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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分ω 类大全 > 仪器仪表 > 成分分析仪器 > 质谱/能谱/波谱分△析仪器 > 波谱仪

                Anritsu MS2602A

                Anritsu MS2602A
                • Anritsu MS2602A
                产品报价: 5650
                高教 职教

                Anritsu MS2602AAnritsu MS2602AAnritsu MS2602AAnritsu MS2602A 100 Hz to 8.5 GHz Spectrum AnalyzerThe Anritsu MS2602A spectrum analyzer is a wide band, very sensitive receiver. It works on the principle of "super-heterodyne receiver" to convert higher frequencies (normally ranging up to several 10s of GHz) to measurable quantities. The received frequency spectrum is slowly swept through a range of pre-selected frequencies, converting the selected frequency to a measurable DC level (usually logarithmic scale), and displaying the same on the CRT of the Anritsu MS2602A. The CRT displays received signal strength (y-axis) against frequency ( x-axis).Some applications for Anritsu MS2602A Spectrum Analyzers include Site Monitoring: Verify that the frequency and signal strength of your transmitter is accurate. Interference: Before a system is installed you use a Anritsu MS2602A spectrum analyzer to verify that the frequencies (you plan to use) are not occupied or if the presence of a very strong signal will interfere with your new setup. Interference can be created by a number of different situations. Other tests that utilize the Anritsu MS2602A spectrum analyzer features include antenna isolation, co-channel interference, adjacent channel power, occupied bandwidth, intermodulation, microwave or satellite antenna alignment, and characterization of components.8163a,8164a,81618a,81619a,81624b,81623a,81623b,81625a,81521b,81533b,81525a,8156a,81576a,81570a,81578a, n7744a,,86100A,86100C,86105A,86103A,83493A,83492A,83494A,81610A,81632B,81636BN5980A,86130A,86120B,86120C,86107A,86105C,86116CKEITHLEY ,2400,2420,6517b,2602a, 2612TEK DSA8200 80E04 80C08-CR4,80C02Anritsu 9710BYOKOGAWA 2201,2200-42186100C 安捷伦 Agilent 86100C 宽带示波器主机Tektronix DSA820086105C 安捷伦 Agilent 86105C 9 GHz光采样模块安捷伦 Agilent N9020A 信号分析︾仪R&S CMW500 无线通信综合测试仪keithley2400型通用性源表Keysight 是德3458A 数字多用∏表8156A 安捷伦 Agilent 8156A 光学衰减々器81576A 安捷伦 Agilent 81576A 可变光衰减器模块81570A 安捷伦Agilent 81570A 可变光衰减器模块86100A 安捷伦 Agilent 86100A宽带示波器86105A 安捷伦 Agilent 86105A 模块86105D 安捷伦Agilent 86105D 模块Agilent 81578A-0628164A 安捷伦 Agilent 8164A 光波测量系统Keysight 是德N7744A 多端口光功率计Agilent 83494A-UK6yokogawa AQ6370D 光谱分析仪→81642B安捷伦 Agilent 81642B 可调激光源←Agilent 66319D 电源keithley6517B 型静电计/高阻表安捷伦 Agilent E5071C ENA 网络分析仪keithley2420型高压源表Anritsu MS9710BYOKOGAWA AQ2201 帧控制器Tektronix DPO5000 示波器Q8384Advantest Q8384 光谱分析仪Agilent 8753ES S-参数矢量网络分析仪Anritsu MT8852B 蓝牙综合测试仪YOKOGAWA AQ2201 帧控制器Agilent 4339B 高电阻表3920IFR 3920 测试仪安捷伦 Agilent N5230C 系列微√波网络分析仪N5230CFLUKE福禄克 5500A 多功能校准器8163A 安捷伦 Agilent 8163A 光波万用表系统81618A 安捷伦 Agilent 81618A接口模块81619A 安捷伦 Agilent 81619A 接口模块81624B 安捷伦 Agilent 81624B 通用光功率探头81623A 安捷伦 Agilent 81623A 探头81623b 安捷伦agilent 81623b光功率探头模块81625A 安捷伦 Agilent 81625A 探头大功率 81521B 安捷伦 Agilent HP 81521B 光功率探头 81533B安捷伦 Agilent 81533B光探头接口模块81525A 安捷伦 Agilent 81525A 大功率 InGaAs 光学探头86103A安捷伦 Agilent 86103A 光电模块83493A 光时钟恢复模块83492A 多模时钟恢复插入式模块81610A安捷伦 Agilent 81610A回损测试模块81632B安捷伦 Agilent 81632B光功率♂传感器81636B 安捷伦 Agilent 81636B 光功率传感器Keysight 是德N5980A 用于光电器件生产线的3125 Gbs生产用串行比⊙特误码率测试仪BERT86130A安捷伦 Agilent 86130A 误码分析仪86120B安捷伦 Agilent 86120B波长计 86120C 安捷伦 Agilent 86120C 多波长计Agilent 86107AKeysight 是德86116C 40 至 65 GHz 光插入式模块和 80 GHz 电插入式模块Anritsu MS2602Akeithley 2612A 双通』道系统数字源表80E04 tektronix 80E04 电接口取样模块Tektronix 80C08DTEKTRONIX 80C02-CR光电采样模块Keysight 是德N7752A 2 通道光衰减器和功率计SDA813Zi 力科Lecroy SDA813Zi 示波器MN9664A ANRITSU MN9664A光通道选择器MP1570A Anritsu MP1570A 多功能分析仪mp1632A 安立mp1632A 数字式分析仪N4906A 安捷伦 Agilent N4906A 比特误码率测试仪P80318 泰克P80318手持式探头Q8326 ADVANTEST Q8326 光波长计Q8341 ADVANTEST Q8341光谱分析仪81533A 安捷伦 Agilent HP 81533A 光功率模块81566A 安捷伦 Agilent 81566A 模块化衰减器81594B 安捷伦 Agilent 81594B 模块81613A 安捷伦 Agilent 81613A 回波损耗模块81634A 安捷伦 Agilent 81634A 光功率传感器模块81654A 安捷伦 Agilent 81654A 双法布里-珀罗激光源81689A 安捷伦 Agilent 81689A 压缩的可调▲激光81989A 安捷伦 Agilent 81989A 紧凑型可调激光源々83482A 安捷伦 Agilent 83482A 模块83483A 安捷伦 Agilent 83483A 20 GHz 双通道电模块∞83485A 安捷伦 Agilent 83485A 模块8504B 安捷伦 Agilent 8504B Reflectometer8508A 安捷伦 Agilent 8508A 矢量电◥压表86060C 安捷伦 Agilent 86060C 光开关86105B 安捷伦 Agilent 86105B 模块86112A 安捷伦 Agilent 86112A 20 GHz双通道电模块86140B 安捷伦 Agilent 86140B 频谱分析器86145B 安捷伦 Agilent 86145B光谱分析仪8703A 安捷伦 Agilent 8703A 光波元器件◥分析仪E4805B 安捷伦 Agilent E4805B 中央时钟模块E4808A 安捷伦 Agilent E4808A 时钟模块E4832A 惠普/安捷伦E4832A 675兆赫︼数据发生器/分析【仪模块E4835AZ 安捷伦 Agilent HP E4835AZ 插卡模块E4861A 安捷伦 Agilent E4861A 模块 2.7 Gb/s 和 1.65 Gb/s ParBERT E4861B 安捷伦 Agilent E4861B
