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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类♂大全 > 信↑息化校园 > 软件及平台系统 > 科学软件

                Harvard Graphics Instant Charts (快速报↘表软件)

                Harvard Graphics Instant Charts  (快速报表Ψ软件)
                • Harvard Graphics Instant Charts  (快速☆报表软件)
                产品报价: 8510
                Harvard Graphics Instant Charts (快速报表∏软件)

                Harvard Graphics Instant Charts  (快速报表软件)

                如需本款软件的最终价格,请留言咨询 ,我们将尽快给您报◥价。

                Harvard Graphics Instant Charts软件点击几下鼠标就可以转换报告、电子报表、备忘录、演讲词以及网页。用起来十分的简单、方便。多种功能选择:灵活的模板、简单的托放链接、修饰网页和邮箱界面、设计新颖、多色选择、多种◢设计选择以及输出、输入筛选。

                Transform your reports, spreadsheets, memos, presentations and Web pages with just a few mouse clicks, Harvard Instant Charts coordinates the graphic elements for you?layouts, colors, textures, illustrative charts and graphs create powerful, high-impact communications!
                Create the High-Impact Effects Normally Reserved for Professionals!
                Intelligent Formatting
                Using the power of this remarkable, patented technology, Harvard Instant Charts "understands" the relationship between visual graphics and data and text layout--even when you don’t--and automatically coordinates the design process for you. The result is that professional-level graphics may be designed with virtually effortless use.

                Simple Drag-and-Drop with OLE

                Residing alongside a host application, Harvard Instant Charts, through a simple drag-and-drop operation, allows you to place your desired layout graphic into any presentation graphic, desktop publishing, word processing or other standard application.

                Embellish Web and E-mail Graphics

                Create graphics inside the program’s edit window and save as GIFs?ven your E-mail and Web pages can enjoy the sophisticated-looking results of Harvard Instant Charts!
                Layouts for Every Purpose

                Whether you want to add a list, chart, relationship, process or other text or data layout, Harvard Instant Charts’ comprehensive gallery of preset formats ensures you find the look you want.

                Design Sophistication

                From "sportscast" and "boardroom" page designs to "sandstone" and "embossed" textures, Harvard Instant Charts provides the graphic elements needed to create a polished, comprehensive design.

                Complex Color Schemes

                Professionally-designed color schemes ensure you get fantastic, colorful results with a single mouse click.

                Innumerable Design Combinations

                Combine different page designs, layouts, color schemes, and textures with simple mouse clicking---the combinations are endless.

                Import/Export Filters

                Harvard Instant Charts supports the import of BMP, DIB, EMF, GIF, PXC, TIF, and WMF file formats. Also supports export as GIFs along with proprietary HIC file format.

                System Requirements

                Minimum Requirements:

                Windows 95, Windows 98, 98SE, ME, Windows NT 4.0, compatible with Windows XP in single user mode
                Pentium processor or above
                8 MB RAM - 16 MB RAM Recommended
                4 MB available hard disk space
                VGA 256 color display - Recommended Hi-Color.
                Mouse or other pointing device
                CD ROM drive
