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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大全 > 信息化校园 > 软件及平台系统 > 科学软件

                NetResults Tracker V6 网络管理工具

                NetResults Tracker V6  网络管理工具
                • NetResults Tracker V6  网络管理工具
                产品报价: 8203
                NetResults Tracker V6 网络管理工具

                NetResults Tracker V6  网络管理工具

                如需本款软件的最终价格,请留言咨询 ,我们将尽快给您报价。


                自动化支持错误和缺陷 跟踪业务流程管理 调用跟踪变更管理 分布式开发协作 服务台事件管理 问题跟踪知识库管@ 理 外包开发管理 问题管理 产品生命周期管理 请求管理萨班斯-奥克斯利法案(SOX) 合规自动化工作流管理

                原名是Problem Tracker ,第六版本出︻来后改为NetResults Tracker

                全 球有35个国家超过1000家公司使用NetResults Tracker,包括这些世界前500强公 司:Avaya, Bechtel SAIC, BMW, Boeing, GE, Intel, Lockheed Martin, ManuLife, Midway Games, Olympus, Satyam Computer Services, Shell, Siemens, Tektronix, Texas Instruments, UAL, United Technologies, VISA, Vodafone, Walgreens, Walt Disney Company, Xerox .

                NetResults Tracker is a Web-based tool for:
                Automated Support
                Bug and Defect Tracking
                Business Process Management
                Call Tracking
                Change Management
                Distributed Development Collaboration
                Help Desk
                Incident Management
                Issue Tracking
                Knowledge Base Management
                Outsourced Development Management
                Problem Management
                Product Lifecycle Management
                Request Management
                Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Compliance Automation
                Workflow Management
                Tracker provides:

                Tracking to ensure that issues (tasks, action items, enhancement requests, etc.) don’t fall through the cracks
                Workflow that automatically routes and manages the issues through to resolution
                Process enforcement, notifications, alerts and escalations
                Status and reports
                Communication and knowledge sharing
                Accountability and audit trail
                The NetResults Tracker software only needs to be installed on a single web server machine. Users (including the administrator) do not need to install any software on their desktop computers. They just need a supported web browser.

                If you do not have a web server which meets the system requirements (or do not wish to maintain one), you can subscribe to the NetResults Tracker (NRT) Online service (where we maintain web servers with NetResults Tracker software for you).

                The following is a summary of the requirements to use Tracker. If you are planning to use the Tracker source code control integration feature, submit via email add-on, or API, there are additional requirements listed in the sections below. For full details of the requirements for the latest version of Tracker,
                Web Browser Machine
                Web Browser
                Internet Explorer 5.5 or 6.0
                Firefox 1.5 or 2.0

                Operating System
                Any operating system which runs one of the following: IE 5.5, IE 6.0, Firefox 1.5, Firefox 2.0 Web Server Machine
                A 1.0 GHz Intel Pentium III-compatible (or faster) processor is required. A 2.0 GHz (or faster) Intel Pentium 4-compatible dual core processor or 2.8 GHz (or faster) Intel Pentium 4-compatible single core processor is recommended.
                A minimum of 256 MB of RAM is required. 1 GB of RAM is recommended.
                75 MB of disk space to install NetResults Tracker with one workgroup, plus approximately 50 MB of disk space for each additional workgroup. These estimates include 20 MB of disk space for file attachments per workgroup. You may need more. These estimates include 20 MB of disk space for each workgroup database. This is generally sufficient for up to 2000 records (issues). Your actual disk space usage depends on how many records (issues) you have and how much data you enter in each record. If a workgroup is configured to use SQL Server or Oracle as the database, the database may be stored on another machine (the database server machine). If you are using SQL Server or Oracle, additional disk space is required for the database transaction log(s) (the amount of disk space required depends on the logging options you have configured).
                Operating System
                Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 4, or
                Windows Server 2003 (32-bit version)
                Web Server
                Microsoft Internet Information Server 5.0 or 6.0
                Microsoft Access (runtime included with Tracker), or
                Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (Standard or Enterprise Edition), or
                Microsoft SQL Server 2005 with Service Pack 1 or 2 (Standard or Enterprise Edition), or
                Oracle Database 9i (Standard or Enterprise Edition), or
                Oracle Database 10g (Standard or Enterprise Edition)
                Note: If you are using SQL Server or Oracle, only the database client software must be installed on the web server machine. The database server software may be installed on a separate (database server) machine. No Tracker software needs to be installed on the database server machine. Please consult the Microsoft or Oracle documentation for database server hardware/software requirements.

                Additional Requirements for Source Code Control Integration
                If you plan to use the Source Code Control Integration feature of Tracker, then you must install the following software on your server machine.
                Source Code Control Microsoft Visual SourceSafe Version 6.0 Server with Service Pack 5
                Additional Requirements for Submit via Email Add-On
                If you plan to use the Submit via Email add-on (to report issues by sending an email), you must have a POP3 or IMAP mail server to store the emails that Tracker will process (this mail server software can be running on the same server as Tracker or on a different server). Further details on these requirements are available in the Adding Records via Email section of the NetResults Tracker Administration Guide. The Submit via Email add-on is available as a separately priced option.

                Server Mail Server POP3 or IMAP Mail Server
                Additional Requirements for NetResults Tracker API
                The Software Development Kit (SDK), purchased separately, can be used to allow other applications to submit issues to Tracker. Software written with the The SDK connects to the Tracker server via the Application Programming Interface (API). To use the API, the following additional requirements must be met. Please review the requirements section of the NetResults Tracker SDK Help for further details.
                Server Additional Software Microsoft SOAP Toolkit 3.0
                Client Operating System Windows 2000 (Professional or Server) with Service Pack 1 or greater (recommended)
                Windows XP Professional
                Windows Server 2003

                Additional Software
                Software Development Kit (SDK)
                Microsoft SOAP Toolkit 3.0
