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                Business Analytics Suite 商业分析■软件

                Business Analytics Suite  商业分析软件
                • Business Analytics Suite  商业分析软件
                产品报价: 13047
                Business Analytics Suite 商业分析软件

                Business Analytics Suite  商业分析软件

                如需本款软件的最终价格,请留言咨询 ,我们将尽快给您报←价。

                Vanguard Business Analytics Suite是一款专为商业建模者设计的软件。它拥有最高水平的分析能力。

                The Vanguard Business Analytics Suite is designed for professional business modelers. It offers the greatest level of analytics capability among our single-user, desktop applications by including the following Vanguard System™ components in a single application:
                Vanguard Studio™
                Decision Tree Analysis Add-in
                Forecasting Add-in
                Monte Carlo Simulation Add-in
                Optimization Add-in
                Web Development Add-in
                If you have a number of people who work together in building business models, you should also consider the Vanguard System Server.
                To compare the functionality of the Business Analytics Suite to that of other Suites, refer to the Product Comparison Chart.

                From Data to Decisions
                By adding Optimization to Forecasting and Simulation capabilities, the Business Analytics Suite gives you a level of capability that is unmatched in any software. The primary reason for building a forecast model is to allow you to test competing business plans and chose the best one. However, this can involve a significant amount of manual what-if analysis. Using the Stochastic Optimizer, the Business Analytics Suite can automatically exercise your forecast models to find the best business plan. This will allow you to find solutions that are often impossible to find with any other application.

                Enterprise-scale Capacity
                The Business Analytics Suite (and the Vanguard System in general) gives you the ability to build enterprise-scale models. Spreadsheets, the most popular tool for business planning, are suitable for basic business modeling, but suffers from an inability to scale efficiently as your models grow in complexity. If you have ever tried to build a very complex spreadsheet model, you will appreciate how the difficulty of managing the model grows exponentially with the model size. At some point, you hit the Wall--a point at which it is no longer practical to improve or maintain the model.

                The Vanguard System uses hierarchy, object-oriented modeling principals, and a rich graphical interface to make it possible for models to grow without the exponential explosion in complexity. The result is that models are much easier to build, maintain, and keep free of errors.

                The architecture for building massive models is only one of the key requirements for enterprise-scale modeling. Moving from a simple, point-forecast model to a Monte Carlo simulation increases the computational complexity 1,000 times. Spreadsheets can handle moderately-sized Monte Carlo simulations, but this is the limit of their capabilities. The good stuff begins when you move to Portfolio Modeling, where the computational complexity is 10,000 times that of a point forecast, and when you move to Optimization, where the complexity can increase to 100,000,000 times that of a point forecast.

                To handle massively complex models, Vanguard supports Grid computing. Using an inexpensive network of existing computers, you can put true supercomputing power on your desktop and handle problems of almost limitless size. Vanguard is the only commercial software that has this capability.

                More Information
                Since the Business Analytics Suite is built on the Vanguard System platform, you can get more information about its capabilities by reading about the Vanguard System Server or by referring to the following system component pages:

                Vanguard Studio™
                Decision Tree Analysis Add-in
                Forecasting Add-in
                Monte Carlo Simulation Add-in
                Optimization Add-in
                Web Development Add-in
