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                教育装备采」购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分ω 类大全 > 仪器仪表 > 成分分析仪器 > 成分分析◎仪器辅助装置 > 匀浆机

                Bead Ruptor 24 Bead Mill Homogenizer

                Bead Ruptor 24 Bead Mill Homogenizer
                • Bead Ruptor 24 Bead Mill Homogenizer
                • Bead Ruptor 24 Bead Mill Homogenizer
                产品报价: 180000
                Bead Ruptor 24

                Bead Ruptor 24 Bead Mill Homogenizer

                Bead Ruptor 24 Bead Mill Homogenizer

                Bead Ruptor 24 Bead Mill HomogenizerBead Ruptor 24 Bead Mill Homogenizer

                Lyse the toughest samples in seconds

                The Bead Ruptor is the most advanced and easy to use bead mill homogenizer available. It is specifically designed for grinding, lysing, and homogenizing biological samples prior to molecular extraction.

                • Wide range of accessories for any sample size - 24 x 0.5 mL, 24 x 1.5 mL, 24 x 2 mL, 12 x 7 mL, 3 x 15 mL, 6 x 30 mL, 3 x 50 mL, or 96-well strip well tubes.
                • Most powerful bead mill on the market – homogenize the most challenging samples
                • No cool down required between runs: process hundreds of samples per day
                • Convenient front loading design, 99 programmable memory settings, and multilingual user interface
                • Ideal homogenizer for extraction of DNA, RNA, proteins, and small molecules
                Optimized tube motion ensures highest performance

                The Bead Ruptor 24 is designed with a unique carriage motion to ensure that the intra-tube bead movement reduces swirling and results in the highest bead impact forces of any bead mill on the market. The increased power of the Bead Ruptor 24 decreases processing time and reduces sample heating to maximize sample homogenization efficiency.


                Bead Ruptor 24 Bead Mill Homogenizer

                Bead impact forces generated by commercially available bead mills.  Bead impact forces are calculated as a function of tube acceleration, tube displacement and the motor force applied to the tube. The Bead Ruptor 12 and 24 have the broadest force range and produce the highest impact forces of any bead mill on the market. This results in an increased processing efficiency on the Bead Ruptor platforms


                Increase protein, DNA and RNA yields with the Bead Ruptor 24

                The Bead Ruptor 24 unique tube carriage motion coupled with sample specific bead beating materials  ensure that a thorough homogenate is achieved regardless of the sample type. The high lysing efficiency of the Bead Ruptor 24 results in a increase in nucleic acid, protein and small molecules yields and increases the sensitivity of the downstream assay.

                Bead Ruptor 24 Bead Mill Homogenizer

                Total mRNA yields and relative purity; Absorbance values at 260 nm and 280 nm were used to determine total mNRA yield and puity following extraction. mRNA yields where on average 4 times higher when bead milling was performed compared to dounce homogenization. Nucleic acid relative purity was comparable between both methods.


                Bead Ruptor 24 Bead Mill Homogenizer

                Drosophila protein extracts analyzed by SDS PAGE. Lane 1:Protein ladder. Lane 2-3:30 mg of Drosophila homogenate. Lane 4-5:30 mg ofDrosphila homogenate.

                Wide range of bead kits for any sample type

                Bead Ruptor 24 Bead Mill Homogenizer

                Omni International offers users ultimate flexibility with a range of bead beating tubes and lysing matrices to support homogenization of any sample type.

                Ordering Information: Bead Ruptor Drive Unit, user manual and 1-year warranty.

                Note: Bead Ruptor Tube Carriages sold separately.

