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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大全 > 信息化校园 > 软件及平台系统 > 科学软件

                CASPOC | 电力电子与电气传动模拟器

                CASPOC | 电力电子与电气传动模拟器
                • CASPOC | 电力电子与电气传动模拟器
                产品报价: 5000
                高教 职教



                CASPOCTM结合了可视化拖放原理图开发的易用性、建模语言的生产力、在自动缩放窗口中㊣ 模拟期间“实时”查看模拟结果的能力,以及很快的性能,没有收敛问题。



                • 用于电力电子和驱动系统的扩展库模块

                • 电机模型库,包括机械系统、旋转和平移、轴、齿轮箱、弹簧、轴承和摩◣擦模型

                • 用于交流电机控●制的高等库(参见Advanced Electric Drives, DeDoncker TU Aachen),包括磁场定向控制、DTC和无传感控制

                • 用于建模可持续绿色能源的广泛库,例如╳风力涡轮机、太阳能模卐块、maximum功率点跟踪器、电网转换器、电动汽车、电池和燃料电池

                • 与温度相关的电力电子半导体模型,包括损耗计算

                • 用于交流电机控制的任意函数评估和矢量信号的数学块

                • 故障模式和进一步调查的模拟结果回放—可以追溯任意时间点,并且可以观察到该时间点的模拟状态,包括分层模▽型内的动画、信号和状态动画

                • 显示电流路径的示意图动画

                • 自定义库块上的动画符号

                • 方便设置全部组件的参数

                • 与数据采集板的接口

                • 与INTEGRATED程序的接口

                • 用户通过DLL编译的C/C++代码

                • 从控制系统模型中导出C代码

                • 优化的C代码导出,独立于微控制器或DSP的类型,包括定点TI QMATH库

                • 可以◥在原理图中添加注释和图形

                • 能够创建脚本以批处理模式运行CASPOC

                • 全部组件参数的参数扫描

                • 用于识别稳定性、阻抗和音频敏感性的全部系统的波特图。全部类型电︽力电子设备的增益/相位裕度、带宽—无需平均模型

                • 项目管理数据可与模拟项目一起存储

                • 一键归档整个项目

                • 很多关于电力电子、电力驱动和可※持续能源的样本已经预先编程


                CASPOCTM标准版是CASPOCTM基本但功能齐全的版本。CASPOC Professional版包括扩展功能。



                • 不需要许可证

                • 查看模拟结果

                • 查看器中的节点和组件没有限制



                • 每种类型的开关模式电源甚至谐振转换器的小信号分析

                • 耦合到SIMULINK

                • 非线性组件

                • 用于创建用户定义块的的C脚本

                • 改进的用户界面和项目manager

                • 与机器设计工具Tesla耦合



                • Microsoft Visual C的建模语言

                • 使用C脚本语言优化您的模拟。在模拟中设置参数并执行多个模拟

                • 在一维、二维和多维中查找表格

                • 用于微控制器设◤计的嵌入式C代码导出

                • 用于创建定点模拟■的Typecast模块

                • 报告生成器在一个目录中为全部项目创建报告。自动运行和报告生成

                • 耦合到电□磁软件




                • 风能和太阳能

                • 电动汽车和混合动力汽车

                • 并网

                • 电池和燃料电池



                Microsoft Windows 10或更高版本






                CASPOCTMis a powerful, innovative system simulator designed for the simulation of Power Electronics and Electrical Drives. Using CASPOCTM, modeling power electronics, electrical machines, load and control in one multilevel model is fast and simple. This multilevel model includes a circuit level for the modeling of switched mode power supplies, a component level for the modeling of electrical machines/loads and a system level for the modeling of control algorithms.

                Only CASPOCTMcombines the ease of use of visual drag and drop schematic development, the productivity of modeling language, the power to view simulation results in 'real time' during the simulation in auto-scaling windows, and the world's fastest simulation performance with no convergence problems.

