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                RP97 ToolKit (石油常用分析工▂具)

                RP97 ToolKit   (石油常用分析工具)
                • RP97 ToolKit   (石油常用分析工具)
                产品报价: 7853
                RP97 ToolKit (石油常用分析工具)

                RP97 ToolKit   (石油常用分析工具)

                如需本款软件的最终价格,请留言咨询 ,我们将尽快给您报价。
                BINGHAM流变学参数计算 (以Fann Viscometer数据为基础),并使用宾厄姆塑性流动模型查找摩擦压力或水泥损失。
                DARCYH - Darcy流动方程,以计算水平气井对油管流动压力
                ARCY2H- Darcy流动方程,以计算水◥平气井对形成面的压力

                BINGHAM [New Program] - Calculates rheology parameters (based on Fann Viscometer data) and finds friction pressure losses when displacing mud or cement using a Bingham plastic flow model.
                BRINE-0,1,2,3 [New Programs] - Determine the required amounts of salt (volume or weight) to mix various salt water solutions for completion or work over fluids.

                DARCYH [New Program] - Darcy flow equation for a horizontal gas well with calculations made from flowing tubing pressure.

                DARCY2H [New Program] - Darcy flow equation for a horizontal gas well with calculations made from pressure at the formation face.

                DARCYOH [New Program] - Darcy flow equation for a horizontal oil well.

                EFF_RW [New Program] - Effective wellbore radius and skin factor calculation for a horizontal well.

                FLD_BING[New Program]- Calculates fluid displacement and pressure losses when pumping mud or cement assuming a Bingham plastic flow model.

                FLD_PLAW [New Program] - Calculates fluid displacement and pressure losses when pumping non-Newtonian fluids or salt water assuming a Power Law plastic flow model.

                GAS_I&O [New Program] - Calculates inflow performance of gas wells using real gas pseudo pressures and outflow performance for given tubing string based on Gray Gas/Condensate vertical flow program.

                GRAY_GAS [New Program] - Vertical flow correlation for gas wells. Uses Gray gas/condensate correlation to determine pressure changes with depth and flowing bottom hole pressure for entrained fluids, fluid acceleration, temperature gradient, and non-hydrocarbon gas components.

                HOR_OIL [New Program] - Steady-state oil productivity of a horizontal well as calculated by Borisov, Giger, and Joshi.

                HOR_OIL2 [New Program] - Steady-state productivity of a horizontal oil well with effects of different vertical and horizontal permeabilities.

                OIL-BHP [New Program]- Vertical three-phase flow correlation for oil wells.

                OIL_I&O [New Program] - Calculates inflow performance of an oil well using Vogel IPR and outflow performance curve data for flowing or gaslifted wells based on a modified Ros correlation.

                POWERLAW [New Program] - Calculates rheology parameters (based on Fann Viscometer data) and finds friction pressure losses when displacing mud or cement using a Power Law plastic flow model.

                SPIN_ANL [New Program] - Calculates flow rate, water holdup, slip velocity, water rate and oil rate from a combination spinner-flowmeter and gradiomanometer production logging survey.

                WELLFLOW [New Program] - Calculates and plots flowing oil well choke performance based on the work of Gilbert and Ros. Similar work was presented by Poettmann and Beck.
