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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分々类大全 > 信息化校园 > 软件及平台系统 > 科学软件

                east-tec DisposeSecure 5 硬盘数据删除软件

                east-tec DisposeSecure 5 硬盘数据删除软件
                • east-tec DisposeSecure 5 硬盘数据删除软件
                产品报价: 7526
                east-tec DisposeSecure 5 硬盘数据删除软件

                east-tec DisposeSecure 5 硬盘数据删除软件

                如需本款软件的最终价格,请留言咨询 ,我们将尽快给︼您报价。

                east-tec DisposeSecure旨在完全擦除硬盘数据从旧电脑,你或你的公司出售↘、捐赠或删除操作。

                它 从任何可启动的设备像USB,CD,DVD或软盘,并将为您提供一个伟√大的灵活性能够安全地擦除硬盘数据,通过使它◢独立于操作系统以前存在的系统。无论 你是电脑回收公司、政府或公共机构感兴趣的计算机处理,DisposeSecure是完美的工具,以确保您完全擦除磁盘驱动器数据。


                安全地擦除硬盘数据,选择分区或『任何其他外部硬盘连接到你的电脑除了法医♂复苏,留下没有数据ζ 。通过使用安全擦除方法你可以永久清除磁盘驱动器数据,覆盖并摧毁每一个部门和比Ψ特的信息。你的电脑或电脑回收处理过程将比以往任何时候都更加高效和安全


                如 果你想确保你遵守最新的对数据处理和隐私保护法律法规或者你只是想确保你永远删除硬盘数据,east-tec DisposeSecure会给你「心灵的平静中复杂的擦拭方法不仅满足和●超越美国国防部5220.22 - m disk-sanitizing标准,而且所有主要军事、政府和工业数╲据破坏标准。使用east-tec DisposeSecure完全擦▆除电脑数据根据您需求的安全性〒和速度。



                east-tec DisposeSecure is designed to completely erase your hard drive data from old computers that you or your company resells, donates or removes from operation. It runs from any bootable device like USB, CD, DVD or floppy and will offer you a great flexibility to securely erase hard drive data, by making it independent from the operating system that was previously present on that system. Whether you are a computer recycling company, GOV or public agency that is interested in computer disposal, DisposeSecure 5 is the perfect tool to make sure you completely erase disk drive data.

                Secure Data Erasing

                Securely erase hard drive data, selected partitions or any other external hard disk connected to your computer beyond forensic recovery, leaving no data behind. By using secure erasing methods you will be able to permanently wipe disk drive data, overwriting and destroying every sector and bit of information. Your computer disposal or computer recycling process will be more efficient and secure than ever before!

                Internationally Approved Wiping Standards

                If you want to make sure that you comply with the latest regulatory laws for data disposal and privacy protection or you simply want to make sure that you erase hard drive data forever, east-tec DisposeSecure will give you the peace of mind by featuring complex wiping methods that meet and exceed not only the U.S. Department of Defense 5220.22-M disk-sanitizing standard, but also all major military, government and industrial data destruction standards. Use east-tec DisposeSecure to completely erase computer data according to your needs in terms of security and speed.

                Erase hard drive data from a bootable disk

                Provides a great experience when booting from a media device such as a USB/CD/DVD, and a great flexibility when you erase hard drive data, by giving you the possibility to wipe drives from any PC. You may completely erase computer data from any Intel 80386 compatible machine. All you need to do is use the bootable disk to start east-tec DisposeSecure on your machine and you can imediately start to erase data securely.

                Securely erase hard drive data directly from Windows

                Any device, hard drive or logical partition which is also displayed in My Computer is also detected by east-tec DisposeSecure, giving you the option to securely erase any drive. Such devices include flash, thumb or USB drives, external or internal drives, CD+/-RW or DVD+/-RW, floppy, memory cards, SD cards from your mobile phone or digital camera.

                Erase Disk Drive Data on the Local Network

                Empowers users the ability to simultaneously and completely wipe computer, PC, or laptop data, from the local network. You will be relaxed standing in front of your server and watching the progress during the erase computer process, and then finally get all erasing reports on the same computer. This solution is perfect for companies who need to wipe disk drive data from a large number of computers.

                Detailed Data Wiping reports

                Completely delete hard drive data and generate detailed data wiping reports, serving for auditable purposes or law requirements. You can generate different types of reports, that can be either saved locally and later sent to the printer, or can be generated on each workstation and sent over the network to the server.

                WHY do you need to erase hard drive data?

                Because formatting the disk or deleting data is not secure

                To avoid identity theft and to prevent information from being stolen

                To protect your work and confidential information

                WHEN do you need to wipe disk drive data?

                When you give away, donate or resell your old computer

                When reassigning the computer to another department

                When you need to do a clean system reinstall

                WHO needs to wipe disk drives?

                If you are a Clinic / Hospital / Healthcare Center, Attorney Office, Bank / Financial Institution, School / College / University or other public institution

                If you are a recycling company
