have been great achievements and lots of breakthroughs in the 3DEM field including the atomic structural determination of large virus. A few of the major challenges ahead are how to obtain atomic resolution structures for small-sized molecules most of the times without symmetry, how to deal with heterogeneous samples in a more efficient way, and how to extract dynamic and kinetic structural information of macromolecules by using single particle EM. Besides developing new sample preparation methods and advanced hardwares, efforts on novel image processing algorithms and software are mostly demanded.

                  In order to introduce the most cutting-edge methods and algorithms to the students and young scientists in the field, especially to the Chinese 3DEM community, we are organzing an international workshop focusing on the frontiers of image processing on single particle analysis. The workshop will last four days (from July 10th to 13th) with lectures in the morning and practice courses in the afternoon, followed by evening discussion of the in-depth application of software packages. The approximate number of attendees for the morning courses will be expected as 100~150 and the number for the afternoon practices is restricted to 25.

                  Both basic principles of image processing and the advanced algorithms, as well as their applications to the challenged biological macromolecules will be taught and discussed during the workshop. The practical sessions will be organized to show the hand-on experiences of using the state-of-art image processing packages to deal with the real projects.

                  Graduate students and postdocs who currently work in the 3DEM field are particularly encouraged to attend. Importantly, a number of leading scientists in the field will be lecturing at the workshop; young scientists will have plenty of opportunities to directly interact with these leading scientists.

                  征文范围及要求:The major topic of this workshop will be relevant to the three following items,

                  1. Single particle analysis of asymmetric particles.

                  2. Single particle analysis of heterogenous samples.

                  3. Advanced application of image processing packages including EMAN2, XMIPP3.0 and RELION.

                来源:中国学术会议在线 我要投稿



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