                CASPOCTMis used in the design and simulation of complex power and control devices and systems such as: Rectifiers, DC Converters, AC Converters, Resonant Converters, Power Engineering, Induction Machines, Vector Controls, Mechanics, Active Filters, Harmonics, DC Machines, Stepper Motors and more, used in industries such as Aerospace, Automotive, Utility, Industrial, Transportation and Commercial Electronics.


                • Extended library blocks for power electronic and drive systems

                • Library of electrical machine models, including mechanical systems, rotating, and translating, shafts, gearboxes, springs, bearings and friction models

                • Advanced library for AC motor control (see Advanced Electrical Drives, DeDoncker TU Aachen) including field-oriented control, DTC and sensorless control

                • Extensive library for modeling sustainable green energy, such as wind turbines, solar modules, maximum power point trackers, grid converters, electric vehicles, battery, and fuel cells

                • Models for temperature dependent power electronic semiconductors, including loss calculation

                • Math blocks for any function evaluation and vector signals for AC motor control

                • Replay of the simulation results for failure modes and further investigation – any point in time can be traced back and the state of the simulation at that point in time can be observed, including the animation, signals, and state animation inside hierarchical models

                • Animation of the schematic showing full current path

                • Animated symbols on customized library blocks

                • Easy setting of parameters for all components

                • Interface with Data Acquisition board

                • Interface with INTEGRATED’s programs

                • User compiled C/C++ code via DLL

                • Export C code from the control system models

                • Optimized C code export, independent of type of microcontroller or DSP, including fixed point TI QMATH Library

                • Notes and figures can be added to the schematic

                • Ability to create scripts to run CASPOC in batch mode

                • Parameter sweep for any component parameter

                • Bode diagram for any system to identify stability, impedance and audio susceptibility. Gain/phase margin, bandwidth for any type of power electronics – no averaging models are required

                • Project management data can be stored with the simulation project

                • Archive the entire project with one click

                • Many samples on power electronics, electrical drives and sustainable energy are already pre-programmed

                CASPOC Versions:

                The CASPOCTMStandard version is the most basic, yet fully functional version of CASPOCTM. The CASPOCTMProfessional version includes extended features.


                Any sample can be viewed/simulated/animated in the Viewer. If there is no license, you can run a simulation and view the results. Certain parameters can be changed, indicated by the interactive components like the UPDOWN, KEY and ONOFF.

                • No license is required

                • View simulation results

                • No limitation on nodes and components in the Viewer

                • All samples from the tutorials. sample packages and the educational workbooks can be simulated/animated

                Standard Version

                With the low-priced CASPOCTMStandard version you can simulate and animate DC converters, DC-AC converters, AC-DC converters, Controlled Rectifiers, DC converters with control, Induction Machines with inverters, Brushless DC machines, etc. Most of the examples from the Educational Example Package for power electronics can be simulated with the Standard version.

                • Small-signal analysis for every type of switched mode power supply and even resonant converters

                • Coupling to SIMULINK

                • Non-linear components

                • C-script to create user defined blocks

                • Improved user interface and project manager

                • Coupling to machine design tool Tesla

                Professional version

                The high-end Professional version offers coupling to various simulation and analysis tolls, supports embedded C code export and allows you to run scripts to optimize your designs.

                • Modeling language for Microsoft Visual C

                • Optimize your simulations using the C-script language. Set parameters in your simulation and perform multiple simulations

                • Look up tables in 1D, 2D and multi-dimension

                • Export of embedded C code for micro-controller design

                • Typecast block for creating fixed-point simulations

                • Report generator creates reports for all projects in one directory. Automated running and report generation

                • Coupling to electromagnetic software

                Educational Version

                The educational version includes all the features of the High-End Professional version. The educational versions can only be ordered by educational institutes.

                The online versions of the workbooks on Power Electronics and Electrical Drives are included in the educational version.
