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                354277 BD人胚胎干细胞专用Matrigel基质胶 hESC-Qualified Matrix

                354277 BD人胚胎干细胞专用Matrigel基质胶 hESC-Qualified Matrix
                • 354277 BD人胚胎干细胞专用Matrigel基质胶 hESC-Qualified Matrix
                产品报价: 3400

                  Corning? Matrigel? hESC-Qualified Matrix

                  PRODUCT: BD Matrigel? hESC-qualified Matrix, 5 ml vial

                  CATALOG NUMBER: 354277

                  BD Matrigel?基质是从EngelbrethHolm -Swarm(EHS)小鼠肿瘤中提取的一种液体基质膜,室温下,可形成一种重组基质膜。BD基质胶的主要组分为层粘连蛋白, IV型胶原蛋白,巢蛋白和硫酸乙酰肝素蛋白多糖。生长因子,胶原酶,以及其他未定义的成分也存在于BD基质胶中。


                  BD Matrigel hESC-qualified matrix和STEMCELL技术mTeSR(根据WiCell研究所授权开发) ,高品质的表面和培养基组合形成了个完整的环境,以支持胚胎干细胞的伸展。BD Matrigel hESC-qualified matrix是一种优化的表面用于干细胞研究。



                  Basement membranes are continuous sheets of specialized extracellular matrix that are found at the dermal-epidermal junction, at the base of all lumen-lining epithelia throughout the digestive, respiratory, reproductive and urinary tracts and that underlie parenchyma of endocrine and exocrine glands.

                  BD Matrigel? Matrix is a soluble basement membrane extract of the Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS) tumor that gels at room temperature to form a genuine reconstituted basement membrane.1 The major components of Matrigel Matrix are laminin, collagen IV, entactin and heparan sulfate proteoglycan.2-3 Growth factors, collagenases, plasminogen activators and other undefined components have also been reported in Matrigel Matrix.4-5

                  STEM CELLS:

                  Historically, hES cell derivation and culturing techniques utilized serum and/or mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) feeder layers.6 An ideal environment for hES cell research consists of both a cell culture surface specifically qualified for hES cells, and a serum-free, defined medium. BD Matrigel? hESC-qualified Matrix and STEMCELL Technologies’ mTeSR?1 (developed under license from the WiCell Research Institute7), a high quality surface and medium combination, create the first complete environment to support feeder-independent expansion of hES cells.

                  BD Matrigel hESC-qualified Matrix is an optimized surface for your stem cell research. It has been qualified as mTeSR?1-compatible by STEMCELL Technologies, eliminating the need for time-consuming screening, while providing the reproducibility and consistency essential for your hES cell research. When coupled with a variety of culture media, Matrigel Matrix has been widely accepted as an alternative substrate for the culture of hES cells.8-9 The mTeSR?1 formulation is defined and serum-free, and has been designed to maintain and expand hES cells in an undifferentiated state when used with Matrigel Matrix as a substrate. It does not require any further addition of growth factors or supplements.

                  The mTeSR?1 formulation and Matrigel Matrix have been shown to be a successful combination for culturing different hES cell lines for up to 20 passages.10 Cells maintained in mTeSR?1 express high levels of pluripotency markers such as Oct-3/4 and SSEA-3, and pluripotency of cells maintained in mTeSR?1 has also been demonstrated by the ability of these cells to differentiate into all three germ layers in the teratoma assay.7,11

                  SOURCE: Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS) Mouse Tumor

                  FORMULATION: Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium with 50 μg/ml gentamycin

                  Matrigel hESC-qualified Matrix is compatible with all culture media

                  STABILITY: Stable for a minimum of three months from day of shipment when stored at -20°C

                  Stable for a minimum of six months when stored in aliquots at -70°C

                  RECONSTITUTION AND USE:

                  Color variations may occur in frozen or thawed vials of BD Matrigel hESC-qualified Matrix, ranging from straw yellow to dark red due to the interaction of carbon dioxide with the bicarbonate buffer and phenol red. This is normal, does not affect product efficacy, and will disappear upon equilibration with 5% CO2.

                  Thaw Matrigel on ice. Once thawed, swirl the vial to ensure the Matrigel is evenly dispersed. Spray top of vial with 70% ethanol and air dry. Keep product on ice and handle using sterile technique. Dispense material into appropriate aliquots, using pre-cooled tubes, and refreeze immediately. Avoid multiple freeze thaws. DO NOT STORE IN FROST-FREE FREEZER.


                  BD Matrigel hESC-qualified Matrix will gel rapidly at 22oC to 35oC. Thaw overnight at 4oC on ice. Gelled Matrigel may be re-liquified if placed at 4°C on ice for 24-48 hours.


