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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大∮全 > 信息化校园 > 软件及平台系统 > 科学软件

                SimVector 质粒图谱绘制工具

                SimVector 质粒图谱绘制工具
                • SimVector 质粒图谱绘制工具
                产品报价: 4483
                SimVector 质粒图谱绘制工具

                SimVector 质粒图谱绘制工具

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                无 论您是一个销售工程质粒的目录公司还是演示重组克隆实验的酶切分析,SimVector都可以帮助您从头到尾模拟实验过程以及绘制高质量的质粒图谱。该软 件可以用多种颜色、图案、字体、线性来绘制环形或线型的质粒图谱。按照传统,酶名称会用斜体标注出来→。在单个质粒图谱文本中的任何位置都可以使用♀一种以上 的字体和颜色进行编¤辑,包括功能◆注释。


                质粒图谱可导出为多种格式,例如适于Adobe Illustrator10的EPS格式,适于Microsoft Power Point 2002的SVG格式,或者导出为适用于网页的JPEG,TIFF,PNG格式。



                Vector 目录通常以一个独特的格式显示MCSs,酶一个一个地显示在纵向表格中。SimVector通过解释GenBank头注释识别MCSs,或者您也可以直接 指定他们。然后,他们会以“Bracket View”这种特殊的方式将位点展示出来。除此以外,它还⊙可以列出只在MCS内剪切的酶。



                SimVector 将来自GeneBank或者本地文件的序列注释转换为注解详细▲的图谱。克隆向导可以帮助您通过普及ㄨ的重组规则,如Gateway® 克隆,TA克隆以及一或两个的酶限制性克隆。ORF 搜索可以帮助您确保结构处于框架内。您可以点击按钮,翻译表达蛋白的序列以检查可能存在的阅读框错误。使用SimVector,克隆模拟变得非常简单,只 需要『点击几个按钮就可以完成。



                SimVector 具有全面的限制性内切酶分析功能,从超〗过一千种限制性内切酶的数据库或预装的商业酶集里选择需要的酶。SimVector 还可以为您订制自己的酶集合。



                SimVector 有一个直观的可进行限制克隆和序列分析的生物学家设计界面。傻瓜式的操作令初学者也可以简单地进行操作。同时,其通用的功能确保专家学者们可以完全控制图谱的绘制。


                An exceptional tool for drawing publication and vector catalog quality plasmid maps, carrying out restriction analysis and designing cloning experiments. 

                Draw Exceptional Publication Quality Plasmid Maps 
                Whether you are a catalog company selling engineered plasmids or are performing restriction analysis for recombinant cloning experiments, SimVector will help you simulate the experiments and create publication quality plasmid maps from start to finish. Use the software to draw circular and linear plasmid maps in a variety of colors, patterns, fonts and line types. Display enzyme names in two font styles with the bacterium portion in Italics, as is traditional. Use even more than one font style and color in a single textual word anywhere in the plasmid map including in the feature annotations. 

                Export plasmid maps in EPS format for Adobe Illustrator 10, SVG for Microsoft Power Point 2002 or as ready-to-host web pages. Choose JPEG, TIFF and PNG formats for export. 

                Multiple Cloning Site (MCS) Display is Unique to SimVector 
                Vector catalogs generally display MCS’s in a unique format, with enzymes one above the other in a vertical list. SimVector identifies the MCS’s by interpreting GenBank header annotations or you can specify them manually. It then draws them in this special format we call the "Bracket View". It even has the smarts to list only the enzymes that cut within the MCS and nowhere else.. 

                Lightning Fast Cloning Simulation 
                SimVector transforms annotations in sequence headers from GenBank or local files into fully illustrated maps. The cloning wizard steps you through popular recombinant protocols, such as Gateway® cloning and TA cloning, as well as one and two enzyme restriction cloning. ORF search helps you ensure that the construct remains in-frame. With a click of a button, you can translate sequences of expressed proteins to check for possible reading frame errors. With SimVector, cloning simulation is as simple as clicking a few buttons. 

                Restriction Analysis 
                SimVector has a comprehensive restriction enzyme analysis functionality. Choose from a database of more than a thousand restriction enzymes or use a popular commercial enzyme set we have preloaded. SimVector also enables you to construct your own custom enzyme sets. 

                Biologist-designed Intuitive Interface 
                SimVector has an intuitive biologist-designed interface to perform restriction cloning and sequence analysis. Point-and- click wizards make it easy to use even for beginners, while versatile functionality offers full control to experts for drawing plasmid maps.
