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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类卐大全 > 信息化校々园 > 软件及平台系统 > 科学软件

                Netica Application | 贝叶斯网络分析工具

                Netica Application | 贝叶斯网络分析工具
                • Netica Application | 贝叶斯网络分析工具
                产品报价: 10000
                Netica Application
                高教 职教


                Netica 是一个功能大且易于使用的程序,用于处理信念网络和影响图。它具有用于绘制网络的直观流畅的用户界面,变量之间的关系可以作为单独的概率输入,以方程的形式,或者从数据文件中学习(可能是普通的制表符分隔的形式,并且有“缺失数据”)。




                Netica目前正〒在开发许多新特性和功能。预计它将 在未来几年继续成为引入新贝叶斯网络功能的行业引导者。


                • AutoNetica从贝叶斯网络生成网站。

                • 生成可以合并到其他文档中的演示质量图形。

                • 5.0 及更高版本可以从数据中进行链接结构的 TAN 学习。

                • 将信念(贝叶斯)网络编译为派系的连接树,以进行快速概率推理。

                • 广泛的内置和在线帮助。

                • 无需实用程序的敏感性分析。

                • 可以生成关于贝叶斯网络、节点、状态、CPT、案例、发现、信念、敏感性结果、其他推理结果等方面的高度可定制的报告。

                • 可以使用案例文件测试网络的性能。

                • Netica 将为所需的每个节点打印出混淆矩阵、错误率、对数和二次 (Brier) 评分规则结果、校准表和惊喜指数。

                • 可以为顺序决策问题找到决策(即,后来的决策取决于先前决策的结果)。

                • 可以通过使用团树有效地求解影响图。

                • 可以从数据中学习概率关系,即使缺少数据。

                • 提供信念网络和影响图▲的简单图形编辑,包括:

                • 在不丢失概率关系的情况下剪切/粘贴/复制节点

                • 显示节点的多种方式(条形图、仪表等)

                • 与弯曲的链接以保持复杂的图表有序

                • 允许对每个节点进行评论、跟踪作者、何时更改等

                • 无限级别的撤消/重做

                • 允许通过方程输入概率关系,具有内置概率函数库和其他数学函数。

                • 具有易于离散化连续变量的设施。

                • 可以反转影响图或信◥念网络的单个链接和“总结”节点,以进行模型探索。

                • 支持断开的链接,这使得概率关系库成为可能(参见图 1)。

                • 可以用值随时间变化的节点来表示网络(为此类节点定义了持久性),并具有具有时间延迟的链接(允许循环)。该软件可以自动将这些网络转换为覆盖有限时间段的扩展常规网络(参见图 2)。

                • 接受可能性发现(即虚拟证据),以及某些变量不在某种状态的形式的发现。

                • 可以以多种形式显示节点和推理结果,包括信念条形图和真/假计(见图 3)。

                • 易于定制显示器以适合用户。

                • 支持每个节点和网络的文档和跟踪(带有评论、标题、作者、上次更改时间等)

                • 对网络的大小或复杂性没有内置限制,因此它们仅受可用内存的限制。

                • 可以与Netica API产品协同工作(例如,共享相同的文件)。


                Netica is a powerful, easy-to-use, complete program for working with belief networks and influence diagrams. It has an intuitive and smooth user interface for drawing the networks, and the relationships between variables may be entered as individual probabilities, in the form of equations, or learned from data files (which may be in ordinary tab-delimited form and have "missing data").

                Once a network is created, the knowledge it contains can be transferred to other networks by cutting and pasting, or saved in modular form by creating a library of nodes with disconnected links. Of course, the networks and libraries may be saved in files or printed out.

                Netica can use the networks to perform various kinds of inference using the fastest and most modern algorithms. Given a new case of which we have limited knowledge, Netica will find the appropriate values or probabilities for all the unknown variables. These values or probabilities may be displayed in a number of different ways, including bar graphs and meters. The case may conveniently be saved to a file, and later brought back into the network (or a different network) for further querying, or to take into account new information about the case. Netica can use influence diagrams to find optimal decisions which maximize the expected values of specified variables. Netica can construct conditional plans, since decisions in the future can depend on observations yet to be made, and the timings and inter-relationships between decisions are considered.

                Netica can be used to transform a network in a number of ways. Variables that are no longer of interest may be removed without changing the overall relationships between the remaining variables (technically, the probabilities are "summed out" when we don't know the variable's value, and a more complex operation is used when we do). Probabilistic models may be explored by such operations as reversing individual links of the network, removing or adding causal influences, optimizing one decision at time, etc. These operations may be done with just a click of the mouse, which makes Netica very suitable for easy exploring, and for teaching belief network and influence diagram concepts.

                There are many exciting new features and capabilities for Netica currently under development. Expect it to continue to be an industry leader in introducing new Bayes net capabilities over the coming years.