                  ?低生长因子(GFR)的Matrigel 基底膜基质适用于对基质成分要求严格的实验,如细胞信号通路和细胞因子的研究等



              2. 法国Interscience
              3. 高压锅除臭剂
              4. 无菌均质袋及配件
              5. 重量稀释器
              6. 液体分装泵
              7. 拍打均质器
              8. 旋转接种仪
              9. 计数器
              10. 美国Millipore
              11. 超滤管
              12. 细胞电阻仪
              13. 插入小室
              14. 滤器
              15. 细胞计数器
              16. 美国Kimble
              17. 匀浆器
              18. 蓝盖瓶
              19. 离心管
              20. 烧杯
              21. 移液管
              22. 巴氏吸管
              23. 玻璃珠
              24. 量筒
              25. 格里芬烧杯
              26. 毛细管
              27. 比重瓶
              28. 滴定管
              29. 牛奶稀释瓶
              30. 锥形瓶
              31. 容量瓶
              32. 抽滤器
              33. 加拿大LABPLAS
              34. 采样袋
              35. 无菌均质袋
              36. 无菌采样袋
              37. 冲洗采样袋(用于家禽肉...
              38. 海棉表面采样袋(用于HA...
              39. 水样采样袋-内有硫代硫酸...
              40. 德国Greiner
              41. 其他
              42. 细胞培养管
              43. 细胞培养滚瓶
              44. 蛋白预包被细胞培养产品
              45. 孔微孔板
              46. 酶标板
              47. 免疫试管
              48. 接种针与接种环
              49. 便盒与痰盒
              50. 吸头
              51. PCR管
              52. 分离管
              53. 细胞培养板
              54. 细胞培养瓶
              55. 离心管
              56. 移液管
              57. 巴氏吸管
              58. 细胞刮刀
              59. 培养皿
              60. 冻存管
              61. Wheaton
              62. 安瓿瓶
              63. 玻璃瓶
              64. 塑料瓶
              65. 盖子和密封件
              66. 细胞培养
              67. 化学玻璃器皿
              68. 色谱分析
              69. 环境分析
              70. 蠕动泵
              71. 培养箱
              72. 冻干瓶系列
              73. 匀浆器
              74. 滴瓶
              75. 直口瓶
              76. 染色缸
              77. 美国Thermo
              78. 吸头
              79. 离心管
              80. labsystem移液器
              81. 酶标仪
              82. 洗板机
              83. 瑞士SOCOREX
              84. 精密微量移液器
              85. 精密大容量移液器
              86. 新款精密微量移液器
              87. 多道移液器
              88. 固定容量移液器
              89. 微量连续分液器
              90. 其他耗材
              91. 台湾Abnova
              92. Cygnus
              93. 宿主蛋白残留检测试剂盒
              94. 免疫学产品
              95. 通用实验室设备
              96. 液氮罐
              97. 冻存架
              98. 配件
              99. Abnova
              100. Cayman
              101. CST
              102. SantaCruz
              103. 美国Bio-rad
              104. 法国HyphenBiomed
              105. 美国Axygen
              106. 美国TYLER
              107. 美国Wiccens
              108. 均质器
              109. 搅拌器
              110. 加热板干浴器
              111. 美国abcam
              112. Thermo移液器
              113. ThermoScientificF1-Cli...
              114. ThermoScientificFinnpi...
              115. ThermoScientificFinnpi...
              116. ThermoScientificFinnpi...
              117. ThermoScientificFinnpi...
              118. ThermoScientificFinnpi...
              119. ThermoScientificFinnpi...
              120. ThermoScientificFinnpi...
              121. ThermoScientificMatrix...
              122. ThermoScientificS1移液...
              123. 吸头
              124. 其他耗材
              125. Yakult酶
              126. 纤维素酶
              127. 纤维素酶R-10
              128. 离析酶R-10
              129. 美国NUNC
              130. 免疫学检测
              131. 冻存管&离心管
              132. 生物制品生产
              133. 微孔板
              134. 其他实验室工具及耗材
              135. 细胞培养
              136. 冷冻保藏
              137. BD
              138. HyClone液体培养基
              139. Polyplus
              140. HYPHENBioMed
              141. 美国Qiagen
              142. 美国WPI
              143. 电阻仪
              144. 美国MP
              145. 美国corning
              146. Transwell膜
              147. 聚酯(PET)Tranwell嵌套
              148. 胶原包被的Tranwell-COL...
              149. 细胞培养板
              150. 美国Nalgene
              151. 过滤装置
              152. 放射性防护围裙
              153. 冰盒
              154. 过滤装置
              155. 带提手大桶
              156. 琥珀色瓶子
              157. 广口瓶
              158. 窄口瓶
              159. 离心管
              160. 冻存管
              161. 样品袋
              162. Peprotech
              163. Biolegend
              164. 德国Eppendorf
              165. Bethyl
              166. RD
              167. Biovision
              168. Hampton
              169. 美国Amresco
              170. 美国Biospec
              171. 研磨器
              172. 玻璃珠
              173. 玻璃珠
              174. 美国ABI
              175. 耗材
              176. 德国Brand
              177. 比色皿
              178. 容量瓶
              179. 刻度量筒
              180. 刻度量筒
              181. 滴定管
              182. 吸管
              183. 烧杯
              184. 实验瓶
              185. 移液产品
              186. 微孔板
              187. 生化试剂
              188. 氨基酸
              189. 生物缓冲液
              190. 分离试剂
              191. 培养基
              192. 蛋白质
              193. 酶和辅酶
              194. 核酸及衍生物
              195. 碳水化合物
              196. 抗生素
              197. 维生素
              198. 染色剂
              199. Carbosynth糖类及核苷
              200. 即用型水试剂
              201. 德国IBLinternational
              202. Invitrogen
              203. 通用培养箱
              204. 英国Oxoid
              205. 细胞培养小室
              206. 组织研磨器
              207. 热门产品