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                OnLAN Messenger 社※会网络分析软件▆

                OnLAN Messenger  社会网络分析软卐件
                • OnLAN Messenger  社会网络分析软件「
                产品报价: 9802
                OnLAN Messenger 社会网络分析软件

                OnLAN Messenger  社会网络分析软件

                如需本款软件【的最终价格,请留言咨询 ,我们将尽快给您报价。

                OnLAN Messenger的信息服务是一个客户服务器多用户申请,即时信息和文件交换。此产品已经开发使用的企业网络,因此,它的◆职能和设置,主要是指处理的需要,各种规模的ω企业,提供一个安全的和可配置的工具,即时消息和接收必要的ζ 用户信息。

                The “OnLAN Messenger” service’s name comes from “local area network [LAN] message exchange.” It underlines that OnLAN secure instant messenger is corporate-oriented (enterprise) and corresponds with the needs of companies (and sister companies) for a convenient, controllable, safe, and secure messaging software. OnLAN Messenger is a client-server, multi-user application for message and file exchange. This product has been specially developed for use inside corporate networks as an enterprise instant LAN messenger. Therefore, its functions (messenger and chat) and settings are primarily focused on making sure that businesses have a secure and convenient means of sending files and messages.
                5 Benefits for Your Company:
                A. Send messages to your colleagues through your own corporate instant messaging network
                B. Take advantage of features essential for your team and forget about useless and complicated functions
                C. Enjoy guaranteed highest security level with messenger chat, which simply can’t be achieved by public messengers like ICQ, AIM, and MSN
                D. Monitor the actual working time of your employees
                E. Save on the most cost-effective enterprise messaging software
                Unique Features
                Always Online when Working: loaded on startup, a user can’t force the messenger to close
                Guaranteed Delivery and Reading: 100% delivery and reading guarantee through read notification
                Working Time Monitoring: employees’ online presence reports, analytics, and charts
                Flexible Policies Editor: setting up different policies, settings, and roles for different users
                Easy Centralized Installation and Setup: the software is installed once on administrator’s computer. After that, all users are ready to run it on their workstations.
                Administrators’ Web Interface: user-friendly administrator’s web interface that is accessible from anywhere
                Centralized Settings Management: each user’s messenger’s settings can be managed from the messenger server
                Centralized Updates: the software is updated for all users at once

                All Actions and Messages in One Place: centralized actions logging and all messages viewed in web interface
                Active Directory Integration: Integration with any source or database on contact information (AD, LDAP, any DB, Excel, etc.)
                Outside Contacts Avoidance: messaging is limited within your company
                Virtual Private Network (VPN) and Terminal Server Support: secure data transfer through remote access
                Visible Organizational Structure: multilevel hierarchy of departments and divisions of employees
                Group and Personal Messages: sending messages to a group of users or only to the chosen one
                Users’ Information: status, group, position, phone number, e-mail all in a popup window when aiming mouse pointer at a contact name in OnLAN Messenger’s main window
                Message Status and History: view status of sent/received messages in message history window
                Offline Messages: A user will receive sent messages as soon as he goes online
                User Status Support: view present status of a user: away, screensaver, computer blocked, etc.
                No Internet Connection Required: the system has its own secured messaging server
                Encryption and Compression: all messages are secured with cutting-edge encryption methods, and delivery is guaranteed by TCP protocol usage with minimum load of network channels
                Formatted Messages and File Transfer: sending messages and files with formatting
                Command Line Message Sending: sending messages from command line
