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                SlideWrite Plus V 7 交谈式绘图≡软件

                SlideWrite Plus V 7  交谈式绘图ㄨ软件
                • SlideWrite Plus V 7  交谈式绘图◣软件
                产品报价: 8279
                SlideWrite Plus V 7 交谈式绘◥图软件

                SlideWrite Plus V 7  交谈式绘图软件

                如需本款软件的最终价格,请留言咨询 ,我们将尽快给您报价。

                 SlideWrite Plus 交谈式绘图能让你轻而易举地画出极为复杂的图表,具有精美投影片的高质量,在它问世超过十年的时间里,已有数以万计的爱用者。

                SlideWrite Plus creates presentation quality charts, graphs and slides for technical presentations, publications, reports and more.
                It can quickly create complex drawings and 2D and 3D graphs with advanced scientific features that set us apart from other presentation software.
                Below is a summary of just some of the features that make SlideWrite Plus Great!
                Data Entry
                Our powerful datasheet makes it easy to enter, edit and transform your data.
                •Type in data, paste it from the clipboard or import it from an ASCII file.
                •Import data from Excel spreadsheets.
                •Plot up to 16,000 points per graph and 40 graph series per chart.
                •Full cut, copy and paste support.
                •Import single graphs to create multiple graphs on a page.
                •Calculate the Mean and Std. Deviation, Std. Error, 95% Confidence or 99% Confidence across rows.
                •Calculate Size, Total, Minimum and Maximum for the data set.
                •Data transformations and swapping.
                •Sort data in ascending or descending order.
                •Fill data range by specifying a starting value and increment.
                2D Graphing
                Here’s just a sample of the many advanced 2D graphing features (see Sample Charts) we offer:
                •Basic graph types: bar, line, scatter, area, mixed, hi-low and pie.
                •Advanced graph types: histogram, box-whisker, "Before and After", polar.
                •Partial cycle log scaling (e.g. 2 to 4000, not just powers of 10).
                •X Time Series can include days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds.
                •X axis labels can be staggered or drawn on the diagonal.
                •Use the actual X data for the X axis labels.
                •Dual Y axis plotting - plot data versus two independent Y axes.
                •Break both the X and Y axes to eliminate repetitious or irrelevant portions of data.
                •Display even and uneven error bars on scatter, bar and line graphs.
                •Plot any equation of the form y=f(x) (e.g. y=10*sin(x)).
                •Probability scaling for X and Y axes to display percentiles.
                •Numeric bar charts with user-defined bar width.
                •Automatically lay out up to 40 multiple graphs on a page.
                •Use Multiple Chart Layout command to create a multi-panel chart with common axes. This command will automatically align and close the gaps between graphs and suppress axes labels and tic marks.
                •Area Calculation option calculates the area under any data series, curve fit or equation and (optionally) copies results to the clipboard.
                •Digitize XY Data command allows you to identify and save any XY location on the graphs, curves and equations.
                3D Graphing
                We offer these 3D graphing features (see Sample Charts) and more:
                •3D bar, ribbon, area, scatter graphs.
                •3D mesh plots - wire frame or opaque with hidden surface removal.
                •Contour plots.
                •Handles irregularly spaced XYZ data for mesh and contour graphs.
                •Color-coded mesh surface and contour lines.
                •Flexible 3D viewing with full tilt, rotation and perspective control.
                •Accurate X, Y and Z axis clipping.
                •Automatically lay out multiple graphs on a page.
                Math and Curve Fitting
                SlideWrite can fit a complex, nonlinear curve to your data quickly and easily with our Curve Fitter Module. It’s simple to use and highly automated. See CurveFit Tutorial for more information about the Curve Fitting process.
                •Linear curve fitting with 100 built-in functions arranged in four major groups: Linear, Exponential, Power and Polynomial.
                •Nonlinear 2D and 3D curve fitting. Resident parametric nonlinear equations such as Exponential, Power, Sigmodial, Cumulative, Logistic Dose Response, PH Activity, 1-Site Ligand, Photosynthesis, Gaussian, Lorentzian, Logistic Peak and User Defined.
                •User-Defined equation to custom fit any equation to data with up to eight coefficients with user specified initial coefficients.
                •Finds best fit among group of user-selected functions.
                •Statistical review of fit including goodness of fit, regression coefficient summary, ANOVA table report, etc.
                •Function evaluator calculates X given Y or Y given X for a fitted equation.
                •Performs t-Test and reports student’s t-Statistic and pValue.
                •Mean Calculation option analyzes your data set.
                Easily annotate a graph or dynamically place multiple graphs anywhere on a page. Or place a scanned image or photo on your chart with our drawing module that rivals many stand-alone packages.
                •Add lines, boxes, arrows, circles, text, curves, polygons and freehand drawing.
                •Place and size clip art figures and images including WMF, BMP,GIF, JPEG and many other files.
                •Cut and paste objects between charts.
                •Rotate objects with the mouse.
                •Group and ungroup objects.
                •Table editor with full style control for each cell.
                •Zoom and pan for detailed drawing.
                •Align, center, and flip commands.
                •Direct manipulation of graph titles, sizing etc.
                •Layout multiple graphs on a page.
                •Works seamlessly with our Science Figure Packs clip art collection.
                Word Charts
                Create an attractive word chart or bulleted list in just minutes with WYSIWYG editing and a toolbox for quick access to all editing features.
                •WYSIWYG editor with full text style control.
                •Push-button superscripts and subscripts.
                •Automatically shrink text to squeeze more on a page.
                •Automatically expand text to fill up the page.
                •Microspace character for fine spacing adjustments.
                And More...
                •View multiple charts in File Open option makes it quick to browse and select charts from a file folder.
                •Push-button superscripts and subscripts.
                •Launch SlideWrite from within PowerPoint, MS Word, CorelDraw and other applications that support OLE through the Insert Object command.
                •Superscripts and subscripts supported throughout the product.
                •Make global changes to graph’s styles for a consistent look.
                •Export your chart as an image in WMF, BMP, GIF, JPEG and many other formats. Options to control the DPI, sizing, color depth and compression of the image file.
                •SlideWrite fonts and Special Character map allow quick access to Greek and Math symbols.
                •Change font settings (font, color, effects) for the entire chart with a single click.
                •Export charts in the Batch Form as HTML pages. HTML Export has a easy-to-use menu that acts as a step-by-step guide to create your Web pages. You can add title and notes for each slide.
                •Batch capability makes printing and displaying groups of charts easy.
                •The SlideWrite Plus Network Pack upgrades SlideWrite to allow additional users.
                •Technical support - complete Windows help file, printable manual, and 24-hour Web support.
                •And much, much more.
                System Requirements
                SlideWrite Plus Version 7 requires Windows XP or Vista and approximately 18MB of free disk space to install.
