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                教育◆装备采购网 2012-08-16 09:29 围观1979次




                  9月11日, 北京洽谈会

                  9月12日, 武汉洽谈会

                  9月13-14日, 深◎圳洽谈会,其中13日〗将在深圳举办交流,荷兰方面企业将介绍公司情况及合作意向。


                  1、Flexible Optical BV


                  Flexible Optical寻求对用于天文的波前控制、自适应光学仪器,以及激光及成像技术感兴趣的中国客户。

                  2、Molenaar Optics VOF


                  Molenaar Optics VOF从事工业和科研用光电↓子组件及设备@的工程和贸易,希望在中国找到理解中国商业文化的】合作伙伴和可靠的代理商。

                  3、Lambert Instruments BV


                  Lambert Instruments制造用于科研与工业的时间解析摄像系统,有一个由专∞家组成的专职团队设计和制造ICCD和iCMOS摄像系统捕捉高速对象。Lambert Instruments最近向中国市场推出的々产品之一,是用于Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM,荧光全寿①命显微成像)的LIFA系统。



                  4、Bronkhorst High-Tech B.V.


                  Bronkhorst High-Tech B.V.从事质∩量流量仪器、流量表、气体及液体控制系统、蒸发器等设备的制造。



                  Flexible Optical BV


                  We look for customers interested in the technologies of adaptive optics and wavefront control for astronomy, lasers and imaging

                  Molenaar Optics VOF


                  Engineering and trade company for industrial & scientific photonic components & equipment. We look for partners with understanding of Chinese business culture and hope to find reliable vendors in China.

                  Lambert Instruments BV


                  Lambert Instruments is a manufacturer of time-resolved camera systems for science and industry. A dedicated team of specialists design and manufacture ICCD and ICMOS camera systems for capturing high-speed events. One of the products that Lambert Instruments has recently introduced to the Chinese market is the LIFA system for Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM).

                  We offer the LIFA microscope attachment for performing fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM). With its fast FLIM camera the LIFA enables easy quantitative protein-protein interaction studies in cells through FRET, and oxygen imaging.

                  The LIFA module is highly versatile and consists of a modulated light source, a modulated ICCD camera and a control unit with power supply and a software package for FLIM acquisition and analysis. For a detailed description of the LIFA system, publications and world-wide reference sites please visit our website here.

                  Our main goal for this visit is to get into contact with managers of leading bio-imaging and microscopy centers in Chinese universities and pharmaceutical companies that are interested in the LIFA system for fast FLIM, and that are open to discuss the possibilities for setting up a demo FLIM instrument in their facility.

                  Yes, we are looking for a collaboration with leading bio-imaging and microscopy centers at Chinese Universities and pharmaceutical companies to set up a demo center in China for FLIM (fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy).

                  Chinese companies of interest:

                  Bronkhorst High-Tech B.V.


                  Manufacturer of Mass Flow Instruments; Mass Flow Meters and Controllers (MFC) for gasses and liquids, Evaporators etc.

                  We are looking for customers?contacts that can help to establish our Chinese organisation?Bronkhorst wants to establish a sales and service organisation in China (through regional distributors or agents)?For that we look for contacts in China that can help us to get through the procedures.?May be there are Western companies with Chinese subsidiaries that can help us in establishing our own office(s).?Contacts that can help us in getting a better understanding of how to realize business in China. Especially in the High-Tech business.

                来源:光学光〇电子行业协会 我要投稿



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