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                Biblioscape Server (Biblioscape服务器)

                Biblioscape Server  (Biblioscape服务器)
                • Biblioscape Server  (Biblioscape服务器)
                产品报价: 5971
                Biblioscape Server (Biblioscape服务器)

                Biblioscape Server  (Biblioscape服务器)

                如需本款软件的最终价格,请留言咨询 ,我们将尽快给您报价。

                Biblioscape服务器包含两个服务器软件:BiblioRemote和BiblioWeb。 两个服务器软件是为让你分享一个Biblioscape用户之间数据库而设计的。他们和Biblioscape一起安装。 所以单独的安装是没有必要的。

                您 可以测试两个服务器在Biblioscape的试用版。一旦注册,Biblioscape Pro包括为两个服务器的一个并发许可。它可以被用来提供单用户远程访问。例如,您可以在你的工作机运行服务器和从家用电脑访问你的数据※库。 Biblioscape图书馆版本包括3并发许可。如果需要,你可以购买更多的并发许可。

                如果有 几个Biblioscape用户在你的组织中,你们都想打开一个共享数据库,BiblioRemote服务器『是理想的解决方案。虽然 您可以打开一个共享数据库,通过在你的局域网(LAN)将数据库文件夹放在一个共享驱动器。在这样做有优势也有劣势。首先,共同操作的性能在 Biblioscape将会很〓困难,当数据库的大小增加时。第二,将会有一个巨大的负担在你的网络,当开一个大型数◥据库这样的方式。这两个问题◢都可以解 决,当你通过BiblioRemote服务器打开一个共享数据库。与BiblioRemote,你也可↑以控制更多的用户特权。当用于LAN环境,您将实现 良好的性能,即使当打开一个大型共享数据库。点击这里了解更多关于BiblioRemote服务器和↑它的设置。


                Biblioscape Server includes two server software: BiblioRemote and BiblioWeb. Both server software are designed to let you share a Biblioscape database among users. They are installed with Biblioscape. So no separate installation is needed. You can test both servers in Biblioscape trial copy. Once registered, Biblioscape Pro includes one concurrent license for both servers. It can be used to provide single user remote access. For example, you can run the server in your work machine and access your database from home computer. Biblioscape Librarian edition includes 3 concurrent licenses. You can purchase more concurrent licneses if needed.

                BiblioRemote Server
                If there are several Biblioscape users in your organization and you all want to open a shared database, BiblioRemote server is the ideal solution. Although you can open a shared database by putting the database folder on a shared drive in your Local Area Network (LAN). There are dis-advantages in doing so. First, the performance of common operations in Biblioscape will be poor when the size of your database increases. Second, there will be a huge burden on your network when openning a large database this way. Both problems can be solved when you open a shared database through BiblioRemote server. With BiblioRemote, you also have more control over user privileges. When used in a LAN environment, you will achieve good performance even when openning a large shared database. Click here to learn more about BiblioRemote Server and its setup.

                BiblioWeb Server
                BiblioWeb is designed to provide web access to your Biblioscape database. So others can search, browse, even add records to your Biblioscape database without installing Biblioscape. All they need is a web browser. As BiblioWeb administrator, you can decide who can do what to your database by assiging Read or Write privilege. Unlike other web based application which requires expert knowledge to setup and maintain, BiblioWeb can be run by anyone. Beacause all you need to do is a double click of BiblioWeb.exe. The trade-off is a very limited customizability in BiblioWeb. So if you have an in-house web application development team, BiblioWeb may not be the best solution. You may achieve better result by using Biblioscape ODBC driver to access the database, and integrate Biblioscape with the rest of your web site. But if you are a regular user and want to get web access to your Biblioscape database easily, BiblioWeb server is the way to go.
