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                ImageTool for Primavera 文档管理∞软件

                ImageTool for Primavera 文档╲管理软件
                • ImageTool for Primavera 文档管理软件
                产品报价: 12951
                ImageTool for Primavera 文档管理软件

                ImageTool for Primavera 文档管理软件

                如需本款软件的最终价格,请留言咨询 ,我们将尽快给您报价。
                ImageTool for Primavera 管理工具
                任何一个项目,无论规模与范围,都需要对有关文件进行参考、评估、批准、搜索和存档。ImageTool for Primavera 是专门为客户设计的,帮助他们完成项目文件管理的一个软件。

                ImageTool for Primavera

                Any project, regardless of size and scope has associated documentation that needs to be referenced, reviewed, approved, tracked and archived. ImageTool for Primavera is specifically designed for Primavera users to help them manage project documentation.
                A Complete Solution
                Collaboration is only one part of managing your project documentation. While Primavera provides the ability to collaborate, it does not offer a scanning and archiving solution. By implementing ImageTool with Primavera, you will have a complete solution to manage all of your project documentation.
                Depending on which Primavera product you are using, documents scanned with ImageTool are automatically linked to the appropriate activity ID or correspondence item. Documents can be converted to full text for building issues and keyword searches in the notes field. The ImageTool database provides the non-Primavera users within your organization access to these project documents. Users can search and retrieve documents by entering any combination of document attributes or performing a keyword search for words contained within the document. In order to expedite project documents throughout the organization, ImageTool statuses documents for data required and ball-in-court approvals, and utilizes your email for task notification.
                -Other benefits found in ImageTool for Primavera are the CD archive wizard, a very robust document scanning environment, and support for the web
                -Seamlessly integrate with Primavera software
                -Immediately access critical project information
                -Secure your project documentation
                -Eliminate redundant copies
                -Share information across project team in seconds
                -Mobile File Cabinet
                -Increase productivity
                -Reduce expenses
                -Enhance claims avoidance procedures
                -Permanently store and archive project documents
                -Project closeout wizard
                -Full text search of documents
                -Sortable search results
                -Statuses documents for data required and ball-in-court approvals
                -Email notification for ball-in-court contact
                -Document indexing template designed for project teams
                -Powerful OCR text engine for optional keyword searching across documents
                -Automation makes indexing documents fast & easy
                -Robust document scanning environment
                -Industry standard data and image formats
                -Support for Microsoft Office and Outlook
